Well, I'd say congratulations- but you don't seem to be too thrilled with things so far. So to answer your questions-
a. If your tampon is in place correctly, you should not feel it at all and it should not cause any sort of pain. They do make tampons in different absorbancys and even have junior sizes for this reason. If you are young and a virgin, it may be you are simply using one that is too bulky for you. Try using a regular absorbancy, or a junior.
b. Cravings for salt and chocolate are documented, and may have physiological reasons. Just try to go easy on them, as they do have other effects on the body aside from the taste and satisfying the cravings.
c. Normally periods are erratic for the first year or so after the first one appears. They may occur on a regular basis, and eventually you will settle into a pattern of a period every 28-34 days. A normal period lasts from beween 4-5 days, starting off light, getting a heavier flow and then tapering off again. You should get a period about once a month, every month, until you are nearly 50. After a few periods, you will become accustomed to them, and if they don't happen it will bug you more.
d. Yes, you can wear the tampon all night. Toxic shock is a fairly rare phenomenon, and since tampons no longer contain the superabsorbant micro materials, the risk has dropped considerably. Avoid those tampons which contain deoderants, and try to insert a fresh one right before going to bed. Then change it shortly after you awaken. During the day it's a good idea to change every 3-4 hours.
If the discomfort from the tampon doesn't go away with switching to a smaller size, it may be you will need to wait a bit to use them. There are very thin maxi pads on the market, and they are impossible to detect under your clothing. Also, if toxic shock is a major concern for you, using pads virually eliminates the possiblity of you developing it. For nightime use, there are overnight pads which are longer and more absorbant, and many women use them at night to avoid having to use a tampon for such an extended period of time. If you have a heavy flow, it's possible for the tampon not to protect you all night long, and a pad may be a better choice if that is the case.
Cramping can be handled with use of Motrin(Ibuprofen), Aleve (Naproxen Sodium or Naprosyn), Midol,or Pamprin. Heat from a heating pad will also help. Sometime ladies note some puffiness from retaining water, and this can usually be dealt with simply by drinking more water, and waiting a day for the hormones to settle down. It is normal to feel slightly puffy and sensitive in the belly or back at the start of a period.
There are no activities that you can or can't do while on your period. You should still take an active role in your life. You can play whatever sport you like, and should do so. You obviously would want to wear a tampon to go swimming, but you can still go. You should be exeptionally careful of your personal hygeine, taking a daily bath or shower, even during your period. There are still some folks out there who think you shoudn't shower or bathe at this time, and that's just an old wive's tale- not true. You aren't more suseptable to colds, flu, or anything else at this time. In fact, having your period is no reason to avoid doing anything you want to do. You also do not have to live or tolerate pain or cramping. If the over the counter medicines don't work for you, by all means go see the doctor for help. Pain and periods do not have to go together.
If you have questions that you need answers to, you really shoud try asking your mom first, and then asking the school nurse or your phys.ed coach. They can give you the best answers, and are a lot more dependable than asking others. I know this all seems a great mess and inconvenience now, but you will get used to it and see it as just another part of yourself in time. Eventually it will feel really strange for it not to happen, and you will find that equally irritating. Just consider it a reminder of a power women have to actually give life and influence the future. Presidents and kings come and go, they influence things for only a short time. A mother influences things for much longer, and more to the point- every person in power has a mother with influence over them.
I hope you also understand that you are now fertile and capable of becoming a mother- and you have to take responsibility for that choice. While birth control pills and patches will prevent pregnancy, they do not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Any partner is a potential risk for sharing those with you, and looking clean is not an indication they are clean. There are some which are treatable, though embarassing to catch. Some are treatable, but hard to detect until the damage is done- like chlamydia. Some, like HPV,herpes, and AIDs, are not treatable- only controlable to some extent, and you will have them for life. Don't depend on the information your friends pass around. Find out for yourself, be smart, and protect yourself. You are definitely not a child any more, and you owe it to yourself to be smart and careful.
2006-12-10 06:28:50
answer #1
answered by The mom 7
Okay, it hurts to lay on your stomache because you can often get cramps and stuff when you have your period and you are not used to a tampon yet. Most girls can not use tampons when they first start, but you were lucky. It is normal to want to eat during your period. You will get bloated, so you are not gaining weight, and you may get very grouchy. If you just started it depends. For about the first year when you have your period, it may be a few days late or early and may last different amounts of time. Usually the first year about 3-8 days. It depends on if your a heavy bleeder or not. DO NOT keep tampons in over night. You should only keep a tampon in for about 4 hours. Do not worry, just where a pad and if you bleed a lot, than keep a towel under you and a large pad. Hope the advise helped. Good lUck!
2006-12-10 06:02:33
answer #2
answered by puffalump 3
A: If it hurts when wearing a tampon then you should remove it. Are you wearing the right size tampon for the right flow you are on. If you are having a light day then you shouldn't be wearing super tampons.
B: It's normal to crave any type of food. When you are on your period your hormones are going haywire so different foods with seem very delicious at that moment.
C: Every girl is different. My craps last the day before I get my period and a little of the day I get my period and that is it. The cramping is when your period is coming on. So it shouldn't last more than that.
D: You should read the directions carefully. A tampon should not be left in longer than 8 hours. You should change it every 3 to 6 hours, though.
If you are afraid of that then wear pads.
-I would recommend telling your mom that she isn't teaching you enough about womanhood. It's very important that you have a good relationship with her. She's been through everything you are going to go through in your life.
2006-12-10 06:05:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A: I don't know. Maybe you don't have the tampon in high enough. It took my a couple days to finally get my tanpons in right. Tampons always help my cramps in my vagina go away.
B. It is very normal to crave chocolat, cheese and bananas. Chocolate and bananas have potasseum in them and that is what your body is craving. Although, bananas are a lot more healthier for you than the other two. So eat more bananas if you wish.
C. Craps... God got angry at Eve for eating the apple... so He got even with her and gave Eve cramps while on her period. Unfortunately, God wants all of us women to suffer.
D. Yes you can leave a tampon in all night. I've done that when it's heavy flowing. I change it right befor I go to bed and leave it in through my morning shower (so I don't get my towel bloody). So that would be about 10 hours I would leave it in. I haven't experienced any TSS. So go ahead and leave it in (no more than 10 hours though!) unless your body can't handle it.
2006-12-10 06:42:59
answer #4
answered by happy02170 2
It is normal if you have the cravings for Chocolate i know i still do. I think all girls are like that. Craps all depends on every ones body. I know my last for 2 days or so. You can leave a tampon in over night i do it and i have not had a problem with it.
2006-12-10 06:03:01
answer #5
answered by semperfiwife18 1
A: it should not hurt.. while wearing a tampon any position should be comfortable
B: craving foods during your period is completely normal
C: you need to talk to you mom if its bothering you so bad.. and you also need to get it all figured out because if your only 15 .. you are going to have your period for a while yet
D: leaving a tampon in at nite is fine.. i do it and i dont have TSS.. if you are scared dont do it.. only do what you are ready for.. they just put all that stuff on the tampon boxes basically to scare you.. what they are really trying to say is dont leave it in for like 3 days.. lol
Good Luck
2006-12-10 06:07:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
B--yes it is, you can have the weirdest food cravings while on your period.
C--until you're in your fifties. Well, you won't have your period every day until then, but it will finally end then.
D--No, no you can't. Instead, use a pad--besides, the way that you're lying, not too much blood should spill out. Use the pad and then take a shower in the morning.
2006-12-10 05:58:05
answer #7
answered by Briar 4
Everyone is giving you good answers. However, I'd like to add this information. You might want to get an obgyn. They can check your parts and prescribe birth control pills for you. Birth control can relieve cramps and make your face clear up. Also they can help cut back on so many days being on your period. I highly recommend being on them. Other then that...Welcome to women hood!
2006-12-10 06:33:04
answer #8
answered by Estrella Negra 4
I'm only 13, but I've had my period for a year.
A. It might not be in all the way and on the verge of being pushed out by your pelvic muscles.
B. Yes yes... especially cheese.
C. Cramps for me last about 15 minutes.
D. NONNONONONONO! Do not leave it in!!!!!!!!! DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT!
2006-12-10 08:54:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
a) its not in properly
b) yes
c) normal is 5-7 days, every 28 days, untill menopause
d) yes...if all night means 8 hours
2006-12-10 06:08:43
answer #10
answered by whatever 2