Prevention is better than cure. Even in matters of pregnancy one should avoid it if it is not wanted. Despite adequate care and precaution if unwanted pregnancy occurs, there is nothing wrong in going for abortion.
Too frequent pregnancy and abortion do enormous damage to the female anatomy, hence it should be strictly avoided.
I feel and think, the way I do because I am conditioned by the knowledge, and influence of the social values where I have been brought up.
2006-12-11 13:04:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Me personally, I would never opt for an abortion. I think that casual use is horrible and immoral and shouldn't be so easily avalible. But I always think, what would happen if some little girl got molested and ended up pregnant? Shouldn't she have the right to terminate the preganancy? most people will answer this and say adoption, but why should she be reminded by a growing belly about the horror that took place? And then to top that off, she has to live with the guilt of knowing she gave up a child.
Or, what if there is a situation where the pregnancy is fatal to the mother. Should the mother risk her life?
Like all walks in life, it's a catch 22. I believe there are certain cicumstances where it can be necesarry (like the one's mentioned), but I don't think it's OK for people to be irresponsible about birth control and use abortions as an "easy fix".
I'm just ging to leave this as is, because I can go on forever [don't get me started on partial birth abortions : ( It makes me pyhsicaly ill to think about ] Good question, though.
JHMHSI : abortions don't just kill "a sperm and an egg" abortions can't be performed untill a woman is 6 weeks pregnant. The embryo's heart chambers form and first heartbeat is at 5 weeks...
C. Adams "what if" the woman just used a condom or took some birth control? There is so many options out there to prevent pregnancy, there's no excuse for getting pregnant when your not ready except for irresponsibility.
FYI: It's not a bundle of cells!! 6 weeks is required for abortion. There IS a heartbeat, arm buds, leg buds, eyes, an opening for a mouth.. by 3 months are vital organs are formed, everything you and I have.. it just needs to be developed. So please stop using that as a justification, because it is scientifically incorrect. After 8 weeks, the embryo is now a fetus, which means "unborn offspring" .
2006-12-09 03:46:36
answer #2
answered by ♥ BuffaloGirl ♥ 5
I think that abortion should be allowed only until the fetus reaches the point where it could survive if it were outside the womb. For instance, early in pregnancy, the embryo is just a ball of unspecialized cells. If that ball were brought outside the womb, it wouldn't have any organs to let it survive. Once the fetus has a developed brain, working organs, etc., I can call it viable.
By the way, earlier in the pregnancy, the embryo/fetus is not anything resembling a human as opposed to any other animal. For instance, in the womb, as a result of evolution, human fetuses have vestigial gills. Also, if you look at pictures of other animals in their mothers' wombs, you'll see that they are the same as human fetuses. (You can probably find pictures on google.) My point is that early in the pregnancy, there's nothing to distinguish the fetus as HUMAN life.
My other argument is religious. I am Jewish, so some of my arguments and sources may be different than what's found in the Christian's Bible. One example of this is found in Exodus. (I don't know the verse's number by heart.) It translates along the lines of: "If men fight, and accidentally hit a woman while doing so, causing a miscarriage, the man at fault is to pay the woman." Basically, this quote seems to say that the penalty for causing a miscarriage is a fine. (Abortion is considered an unnatural miscarriage, but nevertheless a miscarriage.) The penalty for murder is much more severe than a fine, so clearly, the fetus isn't seen as a full human.
Another argument is based on the religious idea that killing in self-defense is acceptable. In some cases, if having a baby could hurt the mother (either physically or mentally), she is allowed, if not required to terminate the pregnancy. Some parts of the Torah go into (too much) detail, explaining that if the fetus is a threat to the mother, the fetus can be destroyed by any means necessary. In some cases, especially ones in which giving birth could lead to the mother's death or serious injury, elimination of the cause is required.
The exception to the approval of abortion comes early in Genesis, when God says to "be fruitful and multiply." This would imply that abortion shouldn't be used for sontraceptive purposes.
Based on this, in my mind anyway, it seems clear to me that my religion has no problem with abortions and I see abortion as acceptable until the fetus as viable.
The best way to find the time when you think the embryo/fetus counts as a full human is to ask yourself this question: "Why wouldn't I consider it a full human life one minute earlier?" If you can answer that, you'll find the answer that works best for you.
Something I'd like to add after seeing some of the other responces: Abortions are often performed for women who were raped. I keep seeing people say that by having sex, a woman must accept the consequences of her actions. I agree that if you have sex, you should be prepared for the effects. However, women don't choose to be raped. After all, rape means being forced into sexual acts without consent. If, in these circumstances, a woman is deprived of the right to choose whether or not to have sex, she should at least have the right to make the decision regarding pregnancy later.
2006-12-10 15:20:01
answer #3
answered by x 5
I am against abortion. This answer is coming from someone that is not religious. Its wrong because its murder. I was looking at some abortions question and I will show you that its wrong. I seen a question that says they had 12 abortions and going on 13. Even people that were prochoice objected to her question. Some that was pro-choice said, "Do you realize you are killing 12 babies." This was someone that was pro-choice in their own words." Then somebody else that was pro-choice said the person should be arrested for murder. If abortion is wrong, then why do pro-choice people object to her question. Their basically saying killing 1 or 2 babies isn't so bad, but killing 13 is. What hypocrites. That alone proves that it is wrong. She only had 2 out of 23 that said it was ok, these were people that were all for abortion. Explain that one?
2006-12-10 00:44:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't know where people get off thinking they can label the murder of a baby as some kind of "choice or right." Weird thinking. If you do harm to it will it not die? I think more people should be out for babies rights, instead of ignorant teenagers.
I also see arguments how babies grow up poor. Well so what! Many children will and DO overcome obstacles in their life. They happen to be VERY PRODUCTIVE.Having a hard life does not automatically mean death sentence. Shoot Oprah would have been a perfect candidate for abortion on liberals standards. Abortion is by far the one of the most barbaric atrocities a human can take part of. Labeling it a choice or a right does NOT justify murder.
Abortion should only during rape, incest, or life and death situations, anything more is barbaric!
2006-12-09 04:06:43
answer #5
answered by delgados12 3
Abortion is not murder. It's a woman's choice.
Murder involves a person killing another person. The tiny group of cells inside a woman at the point abortions are performed is not a person. It is a group of cells. It has no heart, no lungs, no arms, no legs, no brain, no face, no body.
If it were a person, then every woman who gets pregnant should go to the Vital Records Office and inform them that they have conceived a baby, and all birth certificates would show date of conceptions (that's kind of weird to think about, isn't it?)
When the unborn baby becomes developed enough where it resembles a newborn baby, then it's already too late for an abortion, so it's not like it's actual babies a few days from delivery being aborted.
Abortion is NOT a form of birth control, but it should be legal. If more funding was put into promoting birth control, less people would be getting abortions for the wrong reason. However, it NEEDS to still be legal. If it's legal, it's regulated & has doctors with licenses in clean facilities.
Abortion should be safe, legal, rare, discouraged against as birth control, but available for all women.
2006-12-09 04:05:28
answer #6
answered by amg503 7
Did I cover everything in my abortion debate so far? Let me know if I’m missing an argument…
to me all the pro-choice arguments are weak. ill state the pro-choice theory then my argument against it...
"its just a zygote, no more then cancer cells, not a human":
well actually its a human zygote. there are 46 chromosomes that make us human and the second the sperm and egg are combined the 'zygote' has those exact 46 chromes that make us human.
"Three things make us human persons: the ability to think, a moral sense, and our physical appearance. The zygote exhibits none of these.”:
So your saying that 'people' like Hitler were not human because he had no morals? Bush isn't human because (according to some people) he lacks common thinking abilities? Thats the same as; 1) walking into a mental ward and saying anyone that thinks its morally right to kill themselves or others are no longer human (yea that‘ll help the crazies get saner); 2)going in to a brain trauma unit and saying your going to kick anyone that can't count to10 any more out of the hospital bc there’s no animals allowed in a human hospital except for seeing eye dogs; 3) or going to a amputee and saying that anyone that doesn’t have 2 legs, 2 arms, and 10 toes & fingers are now officially snakes or deformed lizards.
