tan in the winter?? go skiing have fun who cares!
2006-12-09 03:25:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
White skin in the winter is not hot but then again neither is dark brown (from a tanning bed my Hispanic friends) Moderately tan (two or three times a month) keeps you looking your best without making your skin wrinkle later. The other benefit to tanning in the winter is replacing the lack of sunshine. The only other option to tanning is to travel someplace where you can take in the sun and sand on a beach but if you aren't wealthy it's not practical. Hope this helps.
2006-12-09 11:32:34
answer #2
answered by tpbthigb 4
I try not to tan anymore period. I'd rather be 50 and look 30, than be 30 and look 50 due to skin damage. You can look good and healthy without a tan. A lot of the new self tanners look very realistic if you do it right.
2006-12-09 11:26:48
answer #3
answered by freyas_kin28 6
It's up to you, really.
I'm not tan but I'm okay with it. This isn't the time to gain skin cancer.
Try a gradual tanner if you want. I used one to put on a tan before going on a winter cruise, and it was nice!
2006-12-09 11:26:21
answer #4
answered by FaZizzle 7
No, tans in the winter does not give you much of a look. In the cold, your face turns pale and draws the color away from your skin. Instead, I suggest putting on some pink blush to give your cheeks a rosy tone. Put on a tint of light red lipstick. The combination will give your face a soft look and make it seem that you just came in from the cold. It's sweet, and warm for the cold winter season.
2006-12-09 11:26:13
answer #5
answered by Rewind 4
I think thats a good question. Really it all depends on what u want 2 be. I think its more atractive 2 be tan in the winter, But, thats my opinion. And ur right! Don't do self tanning.
2006-12-09 11:29:10
answer #6
answered by cutefunkykitty 2
Deep tan isn't necessary in the winter, don't go on any sunbeds, they're trashy and dangerous. If you want to go a little less pale try Johnson's Holiday skin, it'll tone down the ultra whiteness but doesn't look orange, it looks really natural.
2006-12-09 11:29:54
answer #7
answered by Ally 4
Tanning booths can also cause cancer (radiation). I don't care if I look super white this christmas, because at least I won't have gotten an overdose of radiation just to get a tan! Seems pretty silly to me.
2006-12-09 11:26:37
answer #8
answered by Harsh Noise Wall 4
If you use the right self tanner then you probably won't turn out orange and it doesn't have the health effects of a booth. You might want to try getting a product to match your skin tone.
2006-12-09 11:33:21
answer #9
answered by Elizabeth C 2
I think it is ok to me kinda like tan and not tan. Lie in the middle. Becuz u dont want to be totally white and you dont want to be totally dark! lol Lke dont go tanning int he winter! Just tan in the summer and if it stays with yo thro winter then thts cool Enjoy winter@! & happy hoildays
2006-12-09 11:26:31
answer #10
answered by Cheer49 :) 2
Tan people always are more attractive. But if you don't care them don't Tan. Tanning Beds are stupid but I think there is nothing wrong with a subtle Mystic Tan!!
2006-12-09 12:08:10
answer #11
answered by Mimi 6