Millions and millions of years of evolution and where are all the millions and millions of fossil links to evolution? Where are all the animals in the evolutionary process? So far mutations all have negative effects on the living process, natural selection is a lot different that evolving. We should be digging up tons of missing link fossils, not a couple random pig bones in different stratus layers hundreds of yards apart. Come on evolution is bonk and takes a butt load more faith than God created it does. Read anything by Dr. Ken Hamm for more info on the subject and get real answers to your questions....the answers are obvious, but your hardened heart to being accountable to God is the real issue isnt it?
2006-12-09 16:14:58
answer #1
answered by Kathryn W 2
Our "so called scientific facts" make a lot more sense than most anti-evolutionary arguments. If I hear one more person ask how come there are still apes if evolution is true, I think I'll scream. I swear, once I even heard a Creationist say that if evolution were true, then pigs would be able to fly! Every time someone like you starts ranting about evolution, you just prove how woefully ignorant and arrogant you are.
For the record, a few refutations:
First, as to the fossil record. We have considerably more than the two or three fossils you described. We don't, I'll admit, have a complete, unbroken record. But is it really reasonable to expect one? We're talking about millions of years here--most bodies, even bones, get lost or decompose in that amount of time.
Second, as to the question of apes. We DID NOT evolve from the apes which exist today. Humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor, which is now extinct. The reason there are different species of apes is because the ancestor-apes in different regions evolved different survival mechanisms.
Third, as to the argument that evolution is "just a theory" and therefore should not be taught. This is the most understandable Creationist error, as very few are willing to take more than the minimum of science classes and therefore they tend not to realize what a theory is. A scientific theory is an idea with a considerable amount of proof behind it, as in the Theory of Gravity. What laypeople call a theory, scientists call a hypothesis.
Fourth, regarding why pigs don't fly. I don't know how widespread this argument was, but it was so obviously flawed I had to comment on it. The author said that thousands of years of pig breeding still hadn't produced a pig with wings. Well, duh! There are two things wrong with this statement. First, evolution works over millions of years. There's no guarantee that a few thousand years could produce an observable change. Second, pigs have been bred by humans, who want fat, docile pigs, and would certainly prevent any widespread pig-wing evolution becaues they don't want livestock that can fly away.
Fifth, regarding political correctness. If the only reason why evolution is accepted is because it's politically correct, then how did it get that way in the first place? When Darwin came back from his voyage and told people about his ideas, they were shocked. It certainly wasn't politically correct back then to believe we evolved from apes. Darwin kept studying evolution because even then, he could see how strong the evidence for it was, not because it was politically correct.
Sixth, and last, regarding the eloquent and well-reasoned argument that "they are atheist idiots!" or equivalently, that we are sheep who refuse to question the accepted wisdom of the day. I suppose you do have a point there. We blindly accept the Theory of Evolution, based on only hundreds of books, the opinion of most of the leading scientists of the past hundred years, fossil records, geological evidence, DNA evidence, and common sense. That's really not enough to go on. What we need is a two-thousand-year old book that's been translated four or five times, usually by people who are more interested in keeping their jobs than learning the truth. It should have been written largely in allegory and parable, making it almost impossible to tell what it claims the literal truth is. Ideally, it will have been written in a time when the very concept of science--testing ideas with experiments--was unknown, and people believed in magic as the explanation to all of life. After all, what better proof could there be than that?
2006-12-09 17:26:42
answer #2
answered by Amy F 5
It is fair to question anything that is presented to you. I think that evolutionists cannot actually prove anything, in simple one stage facts, but they have an idea which makes sense. There is not, and will never be, a sequence of finely changed fossils in perfect order and undisputable identification which will 'prove' evolution. Fossilization is a rare and random thing, a perfect sequence would be beyond any paleontologists best dream. But it is fair to assume that species are the way they are because becoming that way was the best thing for them at the time, and that was Darwin's claim.
You can pick your own seeds in the garden, and discover that you have selected the varieties which will perform best in your climatic/soil conditions, that isn't a theory, its a fact, and if you keep doing it for generations, you will produce your own strain, or even species, of locally adapted plants.
So where is your problem?
