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2006-12-08 21:27:09 · 11 answers · asked by Santee 3 in Health Men's Health

11 answers

There are several things, including Saw Palmetto, that you can use to help with your symptoms.
320mg daily of Saw Palmetto, helps reduce hormone stimulation of the prostate tissue.
160 - 200mg daily of Pygeum Africanum, an extract from the bark of an African tree that has a long history of use, as well as scientific validation, for reducing prostate enlargement.
Rye pollen extract is good.
Nettle root, 120mg twice daily.
Beta-sitosterol, 60-130mg daily.
100mg daily of zinc for two months, then 50mg daily as a maintenance dosage, and take 3mg of copper with it.
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, or 3000mg of fish oil daily. These fatty acids reduce inflammation.
Quercitin is a type of flavonoid that reduces inflammation.
Oregano oil is great too.

A diet of basic whole foods will provide plenty of fibre and regulate hormone levels. Eat lots of whole grains and fresh veges, and get your protein from beans, fish, and soy products.
Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, which has an important protective effect on the prostate. Cooked tomatoes are more potent than raw.
Pumpkin seeds are a traditional remedy for prostate problems. They're full of zinc. Eat them raw and natural, not roasted or salted.
Green tea (decaffeinated) is much better than coffee as it promotes healthy detoxification. Drink plenty of water also, to keep fluid moving through the urinary tract.
Eliminate all saturated, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats/oils from your diet. A diet that's high in fat and low in fibre is one of the main causes of prostate problems. These fats cause inflammation.
Sugar wreaks havoc on hormone levels and worsens inflammation. Radically restrict, or completely remove, refined sugar from your diet.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine. They are irritants to the prostate gland.
Amino acids relieve urinary symptoms of prostate patients. Take glycine, alanine, and glutamic acid - an excellent combination.
A high potency multivitamin would be useful.

There are probably more things, but that's all I can think of right now. It'd be useful to consult a naturopath, as some things may not be available over the counter at health food stores where you live.
Good luck :)

2006-12-08 21:40:55 · answer #1 · answered by Donna M 6 · 1 0

Yes. But check out the problem first with your doctor. The prostate may be enlarged. That can happen anytime after the end of puberty. But usually after 40. The prostate may be cancerous after 40 or 50 years of age. After 50 have a digital rectal test and also the PSA blood test. There are several curative procedures for cancer of the prostate. The cancer is usually slow growing but it can be serious if not caught in time.

For a benign enlarged prostate, Saw Palmetto can help and be a successful treatment. Again check on this with your doctor and find the right dosage. Also it might not work. So see your doctor again after 2 or 3 months. Most doctors are positive about Saw Palmetto. There have been scientific studies.

2006-12-09 15:50:42 · answer #2 · answered by teiddarhpsyth 3 · 0 0

Depends what your prostate problems are.
Infected? Enlarged? Blocked up? There's loads. It's essential to get yourself properly diagnosed.
If it's an acute infection, then prolonged use of cipro should clear the bacteria, But if you've got a chronic prostate problem (which I suspect you have) and you've tried numerous remedies which haven't worked, then the tiny sacks inside your prostate are probably clogged up.
I take 600 mill of Ibuprofen for pain twice a day, with food.
Some people swear by Saw Palmetto. I've tried it and it didn't work for me.
Avoid coffee, the caffeine trickles down and disturbs the metabolism inside the prostate. Avoid spicy food too.
And drink green tea (preferably Japanese).
Remember, before you do anything, get an accurate diagnosis.

2006-12-08 22:31:22 · answer #3 · answered by Panama Jack 4 · 1 0

Not sure about Saw Palmetto, but excellent article on this medical problem in the Times supplement on Sunday 10th December.

2006-12-10 23:03:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes it surely does. 320 mg. saw palmetto extract daily helps shrink enlarged prostates. You must also use:

80 mg. daily SOY ISOFLAVONES extract - WILL help shrink enlarged prostates by opposing your estrogenic hormones which enlarge your prostate

50 mg. Zinc daily - Plus 25 mg. Vitamin B-complex with it daily

PUMPKIN SEED OIL capsules - 3 daily will help normalize the prostate - calm inflammation

Nettle Root Extract concentrate - 3 capsules daily

PROSTEX - mixtures of glycine, Alanine, Glutamic Acid - combo helps shrink prostates,. No one understands why

Swedish flower Pollen Extract - works wonders on inflamed prostates. 3- tablets daily

I use all these daily with great results. I take NO Rx chemical drugs.

so what are U waiting for ????????

2006-12-09 02:40:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Prostate inflammation can lead to daily discomfort. Learn more about the four forms of prostatitis, and find relief for symptoms. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may be helpful:


2006-12-12 04:30:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is no definitive study yet concerning this. some studies suggest that saw palmetto is effective in males w/ enlarged prostate while other studies say there is no effect. saw palmetto is also being used to treat urinary tract infections.

2006-12-08 22:31:31 · answer #7 · answered by Gerry Z 3 · 1 0

Yes, it does. But remember, natural supplements take a longer time to bring about change than a chemical pill.
Other supplements that are good for the prostate include...
pumpkin seed

2006-12-09 00:20:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes this does help with prostrate probs. My husband been using it for years and had done the power of good
Before taking any herbal remedies like those though always check with a qualified herbalist or your doctor

2006-12-08 22:56:33 · answer #9 · answered by thunderchild67 4 · 0 0


2006-12-08 21:28:52 · answer #10 · answered by Hillaryforpresident 5 · 1 0

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