now, i'm agnostic, and sometimes i'm atheist. however, as a student of religion and a reader of religious text, i would say that buddhism (in its early hina-yana) form would be the most logical. its also the one where gautama siddartha says not to believe a word he says just because he said it, but to find out for yourself. but i wouldn't follow it because its a retreat from the world, an essential nihilism in religious form. but there you have it, thats my learned opinion
2006-12-09 15:34:38
answer #1
answered by the_supreme_father 3
That's easy. Buddhism is the one religion that best
fits the qualities you mentioned. It is rational and
meaningful, chiefly because it is not being bogged
down with useless theology, and can focus on the
human condition better than the other religions do.
And just because it does focus on the human
condition, it is also the most believable. Of course
I'm not a Buddhist myself chiefly because I feel that
*in general* Buddhism is a bit on the negative or
pessimistic end of the spectrum. I much prefer
philosophy myself, just because it is a lot more
positive and optimistic ... but *only* if you know
where to look (ie. which philosophers are most
worth reading and studying and heeding! :)
2006-12-09 18:02:02
answer #2
answered by ? 2
Just watched a documentary on it called Devils Playground. Amish is the only religion that I know of that at the age of 16 years old, they give the children the option to stay within the religion or break away and find the religion for themselves.
I really admire the fact that amish people realize they need to give the option to the people whether or not to follow the religion or not, after they have had time to explore the religion.
In christianity and things, you are baptized at a very early age, basically being born into your religion. At least with the Amish you are giving an option.
EIther way, good luck with your religion choice.
2006-12-09 14:50:26
answer #3
answered by questionaire 2
All religions are just sets of dogmas and rituals and appear to be extensions of superstition. They create man-made images of God which usually contains some terrible human qualities like jealousy, vengeance and the desire to be worshipped and wage war on others.
Sounds more like some of those undesirable world leaders of the past (and present) rather than God. Not to mention the mass fantasy of religion based on fictional events which, if they did occur, would be completely outside the laws of physics and nature.
Find meaningfulness through spirituality, which is different to religion. Try and understand how the different aspects of existence relate to and interact with each other. Get in touch with what you think is your role in life and harm no one.
2006-12-09 15:40:45
answer #4
answered by Mike Rafone 2
if you can get past that relegion is an organized belief than you look to the basic tenants of that quality that seperates man from beast.The ability to reason and to ,early on , survive in less than desirable elements.That was when we discovered that harmony with nature and our fellow being led to a far more lasting life and far less stress.
Differant cultures , although being seperated , often came to the same conclusions
It was only later that 'organized religions took over and usurpt the process.. So as which religion is best-the one that gives you the most peace without compelling you to follow it.
2006-12-09 14:56:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if you can get past that relegion is an organized belief than you look to the basic tenants of that quality that seperates man from beast.The ability to reason and to ,early on , survive in less than desirable elements.That was when we discovered that harmony with nature and our fellow being led to a far more lasting life and far less stress.
Differant cultures , although being seperated , often came to the same conclusions
It was only later that 'organized religions took over and usurpt the process.. So as which religion is best-the one that gives you the most peace without compelling you to follow it.
2006-12-09 14:52:45
answer #6
answered by ? 1
Out of the Four I have studied: Budism,Jewdism, Christianity and Islam here are my thoughts.
Of the Four, Budtism is by far the most unlogical it is Atheistic (there is no god) but there are demons and spirits. This is imposable for the western mind. One thinks of Socrates defending himself against his accusers on a charge of atheis, and the charge that he spreads the knowlege og new demi-gods, he refutes these as being controdictory. "How can I denie the gods and at the same time agknowlege demi-gods the creation of the gods"?(not verbatum-see: The Apology by Plato)
Jewdism: I'm taking the old Testament make prodictions and they get forfiled in an uncany way see:the book of Danial to such an extent that skeptics say it was writen after the fact (400 years or so later, howerever it predicts things in it such as the Macabean revolt (I've read it dosen't predict this but it dose read it.) and the birth and ministry of Jesus Christ, and it is certain that the document is at least 200 years prior to christ, if it is cross-refferenced with authors like Herodotus we see mention of the gaint gold statue set up by the king of babalon, and other factor which an open minded person would find perswasive so inthat sence the dates of its writing are very pluasable.Again King Davids Psamls predict the crusifiction (psalm 22 writen I think 800 years B.C. But I'm not sure it might be older.
