I disagree with the conclusion because I feel that everyone is on their own in this life, nothing is fair, and some may call it cynical, i call it realistic. Therefore I believe that there should be no equitable distribution of resources, and that in order for a society to be competitive and successful, the people must be in a constant state of competition, which would be capitalism
2006-12-10 14:46:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Capitalism is good. It breeds progress and makes cheap, quality products available to the masses. However, you said that a mixed economy tries to make a "fair and equitable distribution of resources." How is taking resources and money from the people who earned them fair? And as for health care, the government should most definately not control it. The government cannot perform any service as well as independent companies can in a free market. Look at the railroads in our earlier history. The government owned or subsidized railroads charged more, provided worse service, and were burdens on everyone. The one railroad that was completely independently run was very successful, to itself as well as beneficial to the masses. Better service, low ticket cost, and no help from government funds.
2006-12-10 23:31:03
answer #2
answered by ...... 2
State owned healthcare systems are cheaper for the vast majority of the population. Yet, nationalization of healthcare could be a problem in terms of innovation, and novel treatments. I also, know the Untied States is protectisitc with Pharameticuals, banning importation of medication that are the extract same qaulity from a different country.
Healthcare system now in America will treat everybody, but the insurance coverage is the main problem. We need look at steps like standardizerd Claim forms. Standardized collection of healthrecords, a standardized health database of electronic health records.
I figure the cost on business get so high that private insurance companies will in the end will colluide and take in all and play by uniform rules not exclude people, and cherry pick, in return for less goverment internvention if they can keep costs down, and produce good health outcomes. Insurance companies will be private, but the goverment will control the data, and information of the healthsystem to prevent fraud, and waste to insure people healthcare costs not going up 10% a year. Privacay of healthcare records is part of the problem privacy laws make it very harder to catch people scamming the system. Transcracy will cost people privacy, but employers and workers cannot afford a 10% increase in healthcare costs every for much longer.
2006-12-10 23:08:27
answer #3
answered by ram456456 5
I think under corporate pressure we are constantly shifting towards pure capitalism and away from a balanced mixed economy. In capitalism it is capital that is given prominence, and people and our needs are not catered to. The consequence is what you are seeing, the shrinking of the public domain and public assets through privatization. What is privatization but allowing a small minority have the rights to the benefits of what belongs to people. This of course means undermining democracy and government, too. Without a strong public sector it is the corporate sector that calls the shots. Also what we are seeing is a lot of propaganda for increasing corporate power at the detriment of the sovereignty of people. Just look at some of the NAFTA policies which have precedent over our parliamentary legislation. The gap between the haves and have-nots has increased to an immoral extent and such gaps are indications of the health of our society. Whatever problems we have with our medicare are the result of lack of will by our governments catering to the profits of the corporate sector and their well-being instead of the general public. Consequently we as the public should guard our democracy and its health. I'm sorry to say we are failing in this civic duty of ours.
2006-12-10 23:25:10
answer #4
answered by peace m 5
I agree to a certain extent.
Health care companies must continue to be privately owned in order to compete in value and quality of health care. this will also promote continued medical advances.
But it is Health care insurers that should be tightly controlled to ease the out of control costs of healthier to the people of a nation.
there are just some aspects of a economic system that actually becomes a problem to the whole system itself, and that is areas that are necessities to community health, and resources such as energy and fuel, that shouldn't be completely held in private sectors.
now some folks will argue that it is socialism to suggest what i have, but in reality when the security and well being of a country relies on those things, it isn't socialism to remove certain industries from the private sector to prevent greed from being a weapon of mass destruction.
2006-12-10 22:55:25
answer #5
answered by qncyguy21 6
Any "fair and equitable distribution of resources" is nothing more than socialism.
Completely disagree. Socialist nations use government controlled things like health care to control the people. The more the government controls, the less freedom individuals have.
2006-12-10 22:46:47
answer #6
answered by GOPneedsarealconservative 4
i believe in capitalism, and i disagree that a gov't run healthcare system is at all a good idea. our gov't is running all it's resourses into the ground. our gov't can't support itself. our gov't is too closed minded to provide to all. why is viagra a covered prescription and birth control is not? not one single state has outlawed fertility treatment, but some outlaw abortion. it is a federal offense to have a pound of marijuana but you can have as many cartons of cigarettes as you can buy. you can even give them to your own kids.
2006-12-10 22:57:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Capitalism is the bane of the masses who fall victim to it, and it has enough money to control the world anyway.
2006-12-10 23:06:51
answer #8
answered by Reba K 6
Capitalism is great. It makes lazy people lose.
That seems like a good definition of a mixed economy.
2006-12-10 22:46:37
answer #9
answered by peon 3
I view Capitalism as superior to other systems. It provides the most freedom to the individual.
On a socialist medical program....why in the world would someone trust the goverment with that. They would own us lock, stock, and barrel.
Not to mention privacy issues.
Americans would literally be at the mercy of the government.
2006-12-10 22:50:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous