Well, your question is rather two fold.
America as a whole seems to be shifting to the left. I think that people are easily swayed by the opinions of others, and never does a day go by that I don't hear someone b*it*ch*ing about the war.
Colleges and Universities all seem to be invest in a brainwashing session for liberal professors to turn young minds into their clones. I suppose this probably has to do with funding. I don't believe that a known Conservative would ever be hired as a professor at a PUBLIC University. Private Universities are a different story.
After 9/11, I thought the public shift to the left would end. But our memories are very short. Do you remember the outrage after the terrorist attacks? The Bush Administration had been in power for eight months and America stood at attention waiting for the President's guidance. We were completely shocked. The Nation watched over and over again as the towers fell.
Fire Fighters earned more respect that day, than they had in their whole careers. They deserved that respect all along.
Flag sales went through the roof. America was turning around. We were proud of our Country again. The swing to the left took an abrupt turn. For the next year or two, we didn't hear about not having the Pledge in schools. We didn't hear about abolishing the National Anthem. We didn't hear that it was wrong to wear a Cross or Crucifix in school. It was PEACEFUL. Church Memberships and Christianity soared.
But then our memories slipped and America fell back in to the black hole it had been heading for. It is going to take something more than 9/11 to wake everyone up.
I love the freedoms that we have. I love the Country that I was born in. I proudly display a flag on my front porch. I refuse to swing to the left. I will never see abortion as a right. I see it as very wrong. I see it as murder. I love AMERICA.
I think anyone who doesn't love AMERICA should move to Antarctica or France or the moon or maybe SINGAPORE where they believe in public canings and chewing gum is illegal. I don't care where they move. I have never understood how someone can have candlelight vigils for people on death row who have cut people into bits and flushed them down the toilet, and in the next breath, say lets get rid of the babies who are innocent.
America is beautiful. I wish it were respected and appreciated more.
2006-12-08 17:19:57
answer #1
answered by Jade 5
There really isn't an either/or answer. Outside the "neoconservatives" the majoity of Americans (85-90%) hold a range of beliefs. Most tend to be smewhat liberal or cconservative. But for most people, this is NOT adherance to a prescribed ideology--that is a characteristic only of that neoconservative element. The notion that people in America geenerally subscribe to aparticular position--either right or left, with no room for individual difference--is essentially a myth. It is an idea the neoconservatives have about themselves--they generally insist on conformity among themselves. And--they tend to assume that's the case with those outside their own groping (which is not surprising; we all tend to judge oters by ourselves). But it's simply not the case. On the other hand, the neocons seem to define themselves as "conservative" and anyone with a different viewpoint as "liberal." I fyou accept that definition, then at least 3/4 of Americans are "liberal."
2016-05-22 22:15:54
answer #2
answered by Diana 4
I definitely think that there are more conservatives then liberals left in America. My reasoning for this is that most people these days call themselves a liberal, but do not understand their policies. They try to define liberal as open minded and the boring rhetoric. Yet, if you ask them what do they believe in, they go blank. But if you ask them specific questions of what they believe in, most seem to believe in conservative values. Also, many of these people call themselves liberal just because they do not like Bush, they have no idea of the concept of a liberal or conservative. The more research a person does, the more they realize that the liberal ideology is not all sane, and neither is the conservative one, but the conservative one is more realistic
2006-12-08 17:47:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I beleive most Americans are middle of the roaders, if there is such a term. Why because while the media, which sells hype for both sides, which supports their sponcers, ignores the main stream American, the election history of America clearly demonstrates that, the pendulim swings both ways, we tend to under go liberalism adgendas, then conservatice ones, if we were comprised of either or there would be no swing. Look at the recent losses in the legislative branch of government, it was due to peole being fed up, the approval; ratings demonstrate this as well, while Bush is at an al time low, current democrats arent much higher if one looks at the individuals, many voters chose the lesser of two evils, as they precieve them. I have views that range from conservative to liberal, for example I am against abortion, non chord stem cell research, warrantless wire taps, bigger government, anti Iraq war, abti- big oil breaks, anti tax breask for the rich, pro health care, anti gun control of any kind, supportive of free speech even if its radical, in favor of the draft, or mandated community service for people 18-22.
2006-12-09 00:06:44
answer #4
answered by paulisfree2004 6
The majority of Americans over thirty hold conservative views, for the most part, as will those in their twenties once they mature. But the problem is that the use of the labels "liberal" and "conservative" have been turned on their heads by the political parties.
2006-12-08 21:08:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
America histroically been center right on soical and economic issuses. In the 1970s American polticans were dipping thier hands into populism. Then Regan and the Thatchers came in the 1980s the begging of Neo-Liberal economic theory came as a solution to the stagnation in the 1970s. America is less liberal than Europe is with social issuses, but its more populist than Europe historically is with protection of certian industries. America is center of right on ecomonic issuses, and Europe mainland is center left on most issuses. Be glad were not Asia or Latin America were thier lots of people on the far-right, and lots of people on the far left that creates polarization and instablity.
2006-12-08 18:44:49
answer #6
answered by ram456456 5
As neither ideology is set in stone, regardless of party I believe the conservative concept is America's bedrock. Factoring in the stands of the newly elected "democrats" or the often shown red-blue state maps...As a group, America as a whole, favours the concept of it's conservative nature.
2006-12-09 02:20:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
typical could be debated... but I'll try not to get into those semantics and just use my best judgment...
but to be frank, I don't think there are many actual "liberals" out there... san fransisco has quite a few and the surrounding area, some in Hollywood... some in NYC... but as far as if you mean "typical" in supports the majority of the majority of liberal ideas... that's probably about it as far as a large group of them...
I'm talking as far as actually knowing the ideas and knowing what you're talking about... not just saying the latest buzz words...
I don't think most democrats would be considered actually "liberal" by many people's definitions... and the liberals would be a vast minority...
there are many typical conservatives though in the south and midwest... especially among the elderly that hold fast to traditional values...
not that there is anything wrong with either of them...
2006-12-08 17:32:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Most Americans are moderates. They don't want to pay too much in taxes, but would rather pay taxes than keep a massive government debt running.
They don't want to support layabouts on public assistance, but abhor leaving poor families to fend for themselves in hunger and homelessness.
They support our Armed forces but become angry when those forces are used in a manner that is unjust or wrong.
The left and the right seek to pull the moderates to their side with twisted examples of the other side going overboard in one direction or the other - and then which ever one convinces the moderates wins.
2006-12-08 17:10:28
answer #9
answered by oohhbother 7
One definition of liberalism is that broadly speaking, liberalism emphasizes individual rights. It seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power (especially of government and religion), the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of all citizens are protected.
Given this definition of liberalism, I would say that more Americans hold to a liberal ideology.
2006-12-08 17:07:26
answer #10
answered by truth seeker 7