Talmud on the other hand is pompus and litted with controdictions with Torah, Rhabis in the right /God in the wrogn kind of stuff.
Moreover, Torah prodicts the Jews rejecting Massiah(whom it promises) many of the prophets do to. The point being that it points to Christianity which I think the most logical of the four.
Isalm's biggest problem is that it claims to be part of the Hebrew Tradion and a reading of the quran shows this not to be the case. Although the chariters such as Abraham are have the same names they are not the same charicters. This is true with God as well, (Allah=God symantics aside) and thus it incorparates the names and events into totaly different storys. It has other things in it as well such as Alexander of Macadonia having horns (which is found on anignet cions (helmet) in quran real horns like the devil of the 1700's. You realy have to read it. Muhamad marrys a 5 year old againt his uncle's (Ieshas father) against his wishes and on his insistence, and consumates the marage when she's seven-things like this you don't see the prophets of the hebrew tradition doing. To cover for this Muslims (Mohamad) simply rid themselves of the contrdictions by saying the old and new testements where changed?(no-historic-Proff-same problem the Gnostics and Atheists have with bible- when they say its been changed dead sea copy of Isaiah Complete copy is the same as the KJV-and Hebrew-mess?) So ultimatly I can't see Islam being part of the Hebrew tration. The NT on the other had never contradicts the Old but establishes it in its place- to condem mankind before God and it gos on to show that man could'nt save himselfe-but God Saves by Jesus Christ. One may disagree but the logic is sound-so if all is true than it is logical. Spell check dosen't work- so sorry.
2006-12-09 15:41:12
answer #7
answered by sean e 4
The religion that seems most logical is the religion you pay attention to in your heart. Learn about God in the same way that all the most spiritual people in the world have: Mohamed Gandhi, the Dahlia Lama, Jesus, Buddha, Siddhartha. and seek God's beauty in the strength of your heart. Your soul seeks strength through spirituality. The importance is that it is not hurting others and it is not just to "feel good" but actually does good for others as well as yourself. That's the way God wants it. Atheism is not a religion. It is just giving up on what your soul seeks. Seek the goodness in your soul. God has given us the innate ability to know what is good and bad. Stay peaceful and well.
2006-12-09 15:31:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Your own.
Because you are unique; and you were created that way.There is no group of people, nor written scriptures, in any religion, that can replace your direct connection with the Creator. Most people don't want to take the fact of their existence seriously, since it takes a lot of emotional and intellectual work, and because they want to be included in a social "group" with others of a similar bent. So they join a "religion."
But God is a deal between you and God alone, and middlemen just add to the expense. If you do not feel compelled to connect to God, then all religions are useless, anyway
On this and other matters, Do what thou wilt. It's your show.
2006-12-09 15:03:37
answer #9
answered by Boomer Wisdom 7
Religion is made up by mankind, to control everyone. Think of it. If religion had not existed, imagine the mess we would be in. Our ancestors would probably all have been criminals or whatever. Let me tell you something, if there is a God, I can't wait to meet his parents when I do croak, after all, he's apparently frozen in time so logically they must be too. Religious leaders have taken us for suckers for too long.
2006-12-09 14:54:10
answer #10
answered by bob c 3
If you take the Bible, cover to cover, the answer is Catholic. While it may not be perfect, the overall message is that of God's deep desire for us to be in a loving relationship with Him. He could have made us obey His commandments. He could have made us love Him. But He chose to give us free will. The kind of "if you love something, set it free" thing.
Believe me, I have tried other things to satisfy a deep internal desire. Much has lead me away from God. But turning towards Him with love and admiration has been the most amazing thing one can experience in this life.
Not too long ago, Catholics were seen as the ones who followed the "rules" because they had to. Things are being viewed in a new light now. The love between each person and God is the main thing. Once that love is in place, rules aren't even necessary, every desire flows from it.
It truly sets you free. I just heard a statement recently that by living in God's love now, Heaven (eternal life) starts now.
2006-12-09 15:00:59
answer #11
answered by Anonymous