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On winter break, which is coming soon, I'm going to Las Vegas to try out to be an actress, my friends say that I look like an actress from a TV show already, and some say I was born to act, or I was born to sing, and some people think I'm Miley Cyrus's little sister, because I look kinda like her, so the questuon is, do you think I'll make it?

2006-12-08 14:52:09 · 7 answers · asked by Shelly 3 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

I really think i'll make it, I mean I'm never gonna give up, I mean i'll do anything for this, even 96 hours of straight work, so yeah.

2006-12-08 14:58:53 · update #1

I wanted to go to LA, but still, it's too far from Las Vegas, it's like 6 hours away, and thats where I'm going for vacation, I REALLY wanted to go to LA, but my parents said I'll have more chance in Las Vegas, than in LA.

2006-12-09 02:27:35 · update #2

7 answers

I love Las Vegas (and I don't even gamble)

A lot of people start here. You may make it, you may not. But you will never know unless you try.

If you don't go and try, one day you will be old and fat and always wonder what "could have been."

Go for it and have a great time. Good luck!!

2006-12-08 14:56:36 · answer #1 · answered by maamu 6 · 0 1

Are you studying to be and actor? Are you still in highschool? (noted from your reference to "Winter Break") Las Vegas industry is based mostly on shows - must be 18+ and have no problem showing your flesh. If you are under 21, this town may seem a bit boring for you since you don't know anyone to show you where the underage scene is.

I'm concerned with your question... Have you done some research on the casting companies here and in LA?

Did a little yahooing and found the following references. Please oh please set up your look-sees BEFORE you arrive in Las Vegas. Make sure you have a portfolio with you of professionally done pictures. Also, have copies of resumes which show your previous acting experience (include school plays). Be ready to do something special that will set you apart from the rest.

Note: There is a difference between talent agencies and casting calls. An Agency will take all of your information and find places for you to go for auditions for a fee and/or a huge cut of your pay. A casting call is an audition for a specific part.

Be careful!!! Don't sign anything! Read everything, take the contract with you to a lawyer (in Las Vegas they cost around $100.00 per hour.) If the agency refuses to allow you to take the contract to a lawyer before signing RUN!!! They want to swindle you or worse force you into legal servitude.

You don't make it because you look like someone famous. You make it becuase of who you know and how good you are at promotng yourself. Good luck.

2006-12-09 02:58:53 · answer #2 · answered by unlv_engineer 2 · 0 0

No. Why start in Las Vegas? Go to Los Angeles. There's no film industry in Vegas. You'll be a flop, turn to drugs, become a prostitute to support your habit, and die in a rat infested alley.

2006-12-08 14:53:49 · answer #3 · answered by Bestie 6 · 0 1

"If there is a will there is a way!" If not there are many more opportunities and things in life. Good luck! :)

2006-12-08 14:59:49 · answer #4 · answered by Golden Ivy 7 · 1 1

Most likely not. nothing personal, just statistics

2006-12-08 14:56:25 · answer #5 · answered by vardvu 2 · 1 0

You can achieve great things if you believe in yourself

2006-12-08 14:56:50 · answer #6 · answered by felisha 1 · 0 1

Good luck, what are you auditioning for?

2006-12-08 14:54:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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