Go with what your heart says. If you feel that you don't want this baby, then I would give it up for adoption after birth. However, if you want your child then you need to accept the responsibility that you are pregnant and you need to do whatever you can to take care of your child.
I don't think because you are 17 that you would feel selfish sometimes, heck I think every body thinks that at some time or another.
The thing is you did have sex and you are pregnant and now you need to decide if you are able to raise your child or if you want to give it to a couple who is!!!! Good luck with your decision and Merry Christmas :)
2006-12-10 10:44:49
answer #1
answered by ? 4
you sound very mature in some ways to admit that you can be selfish, not many people your age admit to it hun
i got pregnant with my 1st at 15, it was very hard, but i managed it, but i knew from the start that i could do it. and i did, hes now 10 and has another brother and sister. they are very well behaved children. and if i may say so myself they were brought up very well. age is only an issue if you make it an issue
it depends on your own feelings hun as what to do, either way as long as you have lots of support. Take your time in making this desision, its not one you can rush hun.
i know i havent been much help, no one really can, follow your heart, not your head, Youll already know deep down what is best. The best desision isnt always the easiest one.
Either way, it has to be right for you, no one else hun. I wish you all the luck in the world whatever you decide. xxx
2006-12-10 18:54:06
answer #2
answered by fanlight 3
Having a child at a young age does not "ruin" your life but if you are responsible it alters it greatly.
Do the best you can to seek support within your community. Find and befriend other mothers because you will need them to get you through the tough times. You may not think so now but you will probably lose at least half of your friends if they are not mothers themselves. Becoming a mother changes everything and many of your childless friends won't understand. It doesn't matter if you are seventeen or thirty-seven it just happens because your life will become about your child and you will find yourself having less and less in common with them.
Take the time to do the things you will not have time for when your baby arrives. Attend parenting classes, read books about childbirth and parenting a newborn. Prepare for your baby's arrival. These things should help you get focused on becoming a mother and not about how much you're going to miss.
2006-12-10 18:51:03
answer #3
answered by On the upside 4
Its hard being that young and pregnant. I would know I had my daughter when I was 16. I think that it is normal to want to be selfish and put yourself first. What you need to do is figure out what you want. Do you want this baby? Having a kid is a full time responsibility. Your life is no longer your life, it is now your child's life. I choose to take responsibility for my actions, because one I don't believe in abortion and two I knew I couldn't bring my self to give her up. I love the decision I made and wouldn't change it, even if I had the opportunity to. I will admit I have my moments where I say I wish I could have done this or that. Then I stop myself and say I wouldn't have had all these other moments or memories without my daughter. I am happier because of her.
2006-12-10 18:46:33
answer #4
answered by cmvnow 1
I think you should really search your heart, for what is the best for you now, you may regret down the line. I can speak for the other side, I was adopted, I had a nice family, but there are always questions with no answers. Wasn't I good enough? wasn't she able to take care of me?, if she had it to do over again would she have given me up? These are questions you may have to answer one day, when they show up on your doorstep and say I think you are my mother.As far as ruining your life ? Think for a minute, how long does the " party times " last? What do you get out of all that? Now what a reward to see your children grow into what you have molded them to be. To say I have my mother's perseverance and pride, to thank for all I have become.Then I won't even start on how fun it is to see all that in your grandchildren eyes. There is no greater gift if you are ready, but if you are not don't put that on yourself and your child. There are alot of great people out there ,that are unable to have children and would give more love than you can imagine. Soooo... It has to be your decision, no one else will answer for it later but you. I will say a prayer for you tonight,I wish you strength,and guidance for your decision please let us know.
2006-12-10 19:10:16
answer #5
answered by Joner 1
In my opinion a baby cannot ruin your life it will bring you so much joy and happiness even when things aren't going so well.
If you have any feelings that you want to keep and get to know your child then wait it out and if your feelings change then you always have the option of adoption.
I am 17 and pregnant and I can't wait for my little girl to arrive
your pregnancy will have your hormones going wild which is one possible reason for why you feel this way so just think about it and talk to someone if you can and get some advice.
Good luck xx
2006-12-10 19:01:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you didn't want to ruin your life, you should have thought about keeping your legs together before it was too late. You're too young to be having a kid and if you're selfish now and having thoughts like this, that's somewhat of an indicator as to how you will be as a parent. If I were you, I'd put the baby up for adoption. Give it a real chance at being happy as opposed to being with a mother who is going to want to be out partying, dating, whatever instead of taking care of it. Besides that, you have no idea of how much it takes to raise a child. It's incredibly stressful to provide for a child without some sort of education beyond high school. Going to college with a newborn is almost impossible.
I know it sounds like I'm being mean, and perhaps I am, but you posted the question and sometimes the truth hurts.
2006-12-10 18:53:07
answer #7
answered by Nicole 3
well you knew what the outcome might be b-4 you had sex, and now you are pregnant so maybe its time to grow up and think, no being rude just honest, the little baby in your belly did not ask to be put there, have you ever heard the saying you play you pay. a baby will not ruin your life only you can do that. as in the being happy, only you can do that also. good luck and I will be praying for you.
2006-12-10 18:49:22
answer #8
answered by debbie k 2
Make sure you have a plan, and many back up plans. NKnow how ur going to raise the baby, what ur going to do to for life and how its gonna effect u and the baby in the long run... Dont stress about anything, jus know God gave u a gift, and many ppl wait their whole lives to get a gift like urs, so cherish it.
2006-12-10 18:45:02
answer #9
answered by DD 2
your happiness is no longer important from here on out your child is everything in your life if you think you cannot reasonably take care of your child or that you would rather be out being a seventeen year old then maybe you should give it up for adoption or something
2006-12-10 20:06:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous