Tankers full of Iraqi oil must be lined up along the Maine shoreline near his Daddy's house. Bush Jr. did not want U.N. cronies to be the only ones making money off the theft of Iraqi oil. (sound about right Libs?)
The minds of Liberals are like houses devoid of any furniture and decor. Barren wasteland comes to mind.
2006-12-09 16:12:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
'You've got to go where the oil is. I don't think about it [political volatility] very much.'
Dick Cheney, US vice president and former CEO of oil-services company Halliburton (1). Speech to Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Association annual meeting, 1998
Within weeks of supplies being seriously disrupted, the country was in danger of grinding to a halt and even the government was threatened. But before the Iraq crisis gained serious momentum, people here barely gave a second thought to where fuel comes from and the misery that its exploitation can create. We might think hard about what to put in our trolley when going around the local supermarket, balancing the ethical implications of one item of shopping over another. Yet when we go to fill up the car afterwards, how many of us wonder about the impact of that purchase?
This report shows that for many developing countries, oil reserves are more likely to prove a curse than a blessing. New research from Christian Aid - along with important studies from some of the world's leading development specialists, and research by both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund - indicates that poor countries dependent on oil revenues have a higher incidence of four great and interconnected ills. Oil, in these conditions, becomes the key ingredient in a 'lethal cocktail' of:
• greater poverty for the vast majority of the population
• increased corruption
• a greater likelihood of war or civil strife
• dictatorial or unrepresentative government.
In cases where oil has been the cause of wars, or has funded the prolonging of wars, it can justifiably be regarded as 'blood oil'.
2006-12-10 00:03:05
answer #2
answered by dstr 6
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it very much about oil.
About 80% of the World's oil comes from Saudi Arabia, a country ruled by the family dynasty of the House of Saud, who unlike most other Arab leaders are good friends of the US.
The USA agrees to protect Saudi Arabia in times of conflict (like it did in the first Gulf War), and in return Saudi Arabia sells fairly cheap oil to the West.
In the mid-1970's when the rest of OPEC voted to withhold oil from the West due to the Arab-Israeli war, Saudi Arabia broke ranks and continued to supply both the USA and Europe with oil.
Whenever Libya, Iran or Iraq is denied permission under UN sanctions to sell oil, the shortfall is normally made up by Saudi Arabia. Likewise, after the Gulf War when most of Kuwait's oil wells were destroyed by the fleeing Iraqi's, in stepped Saudi Arabia to make up the difference again (small though it was - less than 7% of oil comes from Kuwait).
However, one of the drawbacks of the Saudi regime is that its citizens tend to get rather fed up with the lack of democracy in the country, and as a result there is a strong likelihood that within the next 10 years Saudi Arabia might have to become more "democratic" i.e free elections.
This could lead to a deeply anti-Israeli government being elected (as tends to happen in the Arab countries), meaning a possible embargo or refusal by the new Saudi leaders to sell any more cheap oil to the USA.
Therefore another "supplier" is required. Step forward Iraq - currently 3rd in the table of "oil reserves" after Saudi Arabia and Iran.
One of the first things that the US negotiated with the interim Government in Iraq was an agreement securing "exploration rights" to large areas of the Iraqi oilfields to help offset the cost of liberating Iraq from Saddam.
Therefore it is about safe-guarding future oil supplies rather than current stocks, something that will become more important as oil reserves start to run out and the USA has to complete for dwindling stocks with the likes of China, India, etc.
If it was about liberating oppressed people from dictators then half the countries in Africa would have been invaded by now, but they haven't.
Dictators like Robert Muggabe have butchered more of their own people than Saddam ever did, but as Zimbabwe doesn't have anything of real value in large quantities no one cares.
Wars cost a lot of money..... Sad, but that is the reality.
2006-12-10 10:25:00
answer #3
answered by jonmorritt 4
He is pumping and trucking it into huge salt mine reserves in
Afghanistan where he will install Marvin as a colonial governor to provide an endless supply of loot from the oil and the opium plus the world's largest war-grade plutonium plant and rocket research center to offset Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea. Then china can concentrate on making toys, clothes, and DVD devices. Some clever plan, eh? I think George and his dad planned it.
2006-12-10 00:03:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I believe the suggestion that Bush is stealing OIL is the suggestion that unfair selling practices are suspected to be in use that may not be in the interest of the Iraq people.
As to where the gas is, in our cars. As I remember the Iraq oil reserves are nationalized and auctioned to the highest bidder. My memory may be in error there.
Not funny I admit, but I wasn't really trying.
2006-12-09 23:55:33
answer #5
answered by last_defender 3
Middle East----Does not need Oil
USA---Most of their Oil from Gulf of Mexico & Alaska. Exported from North America(Canada & Mexico)&Venezula
Europe---Hardly produce any Oil depends on Middle Eastern Oil.
Answer the Connection between USA & Europe and you have your ANSWER!!!!
Agree with some views of all PARTIES
Disagree with some views of all PARTIES
I am not a Robot Dem or Rep.
2006-12-10 00:17:37
answer #6
answered by art_raiders 2
the tankers are brought into Texas and off loaded into the same storage bins as all other oil but the cheque goes to his buddy's bank and George gets a shrimp platter(with 3 dippings)delivered to mom and dad.
2006-12-10 00:05:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have a couple theories.
1. He fills his swimming pool with it.
2. He uses it for skin cream.
3. He consumes it. - uagh!! -
4. He sells it back to them for more $.
5. He takes it spills some all over the white house toilett. Funny prank Bush. - how childish - tsk tsk
2006-12-09 23:57:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous 3
It's not hid, all of the oil tankers are lined up in NY harbor just waiting to off load at the UN storage facilty.
2006-12-09 23:57:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There's this big hole in the ground just outside Crawford, Texas and that where they're hiding the oi....no, wait a minute. That's Cindy Sheehan's latrine trench.
2006-12-09 23:50:58
answer #10
answered by ? 5