“It’s the woman’s body, not the governments”:
well if you followed my above statement that the 46 chromosomes that makes that little bugger in your tummy a human, killing it not in self defense or fear of your life means you killed a human being for no reason which is murder. I do believe the gov’t gets a say in murder don’t they? (rhetorical question, don’t bother)
"why should a person thats raped or subjected to incest have to have a child":
several reasons against this one...
1) only about 1% of real rape victims get pregnant(i say real rape bc in states where you can only get an abortion bc of rape all you have to do is say it was rape and no one investigates the rape, they just sign a paper and off to the butcher you go)
2) only about another 6% get pregnant thru incest
3) adoption
4) for those that say adoption is a fluke - If from the very beginning of pregnancy you contact an agency your child will be adopted. there are people on waiting lists for as long as five years that wait for a woman thats pregnant and will have the baby so it can be adopted. The adoptive parents will often pay for your housing, food, and doctors visits as well.
"would you put a 12 or 14 year old girl thru this?":
yes. women have menstruations as an effect of puberty for a reason, its their body telling them that they can bare children. if the body couldn't handle it she wouldn't have gotten her period yet. And of course the adoption argument from above.
“You are ignoring the part where a girl is emotionally ready at a young age“:
Emotions don't count or the women getting abortions wouldn't be getting abortions after they see ultrasounds of the children’s emotions as they’re moving away from the needles or struggling to swim away & survive after the doctor uses that salt solution or cuts off limbs.
no money to have the child:
single women can get welfare if they have a child, not to mention that almost all pro-life organizations have money from charities that will help single mothers. and lets not for get the adoption argument from above.
Of course I have medical exceptions that may kill the mother and baby like cardiac disease of grade III or IV, severe kidney disease, severe (especially uncontrolled) Type I diabetes, that type of thing. It is more common (though rare) for an unpredictable complication of pregnancy to occur which could be life-threatening, such as eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. These aren't predictable though, and hopefully with good prenatal care will never happen.
2006-12-11 18:27:57
answer #7
answered by TJ815 4
I think that abortion is a necessary evil. I don't think that it should be outright banned or that it should be no questions asked legal. Rather I think that you should have to go in front of a judge and plead your case as to why you need one. In certain cases I feel that is important.
Like if someone was impregnated by rape I feel that they should be allowed to have the fetus aborted if they choose. I mean why should they go through 9 months of suffering because they were raped(in addition to the pain of actually being raped)?
And in cases where couples have a chance of giving a baby a genetic disease, if they try for a baby and tests show that it would have a disease i.e. Tay-Sachs, why should the parents and the child have to go through all that physical and mental pain?
2006-12-10 05:37:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pro-choice here and I mean that. It is the choice of the mother-to-be nobody should forcer her to have the baby or force her to get an abortion. I am for keeping abortion legal, but would be overjoyed if people did not choose to have one. Outlawing abortion will not end the procedure being performed; anybody who thinks otherwise is not a realist.
What needs to be done is educating the children. Not just the facts of life, but the morals of life and the reality of life as well. Hopefully, we can dramaticly reduce the number of unwanted pregnacies to only a few thousand each year. All it takes is you talking to your children before it gets too late.
2006-12-09 04:25:07
answer #9
answered by Kevin k 7
Being pro-choice doesn't mean you are 'for abortion'. It means that you are for options. I believe in reproductive choice. Why make a woman carry a baby she doesn't want? That is reducing her to a machine or a baby factory. Then she is expected to put a child up for adoption, so that rich married couples over forty can have kids when it is not the fault of the girl that they can't have kids in the first place. Adoption agencies make a lot of money off of adoption placements. Remember that.
There are many health risks involved as well as economic and psychological repurcussions. What if she doesn't want to be connected to the father for the rest of her life? What if she wants to go to college and get a job? What if she doesn't want children? What if she doesn't want to be a single mother on welfare, has drug problems, or has a mental illness? What if the kid ended up in foster care?
2006-12-09 03:49:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous