Any cleaning product should be used carefully during pregnancy, especially if it's as highly scented as Pine-Sol. Adequate ventilation is a must. Consider switching to more natural cleansers. Check out the Method line at Target. I've found those scents to be mellow and pleasing, and there's a nice variety to choose from.
BTW, pregnancy can be taxing on a woman, and scents that did not bother her before can suddenly be something she can't stand - the same way we develop aversions to certain foods or drinks. Take it easy, huh? Especially if it's the first trimester.
2006-12-10 13:07:56
answer #1
answered by Capri 3
LOL I've never heard of that. And I had a funny experience the other day (I am 33 weeks now). I was craving some hot tea and all I had was green tea which I've read/heard can be "dangerous" to pregnant women.
I called the nurse at my OB's office who said she's heard some things about it, but really didn't have any information about it. She also said that if it were that dangerous to pregnant women or there was a huge concern, it would state right on the label of the product to not use it while pregnant or to check with your doc if you are pregnant before use.
Wow. Talk about a slap in the face. How come I didn't think of that??? LOL!!!
We use Pine-Sol to clean (my husband does...I don't like the smell of it close-up) floors and I've had no issues with it being in the house.
But you can always do a search like on Yahoo or Google and see what comes up. If there has been any concern about it, chances are you will find it in a search:)
2006-12-10 13:09:17
answer #2
answered by retrowfmk 4
Why should it matter. Your wife is probably playing it safe. She is concerned about the well being of her and your unborn child. Why don't you help her? I would think that it would contain certain fumes not good for the child. The doctor said certain paint was bad and so is paint thinner. Maybe even if it's not dangerous it makes her sick. I am eight weeks and it can be a pain (almost literally) because the things you usually do, you cannot. Maybe you should be more help.
2006-12-10 13:15:25
answer #3
answered by Kelly s 6
I don't know if it is or not, but if she doesn't like pine sol get her something else to clean with that's not so harsh. I think you should be a little more considerate of her, I'm sure you're doing your part when it comes to cleaning, aren't you? :-)
2006-12-10 13:08:18
answer #4
answered by bobbie v 5
Umm you can clean dipstick! She is right any chemical could hurt your baby. So get out the mop open a window and clean up .Men like you make the good guys look bad
2006-12-10 13:18:12
answer #5
answered by iamblessed 6
I have to agree with your wife. I wouldn't mess around with strong chemicals like that during my pregnancy. Try experimenting with cleaning with white vinegar and water. It would be safe for her. Also try to help her more with cleaning -- that would be the best thing!!
Congratulations on your new little one-to-be.
2006-12-10 13:06:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am not sure. My husband insists I don't use any cleaning solutions. You could always ask the Dr. I agree with everyone else that you should maybe just help out.
2006-12-10 14:11:57
answer #7
answered by priss879 2
LOL, no, its not to get out of work. Certain chemical can harm a baby. Have her try to stay away from household chemicals. as well, if you didnt already know, keep her away from cat litter too which is very dangerous to a baby. Good luck and Merry Christmas. BTW, your not a Jerk!
2006-12-10 13:09:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Anything that is a volitile organic compound may be dangerous during pregnancy. Like cleansers, bleach, air freshners.
Secondly suck it up and take care of your wife! She is carrying your baby she IS NOT your slave.
2006-12-10 13:06:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You know, even if it's not dangerous, give your wife a break. Pregnancy is hard. Let her enjoy this time. Spoil her. Don't be a jerk.
2006-12-10 13:07:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous