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this question was in olympiad & of 10 marks so can't expect it to be very easy

2006-12-09 23:24:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

9 answers

I can make a triangle :-)~

2006-12-09 23:26:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It relies upon on the triangle. do you recommend a precise triangle? equilateral? we desire extra archives. Too imprecise. that's what you do: set up triangle, base in line with axis. locate equation of lines for the factors section = base*top base = (2x) (h relies upon upon unique triangle even though y=) here is the case for precise trianlge with legs a and b Set on axis so as that each and each axis acts as factors(90deg) and then draw the hypotenuse. If we've the leg on the x = a and the top on the y = b. then the equation of our hypotenuse would be y = -b/a x + b section = (2x)(-b/a x + b) = -2b/a x^2 + 2bx A' = -4b/a * x + 2b ===> set=0 -4b/a * x + 2b = 0 ====> x = -2b / (-4b/a) = a/2 the main important section is while x = a/2 plug in to get y = b/2 best section is A = ab / 4 :) For EQUILATERAL trianlge: call the two factors length s. top would be sqrt3 / 2 *s Equation of the component will now be y = -sqrt3 x + sqrt3 / 2 *s section = (2x)(y) the place y = -sqrt3 x + sqrt3 / 2*s A = -2sqrt3 x^2 + sqrt3*s* x = sqrt3 (-2x^2 + s*x) A ' = sqrt3 (-4x + s) ===> set=0 x = a million/4*s So the rectangle would be base = a million/2 s and top is h=

2016-12-11 06:09:22 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

1) using the edge of the paper to represent the fourth line, you can construct a rectangle with 3 lines.

2) using 2 pieces of paper, put one paper overlapping on the other piece. draw a line that goes on both pieces. then you can use the combination of these two papers to get your rectangle with only 3 lines (because in the first line you drew, this has now become 2 lines).

2006-12-09 23:36:54 · answer #3 · answered by Lilliana 5 · 2 0

How about this?
You have a sphere.
Draw a circle on the surface of sphere.
Now draw 2 lines that make 2 chords on the circle that are equal in length and are parallel to each other.
Would that make a rectangle?

2006-12-10 00:44:10 · answer #4 · answered by yljacktt 5 · 0 0

Draw a rectangle and place three lines with in it. Thats a rectangle with three lines :-)

2006-12-09 23:39:47 · answer #5 · answered by mesalcut 1 · 1 1

its possible if you consider one of the lines to be a broken line with a 90 degree angle.

2006-12-09 23:26:06 · answer #6 · answered by MrSmarT 3 · 0 1

ask a politician they seem to know how to make the "impossible" sound easy to do!

2006-12-09 23:34:15 · answer #7 · answered by Sam 3 · 0 1

I don't think it is possible.

2006-12-10 00:12:58 · answer #8 · answered by ATS 2 · 0 0


2006-12-09 23:26:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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