Okay I don't 'celebrate' Christmas, but I'm not against it either. I was thinking of maybe a necklace, bracelet, earrings, or a book. [If book, any recommendations?]
How much should I spend on each person if I'm giving gifts to 3 people at school. I guess you could say we're close, but...yeah. I just don't want like them giving me a huge thing, and me giving them a miniscule bracelet, you know. Lol so any suggestions? If jewelry, how many of which? Please be specific, thanks!
10 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Fashion & Accessories
well since its a relatively small group of people you could probably form a budget, maye 30 dollars, and split that amoungst them. remember its the thought that counts, so a cute necklace or something is always appreciated. If you want to go all out, ask your friends if theyd be willing to do a 'secret santa' where each of you buys one big gift and trade amoungst eachother. Either way youve got it easy, i need to go Xmas shopping for at least 30 people before next week!
2006-12-10 07:10:03
answer #1
answered by idbangrobertplant 6
I would set aside $5-$10 for each of them and go shopping with their personalities in mind. You don't need to get them all the same exact thing as long as you spend about the same amount on each of them.
Go somewhere like Target, Old Navy or Aeropostale, that will have a lot of different items to chose from, and at reasonable prices. Some cute ideas are: cozy slippers, pj pants, pretty scarves, tote bags or purses, hats, calendars, photo albums, picture frames, funny logo t-shirts, etc.
Just be thoughtful and get something that suits each of their styles or personalities- don't overthink it!
2006-12-10 15:19:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You should get them each and yourself a Sterling, Silver Pave CZ heart ring. Each ring will cost twenty dollars, so for four people, it'll be about eighty dollars in total. Plus tax, so about eighty five. But I'm sure it'll be totally worth it. Imagine it as a friendship ring. And if you don't think that isn't enough, you should make a photo collage of all the times you've had together, good or bad. This is sure to be the coolest present ever for them!
2006-12-10 15:31:50
answer #3
answered by sPrInG LiLY 6
Why don't u give ur friends cash or a gift card so they can go uot and get what they really want. Also they won't be stuck with a gift thet they don;t want or like
2006-12-10 16:31:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i would go 4 a necklace white gold(pendent)for each,with a common intersets of all 3."Jcpenny's or khohls"cheap but looks great.big sales right now.Or any idea is to go to a little spa & get facial's 4 them,everyone loves them.(& u can go 2)
2006-12-10 15:13:38
answer #5
answered by cleo 888 2
i spend only about 5 to 10 dollars on each of my friend. get them something that you know is something they would like, and don't set your mind on just one thing. just go to a store and look around usually something will just pop out at you.
2006-12-10 15:11:31
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
a buy a gift certificate to see a movie in the movie theater
make a mixed CD if they like similar music
2006-12-10 15:21:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
why don't you buy something for all of them, like a camping tent or anything if they all know and are friends with each other...
or you can get each of them a nice movie, earrings, neklace, caps or nice tops, the budget should be 20$ each i guess...
2006-12-10 15:12:46
answer #8
answered by zinaa 4
well it really depends on how much u wanna spend
2006-12-10 15:09:54
answer #9
answered by can-d-cane 3
u could try to do it differiently like dont get them anything
2006-12-10 15:13:50
answer #10
answered by dsfwe w 1