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what is a better pet for a single guy that works 12 hour days alot?

2006-12-08 14:33:52 · 21 answers · asked by holley_heffernan 1 in Pets Other - Pets

21 answers

get a couple cats from the same litter so they have someone to play with when your out.Dogs are not as easy to own.

2006-12-09 01:02:33 · answer #1 · answered by grant_graveley 3 · 0 0

Defiantly a cat, although if you are working this much one cat would probably get lonely. Cats are way more independent then dogs. If you make sure your cat has fresh water available at all times and make sure you feed it right before you leave and as soon as you get back it will be fine. You will also have to provide it with lots attention when you are home, and lots of things to do to distract it self when you're not.

Providing lots of toys and play gyms is a good idea and you could also possibly build a simple cat cage onto the side of your house which your cat can get to through a cat door. This allows your cat a safe place to go and play in the sun or just rest and hang out (remember that cats which are let outside to roam free have an average life span on only 5 years compared to one which is not, whcih has a life span of 15 years)

Cats are just as affectionate as dogs and I think I prefer a cats form of affection (sitting on your lap, puring, curling up with you while you watch tv or read and occasionally getting in a silly mood and wanting to play fight with you hand) over a dogs (barking, jumping on you, trying to lick your face, wanting to run around with you, generally being more hyper and rough) Particularly if you work long days and probably don't have all that much energy left over by the end of the day.

Cats also smell better then dogs and you wont have to wash them. You will have to clean the kitty littler box but if you build a cat cage you can put the littler box outside in it and then the between clean small wont go through you house. Otherwise just clean the box a lot.

Before you make a decision think long and hard about whether you are going to be able to properly care for any animal you adopt. You may also like to consider other types of animals (don't get a bird, they require more time the cats and about as much if not more then dogs!) Good luck!

2006-12-08 23:08:41 · answer #2 · answered by Evilstrawberry 3 · 0 0

A cat is definatley a better choice. 12 hours is a long time to leave a dog unattended in your home. Since cats tend to bond differently, and act out differently, your home would be happier and less likely to suffer major damage from a cat. A dog left in that long, will eventually try to find ways to entertain itself. Either chewing, digging, chasing, marking, howling, whining, barking (you get the picture). That is also a long time to hold it :) You must also think, the times that you are home, a cat is more likely to achieve its happy bonding time with you by sitting next to you. A dog on the other hand, will most likely require a little more effort on your behalf to accomplish "daddy - doggy" bonding. I don't know what you do for 12 hours a day, but I can guess that you're pretty beat when you get home from that long of a shift. Your dog wouldn't understand that, and shouldn't be asked to. I'd vote for a cat and maybe later in life you can more easily fit a dog into your life.

2006-12-09 02:21:44 · answer #3 · answered by skachicah35 4 · 0 0

I would say a cat, definitely. Dogs tend to suffer from separation anxiety a lot more than cats do, and if you're away from home for 12 hours at a time, you would have to have a dog walker or someone come to let the dog out to go to the bathroom when you're away which could mean extra costs. A cat can be litter box trained so you don't have to worry about it.

2006-12-08 23:20:34 · answer #4 · answered by ilovesubasketball 4 · 0 0

You want a cat. Dogs need more care. With a cat you can put out enough water and food and it will use a litter box. Dogs have to be let out side unless you train it to use the pads but there is a problem with that, you would not have time to train it. Unless you got on already trained. Dogs seem to need more attention than cats. They need to go out to play alot for the exercise too. Dogs need running room. Cats dont need the same kind of exercise. They are fairly lazy animals.I grew up with always having a cat. I loved cats and would have one now if they didn't make me sneeze, and I have 3 small dogs. So I know what it takes to care for them. Hope this helps

2006-12-08 22:48:34 · answer #5 · answered by Scarlett & Bret's Mom 1 · 2 0

if you are gone for 12 hrs at a time, definetly a cat. puppies dont do well when left for that long, they cant use a litter box. well, actually they can, so i hear, but not without a lot of work on your part.
cats are more independant and a lot less needy.
dogs are more affectionate, outwardly.
i have had cats all my life, now have an older male cat, taz, who wears a harley collar and name tag.
we just got a puppy, and to compare the two, the cat is fine on his own, always has been. very masculine too. no sissy boy here..
i adore the puppy, but she is a lot of work
good luck..

2006-12-08 22:58:14 · answer #6 · answered by darlin12009 5 · 1 0

A cat is better suited for being alone for long periods but will still need attention. Dogs require a lot more attention not to mention will need to be let out to go to the bathroom. Bored animals can be destructive so anything you get, make sure you get lots of toys!!

2006-12-08 22:44:39 · answer #7 · answered by MasLoozinIt76 6 · 2 0

Most dogs require a lot of attention and leaving them alone so long during the day can cause behavioral problems , digging , chewing , scratching , excessive barking , but a cat is very independent anyway and be left alone with no problems as long as they are inside .

2006-12-08 22:43:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

A cat, because they don't have to be let out. However, it really isn't fair to any animal to be left alone all the time. Dogs need to be let out every few hours, if you live alone who will do this? Cats are pretty self sufficient, as long as they have food, water, and a liter box; they are fine.

2006-12-08 22:38:38 · answer #9 · answered by Jinny E 5 · 1 0

Both are ok but it would probably be better for a cat cause its more independant so it wouldnt mind as much you being gone. They still are loving animals even though they are independant.

Personally Id go with the dog. but cats are ok

2006-12-08 23:36:34 · answer #10 · answered by Dawn 2 · 0 0

depends on ure taste for animals really, don't get an animal and then regret it. do some research. I LOVE cats but they can be messy and you have to change the smellt litter box and they like to scratch anything and everything. dogs on the other may be man's best friend but they like to slobber on everything but they are good security.cats are funny and dogs like to fetch ok now that you know the basics haha you decide.

2006-12-08 23:13:59 · answer #11 · answered by ///\oo/\\\ 4 · 0 0

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