2006-12-09 17:52:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, lets look at the different SCIENTIFICALLY BASED EXPLINATIONS besides evolution;
Hmm, I cannot actually seem to find another one that doesn't use PSUEDO-SCIENCE.
Look at the facts, Christians detest Harry Potter because it is 'witchcraft', yet look at the bible, it has more damn witchcraft and murder than all the Clive Barker, Stephen King, and George A. Romero flicks COMBINED.
And, Atheists are not morons, people who follow some Big-*** imaginary friend, are.
Poojay, you do realize, that the **** you put in your car, is broken down fossils, right?
Might explain why we are missing a few peices.
And why do we criticize you being a Chrisrian without you saying so?
Because as far as I have heard, the only religions that have a problem with Evolution, all pray to the same God.
2006-12-09 16:05:37
answer #4
answered by Allen M 1
The do call it a theory when they refer to it, 'The Theory of Evolution'. So, while it might be a widely held proposed method for how life arose on Planet Earth, it's still under development, new data is still being literally unearthed, and scientists are still evaluating it.
I don't know why people get so overly passionate about disproving it, or saying that their Judeo-Christian creationist views are right and the theory of evolution is wrong.
What if Evolution is the process by which God created life?
2006-12-09 15:59:03
answer #5
answered by somewherein72 4
Because evolution on a micro-scale is undeniable even by creationists. We've observed micro-evolution during our lifetimes with things such as resistant strains of bacteria. While the extrapolation of such observations onto origins of life do have some unobservable "gaps", they are far less significant and fewer than what is offered by religion-- usually just anecdotes. Thus, most intelligent persons try to follow the theory with the least holes, in this case, evolution.
2006-12-09 16:02:52
answer #6
answered by Nathaniel H 1
Most scientists accept evolution as a well-proven theory. A good discussion is in an article from Wikipedia, the free, online encyclopedia. Much discussion has gone into this article, with contributions from a wide range of views:
I strongly suggest you try to read these articles. It might help you answer your question, " Why do people still think that evolution is how we got here?"
There is no fundamental conflict with the theory of evolution and God. God can create in anyway He wants, regardless of the limitations some people place on Him!
Hope this helps!
2006-12-09 15:58:06
answer #7
answered by cfpops 5
Because it is a proven fact. I have the proof if anyone is interested.
Postscript: I will address the matter of "missing links." It is necessary to remember that genetic information is stored in digital, not analog, form. That means that the smallest possible change is one bit. But there is NO maximum: a one-bit change can activate all or part of an intron, or de-activate all or part of an exon, leading to a change which is as large as you please. Hence, a supposed missing link may never have existed.
2006-12-09 16:39:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What "holes" are there? As far as I'm concerned (and apparently many other people), evolution is the only credible explanation of life on this planet by a long shot. Don't confuse the scientific term "theory" with the common use.
2006-12-09 15:57:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A theory is just that, a theory. And Darwin, based on his ability to observe the natural world, proposed this theory. As of yet, no other scientific theory has come close to either disproving Darwin, proving Darwin, or proving that another idea is more accurate at descerning our existence.
Scientists, being who they are, could never offer proof of a theory without doing a study. A theory of this nature would require a logitudinal study, which is the hardest type of study to conduct.
It is not a common idea in "this country," as its origins are in England.
"Politically Correct" is a term originating in the description of how politicians respond to questions or issues and has become a way of describing being empathetic to everyone, and therefore unable to do anything. In other words, it is more "socially correct" than politically.
Furthermore, the only other theory offered for the creation of the world is Creationism. Until scientific evidence arises that disputes the age of the Earth's carbon (aka billions) and confirms the Biblical age of 6,000 it won't be adpoted by the scientific community.
Finally, Darwin had no intention of creating the Theory of Evolution. His purpose aboard the Beagal was to seek evidence of a world-wide flood to confirm Biblical stories.
2006-12-09 16:13:28
answer #10
answered by M 2
Well boy, I have talked to some of the leading scientists of today and they do not say any such thing. People still think that evolution is how we got here, because it is how we got here. It is late for me, so I am going to leave you to the young evolutionary biologist, who may have a few things to say about this subject.
2006-12-09 15:58:13
answer #11
answered by Anonymous