The one that doesn't have a hole in their pocket. The one with the most common sense that can also balance a check book. The one that can think and plan for the future and Gee !! wouldn't it be nice if both could come together on that. Then money has a purpose and a reason and doesn't become amunition in a dispute.The root of all evil. There are so many little ways in which one can save money and believe me they ad up. My Dear Mother use to say "A penny saved is a penny earned". I am a woman and she also told me that "if a man marries the wrong woman, that woman can throw more out the back door than the man can bring in the front door." That stayed with me. When we first got married 53 years ago, my husband found every reason to trade cars soon as the last note was paid. I said "We are never going to be able to start saving if we are constantly makin car payments. He agreed and that was our start. Later on we had enough saved to pay cash and save all that interest. Our 5 children were the only ones in school that could raise their hand when asked."Is there anyone here whose parent doesn't live with on going credit cards ? We never paid interest. You didn't ask but that is such sound advice, I just had to give it.
Good Luck to you in your marriage and I hope it is a christian union. Ours hasn't always been but the part that was is the very best. Have a Wonderful Christmas and A Peaceful New Year !!!
2006-12-10 08:42:44
answer #1
answered by Jill ❤'s U.S.A 7
A marriage is a partnership totally. Both adults should equally manage the finances.
2006-12-10 13:52:57
answer #2
answered by beverly c 1
Both. In every married couple's financial affairs, there should always be two financial allocations if you ask me. Each of the two should have a shared account and a private one, especially since more often both man and wife are responsible for income.
It is therefore natural that couples share a common financial management, but there are always things that each of them would want to do, which the other probably would not consent to. Of course, they both have to be heedful to provide equally, more or less, maintaining their living standards, before deciding what sums to put aside for individual disposal (as long as that is within legal; decent; humane, and other agreeable purposes).
Therefore, that money has to be entirely separate from that which is commonly shared, not to affect the stability of the assets sustaining family welfare and way of life. Individual privacy is an essense in my life, even within marriage, and so that's the way I'd run the show, making that premaritally known to and approved by my spouse.
2006-12-10 08:46:39
answer #3
answered by Elizus 2
The person who is best at managing the finances should manage the finances.
2006-12-10 08:06:42
answer #4
answered by facetious5488 2
The finacial manager should be whoever is better at kepping track of the bills and the check books and credit card usage,keep in mind that all of the decisions should be made with the other spouse nowing about what is gouining on,If you or they try to hide something it could become a finaciall or mariage disaster.
2006-12-10 08:14:58
answer #5
answered by Marie A 1
If your hubby has 1/2 a brain and has to take his shoes off in order to count to 20, better let him do it, you'll be to busy cheating on him,,,,,just kidding, of course the one you want in charge is the one who can manage the income, people that love to spend money aren't always good at managing it,,,Its kinda like this women buy what they need and men buy what they don't need, don't send a child into a candy store with a dollar and tell him he can only spend 25 cents, say goodbye to that dollar, if your good at math and don't need to buy everything you see you should be taking care of the business end, almost a no-brainer.
2006-12-10 08:23:02
answer #6
answered by Pincushion 1
whoever is better at managing the money, bills, etc
in our case my wife handles all of the finances. Beacsue she is great at managing the checkbook, making sure the bills are paid on time, doing all the shopping, etc.
2006-12-10 08:06:45
answer #7
answered by Troy 2
Whoever is more responsible with money, can set a budget, and see that the family sticks to it. (Hint, this will probably be the one with the higher credit score if you can't decide).
A second choice may be whoever has more time, but may be disastrous if they are not good with money in the first place.
2006-12-10 12:47:00
answer #8
answered by Therapist 5
one element is for specific you could communicate approximately this in the previous getting married. possibly attempt keeping issues separate until you're greater tender (and could examine each and each others spending conduct) then you incredibly can open a joint account. If u do each and each come to a call to pay 50/50 purely divide each thing in 0.5 or u pay some issues he will pay others. shop it common. Does it rather matter variety that your 10 365 days previous son eats greater? he's your husband (and your sons step father to be) rather he will prefer to shield you and not be that stingy/petty. in terms of your loan - if its "your place" then u cant assume him to pay 50% of the loan. i might advise you get your place valued and are available to a pair form of economic settlement that in case you divorce you will get to maintain regardless of the home is worth now and something would be 50/50. Then placed his call on the loan (in case you're married long sufficient and injury up he would be entitled to a proportion besides so which you are going to be able to besides get it documented). good success!!
2016-10-18 01:58:08
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Marriage is a partnership so there should be no leader or manager. You work together to achieve common goals and work seperately for your own objectives on whatever ratio of disposable income you both agree to.
2006-12-10 08:06:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous