My dog's water and my rabbit's water bottle freeze every night during the winter. I have to get up and go out and bust it up in the early morning and give them new water. I love them and I don't mind to do this but I worry b/c they have nothing to drink at night and sometimes it freezes while i'm away at shool,!! please and thank you very much.
13 answers
asked by
➔ Other - Pets
my parents won't let me bring them inside..don't worry, they are warm and safe. They have houses and lots of pet bedding and food. I am taking good care of them, i just can't take them inside.
15:01:52 ·
update #1
If it's cold enough their water is freezing, then you need to be bringing your animals in at night.
Thousands of cats and dogs literally freeze to death each year. Many more suffer from hypothermia, and end up in veterinary offices due to excessive exposure to the cold.
Even if you have a dog like an Alaskan Malamute, or a Husky don't leave your dog (or rabbit) outside for long when it's too cold.
EDIT: There are heat lamps you can buy to keep the animals and their water containers warm. Feed stores usually carry them (and they can give you some more advice)
2006-12-08 14:59:45
answer #1
answered by Lexi P 3
First of all, don't bring your pets in at night if they stay outside the rest of the time. They need a constant temp to make the hair that keeps them warm. next, my outside cats- of which their are many- have a waterer that plugs in. They don't cost that much and i don't notice any higher electric bill. the bunnies i water every morning and by the next morning i have to bust ice. Some mornings they are ready for a drink and sometimes they are more interested in breakfast, so i have to assume they are getting enough to drink. I wouldn't put an electric waterer in there tho cause rabbits are great at chewing wires.
2006-12-08 15:09:50
answer #2
answered by La-z Ike 4
I have rabbits and every night I have to go out and switch the water bowls so they have water most of the night and then I switch it back in the morning it works pretty well for me, what kind of rabbits do y ou have. If they have long ears make sure they don't get wet because then the ears could freeze.
2006-12-09 03:26:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you can buy a item that will wrap round the bottles to stop them from freezing up and they are called a bottle snug. also for dogs you can get a wet-n-winter bowl lol which is just basically a bowl that heats up now and again to stop the water going frozen, other than that i havent a clue
2006-12-08 15:02:59
answer #4
answered by worldchampatpool 3
The feed and grain stores sell special drop in heaters for stock tanks that float and keep the ice from forming. Small and medium dishes that plug in are also sold. The dog is probably already brought in at night, but I suggest that you move the rabbits into a garage, breeze way, or barn to keep them out of the weather. There fur helps them stay worm but it isn't enough. They can get frost bight and colds just like you. You wouldn't want to be out in the cold, nether do they.
2006-12-08 15:24:17
answer #5
answered by Cricket 1
Why are your animals outside if it's cold enough for water to freeze?? They really shouldn't be out there if it's that cold. If you have no other choice, try covering the cages and adding a heat lamp to make sure the area stays as close to comfortable as possible. there are also heated water dishes.
2006-12-08 15:02:43
answer #6
answered by MasLoozinIt76 6
There is water bowls that you can plug in to an outside plug in, I know because we have one for our dog buddy that we bought at wal-mart and it works great for freezing weather.
2006-12-08 15:03:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think there are warmers that you can buy to keep your pets water from freezing. Ask your vet about it, they should know.
2006-12-08 15:01:23
answer #8
answered by julie 5
I know Petsmart sells heated water bowls.
2006-12-08 15:05:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You are not fooling anyone. If their water is freezing up then they are freezing also. You need to provide heat for these animals or give them to animal shelter. No one that has animals could ever believe that your animals are safe.
2006-12-08 15:14:36
answer #10
answered by Life lover 4