I have a favourite shirt. i love the way it fits. but i'm starting to get a reputation for only wearing this shirt when i go out cos i love hwo it fits so much. does anyone know of anywhere in london (central/north preferably) where i could take this shirt along, choose some fabrics and have other versions made in exactly the same size? without having my original shirt completely unpicked of course. thanks!
4 answers
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Beauty & Style
➔ Fashion & Accessories
i should say, i'm not looking to spend a fortune in the saville row type shops and i'm looking for somewhere that's not so traditional in terms of fabrics. the shirt i'm talking about is a £25 checked cowboy shirt so i'd be after similar fabrics. so i'm more interested in hearing of local tailors which offer good value services. thanks!
07:22:21 ·
update #1