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I'm in my mid-20's and people often mistake me for a younger of aged person such as teenager. I wear the usual jeans, tight fit tops and parka bomber style jackets. I have been thinking about my style, and maybe i should mature it up a little.. but how?

2006-12-09 08:32:25 · 20 answers · asked by lonely as a cloud 6 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

20 answers

Stylish is always nice. Honestly, I believe the dressing down thing is getting ridiculous in today's society. I mean have some self respect, it's nice to feel good but for goodness sake, does the fact that it makes you feel good make it that much less important to sacrifice everyone else's comfort in your presence? What if I decided to stop showering because I felt more comfortable not having to get in water before I went outside in the freezing cold everyday? It's the same concept. We really need to mind how we look and take atleast somewhat of pride in it. Instead of following a path that seems like everything is becoming a nation of fat, poorly dressed, people who think it's all okay because it's the greatest nation in the world. I believe it's almost a front to make oneself believe they're special or different or unique, when one really isn't because if one was so unafraid of what people thought to begin with, they'd be able to do thing that other people would think was impossible. When most people you'll find, listen to the same music on the radio, dress the same, and have the same type of personality, because other people do, and basically they can't do anything, unless someone else says it's ok to do. Good luck with that I say to them.

2006-12-09 08:39:14 · answer #1 · answered by Answerer 7 · 0 3

You can't go wrong with a classy crisp look. Some dress paints w/ a tailored jacket or a dressy top with some comfy heels. You are sure to look your age. You can add a modern twist to those clothes w/ the right accesories, including head bands, scarfs, belts, jewelery. Be audrey Hepburnish, without loosing yourself in the process. Make sur you do have your signature on it!

2006-12-09 08:37:32 · answer #2 · answered by sugar_deee 2 · 2 2

It doesnt sound like theres anything wrong with your style. Thats the sort of things i wear too. Ive seen people in their 30, 40s, and even 50s and 60s wearing things i would wear and im in my twenties the same as you. Dont dress to suit other people, wear whatever the heck you feel comfortable in.

2006-12-09 08:36:57 · answer #3 · answered by Trifle 2 · 2 2

Hey there!

I had to smile when I read your question, and by no means mistake what I am saying. I am in no way laughing at your question, quite the opposite as a matter of fact. It put a smile on my face as it brought back so many memories for me. I have over 10 years on you, but am glad to say that people still assume that I am younger than I am. I went to F.I.T. in New York to college for four years, so i have an education as well as many years spent working in the garment industry.

I can tell you that the answer which I will give you is different than it would have been a decade or so ago. These days the marketing trends in the fasion industry not only target clothes which would usually be for people around your age, but they are also selling them in baby, children, teen, as well as juniors and ladies wear!

The sort of clothes to which you refer certainly are appropriate for someone your age, although quite often I cringe when I see a little girl dressed that way (it has to attract sicko's and pedaphiles) & it also can be pretty odd to see grandma running around in those sorts of fashions.

But now to the direct answer for your question. You are well within the age that of can wear those fashions, we are generally speaking of sportswear. But if you want to give yourself a more mature look, that can easily be done as well. If you are looking to make over your entire wardrobe I can advise you on that. But somehow I get the feeling that the issue of people thinking of you and therefore treating you like a teen is more likely to be an issue in your place of business first and foremost.

For the work place I would definately suggest wearing conservative attire. How formal, etc really depends on what industry which you are employed in. A good general rule for work attire is to buy classics. Classic style & tailored suits (pants or skirts), as well as shirts & accessories, etc will make your supervisors and bosses look at you in a more professional way. You can still add a feminine feel by having blouses with some ruffles & that sort of thing to separate you from the traditional man tailored look of some womens business fashions.

Now for school, and free time it is you who calls the shots. If you feel that people are perceiving you as much younger in a social setting & you woul like to change that, this is a very different story. I can let you in on a fashion secret that most of us ladies tend not to learn until a bit later in life than we should & that is that more is not only better, it is quite often much worse!

By more I am not speaking of the quantity of clothes which you are wearing, but the style. So many women feel that the more of their bodies which they show,( either outright or with skin tight clothes & or sheer fabrics) the better. I have known enough male friends to be able to tell you that most men find it much sexier if something is left to the imagination!!

I bet if you go out and pick up just a few new peices for your casual wardrobe which follow that rule, you will see a difference right away!! If it upsets you that people in a social setting are thinking you are in your teens, then that tells me that perhaps you are looking for a man who is maybe a few years older than you. You will notice the change in who approaches you in a social setting very quickly!

Last but not least for sure is hair and make up! Alot of us ladies make the mistake in our younger years that more make up makes us look older & once again, the more is not better rule applies! Go to your hair stylist and ask for suggestions there about coming up with a new, more mature hairstyle. If they are good at what they do they will advise you well.

As for make up I suggest you wash off your face and go with out any make up on at all to a department store which you like to shop in. If you can make it during a less busy time of day, the better off you will be. Go to the counter of whichever make up manufacturor you prefer and let them give you a whole make over. It is free since they do it in the hopes that you will love your "new look" and purchase some of their products. Tell them that you are trying to go for a more mature look before they begin & tell them your age as well.

If you can not afford to purchase any of their products don't feel bad. Still take advantage of their expertise and you can always use their ideas, but purchase more affordable products in a drug store like CVS, etc.

Good luck to you girlfriend! Enjoy these years, before you know it you will be going back and asking how to be made to look younger!! Such is life

2006-12-09 09:25:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

try and find the style that best suits your personality, but remember the rule about skirts and cleavage if ths skirts short then dont wear a low cut top

2006-12-09 08:37:12 · answer #5 · answered by flossie 2 · 0 2

What do you do for a living?

Maybe it is time to graduate to stores like The Gap and The Limited.

2006-12-09 10:01:18 · answer #6 · answered by mattfz 3 · 0 2

Maby you should lose the tight top but if you like the way you dress then just leave it that way. It dosen't matter what other people think.

2006-12-09 08:43:13 · answer #7 · answered by lizll101 2 · 1 3

As hot as possible. Use it while you have it. Look at the clothes (not only the lingerie) in Victoria's Secret catalog. If you can pull it off, you will not regret it.

2006-12-09 08:41:28 · answer #8 · answered by Sir J 7 · 1 2

Try wearing longer coats and looser fitting tops

2006-12-09 10:11:12 · answer #9 · answered by Bea 5 · 0 2

You dress however you want, I know loads of people in their 30's who dress like you've described and look fine. You should wear whatever you want.

2006-12-09 08:40:17 · answer #10 · answered by Jude 7 · 2 3

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