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i'm trying to align three different list on the same line on a webpage source code. is there a way we can put a list on the right, center, the third list on the left of the same line. please help me asap.

2006-12-10 03:37:18 · 3 answers · asked by coolkenny45 2 in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

3 answers

The easy way to do this is to create three seperate div's or coloumns on the page.

I do not have time to write out the full code here, but you can find help and/or examples at:

A CSS table from pmob:

some interesting list-based navigation:

2006-12-10 03:55:26 · answer #1 · answered by Sm.mS 3 · 0 0

not confident what you try to do. textual content alignment is maximum somewhat performed interior the stylesheet, not on your html rfile. once you've a div with "textual content align: accurate", then all of your textual content in that div will align accurate. stylesheet for a div must be some thing like #divname { drift: left; textual content align: left;}

2016-11-30 09:41:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I hope I'm understanding what your asking. If you want something like this:

-List 1 -List 2 -List 3

where the lists are one the same line, this is the coding you want:

  • item1

  • item2

  • item3

  • item4

  • item5

  • item6

  • item7

  • item8

  • item9

As you can see, I'm just setting up a table and putting one list in each of the cells in the same row. This is by far the easiest way. Also, if you want a list with numbers instead of bullets, change the
      , and it will replace all the bullets with numbers.

      Hope this was what you are looking for, and hope it works for you. Good luck!

      2006-12-10 06:48:34 · answer #3 · answered by milan 4 · 0 0

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