Because people want to try to justify it to themselves on why they just killed their baby. Instead of admitting they murdered a baby its easy to say they got rid of a few bad cells. In the long run God will decide an appropiate punishment for them. MURDER is MURDER no matter how you phrase it!!
2006-12-09 14:27:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A fetus is not a human. It cannot function outside of the womb and has no thought process, rendering it just a clump of cells. Besides, the right to choose is more than just an argument of what is human. Pro-choice is a battle to keep the government out of our bodies. Every person deserves the right to have options. If you take away a woman's right to choose, you will be forcing women to seek unsafe abortions.
What makes you think the baby would want to live anyways? What if the child was born from a rape? Do you think they would want to live with that knowledge? What if the mother can't afford to take care of the baby? You may say the child can be put up for adoption, but the world is already overpopulated and there are millions of children who need homes. I spent a large portion of my childhood in foster homes and orphanages and I would never want to be responsible for sending a kid there. Why aren't you thinking ahead to what kind of life that child will probably have?
2006-12-10 12:37:30
answer #2
answered by anonymous 6
I believe that at the moment an egg meets the sperm a baby is formed. I don't believe it is a zygote or any other name you want to give it. A baby's heart begins beating before the second month, the exact timing I'm not sure of but I think it is between 4 & 6 weeks.
I have seen an actual abortion as viewed from inside the womb and believe me it is worse than you can possibly imagine. But, guess what... I AM Pro-Choice. Even though abortion is not for me. Even after I was Raped and missed my period, not once did I think about abortion. But, everyone is not like me. Some people should NOT be parents.
Let's clear up the misconception that women who get abortions are poor or teenagers. Women who are educated and wealthy also get abortions. Their reasons vary, but one thing is clear, they didn't want to have a baby. And think about how horrible the childs life could be, just look at the children being killed and tortured by their derranged parents. I'd rather see an abortion, then a child after being abused.
I have also had 3 miscarriages and every time I felt like dying, but my only dream in life was to become a mom. BUT this is not everyone's dream! And, not everyone SHOULD be a mom.
Even though I have strong beliefs (not religious by the way) I would NEVER push my opinion on anyone else. You have a right to choose - at least for now (until some politician believes it's his right to choose).
Life is precious... whether it is a Pro-lifer or Pro-choicer, but tell me this - If a Pro-Lifer is so against killing, then why were some of them bombing abortion clinics and killing the Doctors, patients and unborn children??
2006-12-09 19:20:25
answer #3
answered by martine_sf 3
"hostile, mean, uncaring and immediatley attach the pro lifers"--a quote from a previous question. Do you honestly think you are being kind and caring? Give me a break! What a hypocrite!?!?
You are too quick to assume and very angry.
I'm a "selfish pro-choice woman."
I do not believe that it's my body, my choice. I do not believe that a fetus is just a clump of cells. I do not believe anything to which you assume I do. Don't generalize--it makes you look ignorant.
When does life begin? I don't know the fact. You do not know the fact. We both know what we believe--which is obviously at conception. Has that been proven? No, it hasn't. Why base a law solely on morals, beliefs, theories, and hypothesizes? There is no reason to. Is that fair to the people who do not believe the same way you do? No.
The discussion should not be about abortion. It should be about life. Like before, when does life begin--at birth or conception? No one knows. There is no theory to which all people (scientists) agree on to make this answer a fact.
I don’t condone abortion. I won’t ever tell someone to have an abortion. I wouldn’t have an abortion. However, I will protect the law of choice for an abortion. Why? Again because there are no facts.
What are you doing? If you feel so strongly about the pro-life cause…why are you on Y!A ranting about it? Is it for an argument? Is it for a little splurge of adrenaline? It’s not worth your time. I’m pro-choice. I will always be pro-choice, just like you will always be pro-life. Get over it. Do something that matters if you do feel strongly about this. Donate time, effort, or even money to this cause you claim to care about. Get involved in an organization that is listed below.
Don’t waste your time. It’s sad.
2006-12-09 14:34:56
answer #4
answered by .vato. 6
Are you going to pay for the baby? NO. Is the catholic church going to pay for your child? NO.
I say its a woman's choice. I cant remember when I was in the womb and neither can anybody else. Im not saying that its not a child, because it is a form of life, but if someone gets raped or accidentally got pregnant (my friend was on birth control when she got pregnant and now has three children) then they have the right to decide what is going to happen to that life. Some people do not have insurance and cannot afford pre natal care, so if they do get pregnant, they cannot afford to keep the baby or make sure that it is healthy during their gestation period.
It is not anybody's business but the person who is carrying the child to say what can and cannot be done. To each their own. And to the people who stand in front of abortion clinics and go after peoples car's and use violence, you are not doing god's work, you are wasting your saturday. Talk is cheap and they can say whatever they want, but when it comes down to it, I have yet to see one of them hand over a check, or for that matter, a dime to make sure that the baby grows up with every neccessity. And it never will, because people will not pay for other's mistakes.
People do think this far ahead. And, on another note, to all those who don't think abortion comes with reprucussion's, my god are you wrong. If you don't think that woman questions herself a million times before going ahead with it, you are extremly naive.
And the little boy or girl does not have the same rights. Up until the age where you become of the majority (18 years old), your sole care giver (whether that be mom. dad, cousin, uncle, appointed guardian) has the right to make all the decisions for you. Abortion is not always a selfish act, being selfish is impressing your beliefs upon someone else. No kid deserves to grow up without the bare neccessities and love that they need for their well being. If someone is flat out broke, cannot support themselves, and is going to regret the child from day one and look at it as a symbol of hate, then why would they have the need to keep it?
Put yourself in someone elses shoes for once. Not everyone is born with the same beliefs. And by biology terms, a baby is not considered alive until it is born. To be considered alive you need to do the seven life functions BY ITSELF, and a baby in the womb is living off of you. It does not do all these life functions until it is born.
2006-12-09 14:42:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you have answered your own question, people don't think that far ahead because they are selfish. Most people get abortions after 2 months of being pregnant.. Well at my 7 week ultrasound, you could see a heart pounding. And you are going to tell me that it isn't a Life that your killing?
wow, could you imagine if Men had that right to say "its my sperm and I can do what I want with it" where would all the pro choicers/pro lifers be then?
Its sad, I wish the world had more common sense. There are way too many selfish, irresponsible women in this world who give themselves up freely and then use abortion as a means of birth control. Oh, and don't even try to go there with me, I work in a pharmacy, I have to see the Plan B morning after pill being dispensed to women day after day because they had a fling last night when they were drunk, or decided to not use a condum because they were too lazy to have one on hand to begin with. . And these women walk away proudly thinking they are doing a responsible duty by taking this pill.. The responsible thing to do is to NOT put yourself in a position to get pregnant to begin with. Then we wouldn't be having any type of debate about this issue.
2006-12-09 15:52:21
answer #6
answered by Deu 5
The fact that an embryo or fetus isn't considered a 'human baby' until it is born is nothing but a loop hole in the law that pro-choicers like to jump through. It isn't science. Science says that if allowed to remain within the uterus, a human embryo or fetus will eventually come out NOT as a monkey NOT a bologna sandwich but as a human BABY. I guess that by the pro-choice definition, partial birth abortion babies ARE babies from the neck down until a doctor punctures a hole in their skull - the only part which remains undelivered and therefore the only part which still doesn't have any rights.
And using pro-vegan tactics to justify the killing of unborn children is just ridiculous because they are two separate tiers of life entirely Colleen.
As a pro-lifer, I am firmly committed to protecting the precious lives of unborn children. I will NEVER back down from fighting to change the laws. I look at my two little boys and can't imagine how utterly unspeakable it would be to see them torn apart and scraped to bits by a vacuum and curettage. That is EXACTLY what abortion is...a barbaric, horrific, murderous procedure that, if performed on a relevant scale to an adult human being would result in life imprisonment or a death sentence.
2006-12-09 16:58:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i don't understand. the article became into too short and simplistic. The arguments have become too political. I agree that to a element that's a woman's scientific selection whether that is used too oftentimes as start administration in selection to creating plans or adoption. babies are human beings and that's time we start up encouraging the different techniques. i'm not asserting i'm against criminal selection. i'm asserting that is greater helpful to plot forward and choose different techniques that think bearing directly to the lives of the two the mother and newborn. i don't think of the two edge does lots of that.
2016-10-18 01:13:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am pro-choice when the woman gets pregnant and has health problems. If being pregnant is a threat to the mother's life, then the mother may consider abortion. I am pro-choice when I can not support myself or don't have a support group or the father of my baby doesn't want any part of my life (or the childs) or if I'm going to wonder for the rest of my life if I place my baby up for adoption, how will I know if my child ended up in a good home or if the child ended up with abusive adoptive parents?
Whether or not the women decide to continue the pregnancy or end it, is a choice.
Using birth control is also choice. Having sex is a choice. Women and everyone else has the right to control their own bodies. If we want to eat junk food because it's bad are you going to put a bumper sticker on your car saying "Junk food has transfat and MSG. Eat organic foods"
So now we have the PRO-Stuffing Yourselves Until You're Satisfied group of people and PRO-Organic group of people.
Whatever we do in terms of eating, drinking, lifestyle, activities is a choice.
If we want to be organ donors, donate our body to science, donate blood or plasma, go to school (or not), donate to charity,'s our choice.
2006-12-09 14:55:35
answer #9
answered by choosinghappiness 5
I have a beautiful and healthy and perfect little 6 month old baby boy, and I wonder the same thing sometimes... then, oops! I remember I too had an abortion. I was 18, uneducated, hadn't found God yet, and scared. I was also in an abusive relationship, and the pregnancy stemmed from a time I did not consent to sex with him. I regret it, and God has forgiven me, but I do understand WHY I did what I did. Not everyone's story is what you think.
2006-12-09 14:30:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Think about all the unwanted children that end up in foster care or worse because their mother can't afford to keep them in good care or can't keep her boyfriend from having sex with them. Think about all the women who don't even consider abortion but rather wait until after they have the children and attempt to kill them. Think about all the kids out there that were born to parents that wanted them and how different their life is from those unwanted children. Sometimes girls are too young to make the distinction that a child is not to blame and they blame them anyway for ruining their lives. You should really exsist at a orphanage for a few years or suffer with a child who has been partially aborted but born before you make such statements. It is no easy piece to be an unwanted child. Many of us turn out badly. And whose fault is that? The mother that should have preached birth control over abstinence? Perhaps if we educated our young to protect themselves in general, then we wouldn't be having such issues.
2006-12-09 14:41:36
answer #11
answered by berecca 2