PETA is very real. They are a bit extreme if you ask me. I can understand some of their points. Like animals in circus's and puppy mills. But they go into the whole meat is murder and treat non vegans like dirt. I mean God put certain animals here for human consumption.( cow,goat,lamb,chicken) The only meat I do not eat is pig, and that is because it has been forbidden. I used to get emails from PETA about protests in my area at pet shops and restaraunts.
NOt to mention I read something when the Lebanon/Israel war they were talking about sending people into lebanon to save cats and dogs, while people were dieing by the thousands. I mean come one, that is a bit extreme, they didnt even care about the human lives that were being lost. They can be freaks.
2006-12-09 00:28:38
answer #1
answered by HijabiMuslimah 3
You just had a question and evidence was on/from PETA you said,.. but it was some site pretending to be PETA.
Go to the website the second answer posted,.. that is the REAL PETA site.
As for their Accuracy,.. noone can be right all the time,.. they are ready to jump over anything because they are emotional humans with nothing to do but focus on animals and with all their love and all their heart they try. But some times things are not true. When they find out instead of going " Whoops,.. we blew things out of porportion,.. it wasn't true,.. this is what happened and what has been done about it" they just get quiet and don't deal with it any more.
These times it is false or overexaggerated gain the most attention,.. so if someone or some news try to point out it was an error on PETA's part and one person went " oops" that was with PETA,.. people just spread that story that was flase,.. not that it was False but it is great gossip,.. and spreads. So the misinformed/false/wrong information gets around more then what's real.
2006-12-08 15:49:01
answer #2
answered by sailortinkitty 6
PETA is garbage.
Their videos are mislabeled, for instance there was one that showed "the horrors of animal testing" and said that the video was taken during downtime, and that the conditions that people saw (dogs lying in small cages, not moving), were the conditions that the dogs live in all the time, however, the video was actually filmed while dogs were awaking from anesthesia, and the conditions we see in the video are just as nice as where the animals are put to wake from anesthesia in a vets office.
They showed what they called dead dogs, however the "dead" dogs were obviously breathing.
2006-12-08 16:01:02
answer #3
answered by Kamikaze 3
Yes, PETA ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ) have many locally and nationally based animal rights organizations
2006-12-08 15:38:46
answer #4
answered by Flirty Flute 1
PETA or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is a real organization that loves to highlight every "bad" thing that has happened to an animal. I've heard that they frequently send people into places with hidden cameras to get their footage. If you want to look into their organization further they have a website :
2006-12-08 15:40:27
answer #5
answered by ilovesubasketball 4
PETA is real. However, they try to use scare tactics to make everyone vegetarian.
Personally, I believe in Rush Limbough's PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals.
2006-12-08 17:14:14
answer #6
answered by karat4top 4
We call them eco-terrorists!
2006-12-08 15:40:44
answer #7
answered by relaxed 4