Dogs and especially cats are carnivores, they need to eat meat. People that don't want to feed carnivores meat should not own carnivores.
2006-12-09 00:57:04
answer #1
answered by staffordmom 1
There's nothing hypocritical about vegetarians feeding their pets with the appropriate food for the species. I'm a meat eater. But am I a hypocrit if I don't feed meat to my horse? C'mon, don't assume that all vegetarians are animal activists. Some just don't like meat. Some do it for health reasons. You could probably find as many reasons for being a vegetarian as you could for not being one.
A hypocrit would tell you that you should do something, but not do it themselves. That has nothing to do with being a vegetarian.
2006-12-09 01:11:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jsut to chime in with what others have already said, I am a vegetarian because I choose to be, but:
a) I don't insist that others also stick to a veg diet. My fiance and my dog both seem to enjoy eating meat; I don't feel a need to take it from them.
b) Dogs can live a healthy life without meat, but I don't feel the need to put my dog on a meatless diet. (This is not to say it's wrong to do so; there are many high-quality vegetarian dog foods available, and as long as your dog is getting the vitamins, proteins, and amino acids that he needs, it's perfectly fine.)
c) I choose not to eat meat mainly because of health concerns with the meat itself. I don't have an issue with others eating meat, especially if they're hunting for their own dinner table. I do, however, have issues and concerns with the way store-bought meat is raised and processed. I also feel that red meat is just plain unhealthy. I will, on occasion, eat chicken or fish, but only if it's organic, and hasn't been pumped up with steroids, etc.
2006-12-09 01:10:08
answer #3
answered by Nuala 3
People should put the survival of their pet above their own dietary preferences. Feeding obligate carnivores (must eat meat to survive) like cats with only vegetarian food will almost certainly kill them. Dogs might survive without meat, but check with your vet before removing meat from a pet's diet.
I heard that some very confused people put artificial sweetners in feeder for hummingbirds, the hummingbirds died from starvation with stomachs full of nutrasweet.
2006-12-09 01:03:27
answer #4
answered by Nebulous 6
The thing is vegetarians are doing what they believe is best for their body, and by feeding their dog meat they are doing what is best for their dog.
I have plenty of vegetarian friends that wont eat meat but chop it up everyday for their dogs or cats to eat raw.
No dog or cat should eat bagged dry kibble, it has effects on their health and its even believed to have an effect on their mind making some skiddish or act crazy.
2006-12-09 01:50:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I suppose the only way to answer this is to ask which are they more committed to, not eating animals or animal welfare?
Some animals are carnivores and survive on nothing but raw meat, so it would be cruel to not feed it meat.
A way round it is to let your pet kill the animal its going to eat itself. That's just nature, the animal to be eaten hasn't been slaughtered and the owner hasn't fed their pet meat...
2006-12-09 05:27:36
answer #6
answered by Finlay S 3
People are omnivores & can manage to live as a vegetarian, but dogs & cats are CARNIVORES. I think it almost constitutes cruelty, neglect & sheer stupidity to try to keep a dog or (especially) a cat on a vegetarian diet, and believe most vets will agree is is not healthy & will cause problems & shortened life spans. Personal beliefs do not win out over known facts - sorry.
2006-12-09 00:56:04
answer #7
answered by mustanglynnie 5
I am vegetarian because I can be. I don't need meat to be healthy. If I was faced with a situation where I had to eat meat to survive I would. Until this happens I will remain vegetarian.
My cats require meat to remain healthy. I can't make the choice for them to be vegetarians, they have free will and always seem to prefer the meat option....that said they also enjoy the odd veggie hot dog!
2006-12-09 00:51:53
answer #8
answered by delphi13 3
people can survive on a vegetarian diet, mut a cat can't. It would be cruel to deprive it of meat. So really a committed veggie shouldn't have a cat, unless it can catch its own food.
Of course if someone's veggie for health reasons then the argument doesn't apply and they can feed meat to tiddles with a clear conscience
2006-12-09 01:17:44
answer #9
answered by totnesmartin 3
Certain animals are meant to be carnivores, like cats. Human beings can make a choice not to eat meat, which has decided health advantages that are now known, regardless of your feelings about killing animals for food. They aren't being hypocrites, they are being realists.
2006-12-09 00:53:04
answer #10
answered by Paul H 6
Most animal activist don't have pets. And I think, think, you can buy vegetarian pet food.
2016-03-13 05:04:52
answer #11
answered by Anonymous