I do not think it is real. LV are made with real leather trimming. I saw various replicas in NYC. They sell them on every street corner in NYC. They look real and have serial numbers on a peice of leather in the bag. They were still not real. DO not be fooled. The real leather handles will soon darken with the natural leather oils. The replicas do not change, they just wear out fairly soon. You want real LV go to the LV store. The knock offs are the worse. The replicas are good but not real. Online stores sell Superior Replicas and Good replicas. They are rated AA and AAA. My husband purchased the AAA for me one Christmas. He spent $300 on replica. With all the replicas I purchased in NY and getting ripped off....I learned my lesson.
2006-12-08 15:21:00
answer #1
answered by FIERCE 1
as long as the serial number is on a stitched in leather tag on the inside ,I probably wouldn't worry about it!and of course has the lv symbol on the zipper pull of course.I'v done plenty of checking on ebay and mighty bids the last week to find this out as my 16 year old wants a "LV" bag for Christmas!
2006-12-08 23:13:19
answer #2
answered by betty_bouti2004 3
If you have to ask, it is probably phoney. You are NOT going to purchase a genuine LV article by accident, or cheaply.
I cannot believe the people who think they are going to get a deal on these bags.
2006-12-09 01:26:16
answer #3
answered by mattfz 3
If you are buying online, it's not real unless it's coming from LV website, or Macy's, or another "legit" website.
2006-12-08 23:09:56
answer #4
answered by IMHO 6
Nope, Louis Vuitton originals are extremely well made
2006-12-08 23:14:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous