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2006-12-09 05:33:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Television

3 answers

They kind of did a "It's a Wonderful Life" theme where what would happen if Lucas wasn't the nice guy that he is. Lucas is in a dream-like state and Keith is there with him.

In the "dream" they first go to school and you see Brooke all in black, dressed as a goth basically. Keith tells Lucas to ask her why and she tells him to get away from her. Later you see Brooke at Peyton's grave...she died because Lucas never went into the school to save her like he did. Brooke blames herself for getting separated from Peyton. Next you see Nathan walking into a record place where Haley's album is a big hit. He buys the album then breaks it right away. They aren't married and he hates her now because she continued on with her music career...Lucas never went to tell her to come back to Tree Hill.

Keith then takes Lucas to the school and you see Keith's body on the ground. Lucas doesn't want to be there but Keith tells him to open his eyes (about the whole Dan killing him thing)

Keith takes Lucas back to the grave and he sees a woman at what he thought was Peyton's grave but it turns out it's Lucas' grave and the older woman is Peyton as a grandmother.

In real time...Brooke tells Peyton there's been a huge accident and both Haley and Lucas are in the hospital. They go and talk to Nathan and he tells them Haley's in surgery but he doesn't know about Lucas. It turns out Haley is okay after surgery and she DIDN'T lose the baby.

Also, Nathan goes to see Dan, who's in jail. He tells him he shouldn't have covered for him but Dan says maybe this is where he belongs and it's going to make up for all he's done.

In "dream" time, Keith takes Lucas back to the school again and he tells him again to open his eyes...and then you hear a shot and Lucas wakes up (you assume he saw Dan shoot Keith...but that's how it ends so we don't know)

...hope that helped! If you want to watch it for yourself you can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Songs+to+Love+and+Die+By&search=Search

2006-12-09 05:48:40 · answer #1 · answered by Yanks4Life23519 7 · 1 0

umm keith came back as a spirit to visit lucas and he showed him how his life would be if he wasnt the good guy that he is. it pretty much showed that if he hadnt gone back into the building when the school shooting happened that peyton would have died, and if that would have happened brooke would have become goth. also, keith showed lucas pretty much that jimmy wasnt the one who shot him, that it was dan. dan went to jail for nathan. haley and lucas both woke up from coma. nathan and haley's baby is okay. brooke and peyton sort of worked on their friendship. keith gave lucas the choice to either die or go back to tree hill, and he chose to go back because he wanted to let peyton know that he loved her. but thats about it.

2006-12-09 13:40:25 · answer #2 · answered by katelyn m 2 · 0 0

Hailey is in the hospital, chad michael murray is in the hospital, the pretty dark haired girl was dressed goth and at a cemetary, um not sure...I just flipped through quickly....

2006-12-09 13:36:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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