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If you were given everything in the world, would you really want to go to college, get an education and work hard? Paris is rich. She likes to party. She designs handbags, models and is now a singer - so she does work. She drinks, smokes and has sex with men. Don't we all?

2006-12-08 21:03:44 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

What's wrong with enjoying sex with a few casual partners? Why are women who do that called s.luts and men are not?

2006-12-08 21:10:13 · update #1

25 answers

She is self-indulgence, self-absorbed and transparent. She gives little back to society yet gets so much publicity, while others who do so much for society get not a word.

2006-12-08 21:08:59 · answer #1 · answered by george g 5 · 9 1

She has no goals in life. She is 24 and has been an Author, Model, Singer, Reality Star, Actress (Both Regular movies and Porn), Spokesperson, Designer, and a slew of other jobs.

I think she will burn out and have nothing left in her later years. She doesn't seem concerned about helping people with all that money of hers.

Does she donate to any charities, or get involved in community service (Not just for the publicity, but because she can and wants to help)?

Does she do anything other than party and play with men? A FEW casual partners is alright, but not as many as she has had. That's slutty.

2006-12-09 23:40:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree that Paris is wealthy and has a lot of fun but that is what makes people jealous of her.When people who work for a living,watch a young girl having fun and enjoying and going to parties, when she should be going to college or working to support her needs, they can`t stand it because no matter how hard they try they will never be able to enjoy life as she does.In fact, most people desire to possess a carefree life as Paris has.But Paris is no saint.She too is quite hypocritical.On one hand she wants to gain people`s sympathy by telling everyone that she wants to get married and have babies and on the other hand she drinks, smokes,and has sex with different men.
this kind of behaviour has created a negative image of Paris.

2006-12-09 05:35:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I wonder why people hate her, she gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to walk around a party and be an ugly slut when there is mass poverty and starvation and death in hundreds of countries. She did not start from the bottom and go to the top to get her money, she does nothing for it! Some people who are rich put decades into their work and deserve it and she can be rich for being an ugly dumb skanky slut...THATS WHY SHE IS HATED!

2006-12-09 05:16:13 · answer #4 · answered by wilsonc_1990 1 · 4 0

She may not have chosen to be born who she is, but she acts like an idiot all the time. She is in the public eye and we are not. She has a lot of money and fame that she could put to good use and actually help people with. I think that when you are born into something like that or even develop into someone like that, there is some sort of responsibility that goes with it.

2006-12-09 05:08:57 · answer #5 · answered by Violante 5 · 2 1

I don't think that the people hated her because they are all envious. They hated her, because of her doings and atitude, Like using perfumes of a young prostitute. She don't know how to use her life. She's really lucky. She's rich, pretty. She should use her life with such good things like, helping others, friendly & others that shows good destiny in the future.

2006-12-09 07:11:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to work at a Beverly Hills gourmet market a couple years ago one day a week just for insurance purposes. Anyways, Paris was a regular and I helped her a few times. She seems quite normal, as a matter of fact she seems intellegent. I think most of these celebrities pretend to be something else for the media.

2006-12-09 05:07:12 · answer #7 · answered by chaseki 3 · 2 2

She is an embarrassment to her family name and all rich people. I know some rich people have morals and learn to give. She has none. ITs always about Paris Paris Paris! I am not jealous I just hate it when the news and tabloids exploit her so much.

2006-12-09 05:14:38 · answer #8 · answered by ♥c0c0puffz♥ 7 · 4 1

Honey, i would like to be recognised for my intelligence and to be successful all on my own, she goes around acting like a complete tart and that is not very lady like. The reason she gets treated like trash is because she portrays herself that way.

Would you like to go through life with all the money in the world and not actually achieve anything fulfilling yourself?

By the way its her sister Nicky that designs the handbags, she just wears them.

All the best.


2006-12-09 05:18:45 · answer #9 · answered by ♥ Princess ♥ 6 · 2 1

honestly, I don't like her!

ok, she's rich but why does she have to do those nonsense things?

excuse me, there are a lot of people there who wish to study,, why don't she help other people?

there are a lot of things you can do in this world

not just PARTYING!!

And one more thing,,

I think she's just a singer wannabe,,

she don't have any talent,, at all!!!

that's what I hate with people who are born in a wealthy dynasty,,

they can get what they want and think that people actually love them!!!

2006-12-09 07:03:16 · answer #10 · answered by blue_lover 1 · 1 0

nobody gets a choice so why should we feel sorry for her when so many children are born into povery every minute of every day

i dont hate her..i dont give a flying **** about her but i can understand why people would when she spends money thats not even hers on drugs parties expensive handbags and pooncy little chihuauah dogs while the rest of us have to toil for a living knowing what its actually like to work for a wage

2006-12-09 05:14:37 · answer #11 · answered by Bazil 3 · 3 1

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