my first was 6 hrs labor was mostly mild contractions my second was 3 hrs labor and the most awful pain there ever was my last labor was 14 and half hrs i had an epidural with him but didn't feel any pain my sister in law who had her son 10 days after me was in labor for 72 hrs she home birthed her baby but i felt safer going to the hospital my mom had my brothers who are twins within 15 minutes of going into labor my dad had to deliver them and they didn't know she was having twins back then they didn't have ultrasounds and tests like that my mom to me is a miracle woman she gave birth to 9 of us children 8 boys and me
2006-12-08 14:24:24
answer #1
answered by linda y 3
With my first i was having contractions 2-20 minutes apart for more than than 20 hours, then the last 10 hrs at home were mostly less than 10 minutes apart, though some were on top of each other, when they were regularly 0-7 min apart i went to the hospital at 11 pm. I started pushing at around 2 am and by 5 they said i would need a c-section. It took 2 hrs to get a anesthetist there and get it done. My others came c-section too.
2006-12-08 14:21:57
answer #2
answered by Bre 3
Well....I started my labor the night before my son was born at about 8am actually. Not active labor but pretty good contractions. Got through the day and by 8pm active contractions and my water broke at 2am the next morning. After I went to the hospital the nurse said I was only dialated to 2cm and the dr ordered Pitocin. That is the most horrible stuff ever!!! My son was born around 11am so all in all I was in hard labor about 15 hours! I was 23.
2006-12-08 14:11:49
answer #3
answered by Samantha 3
It's true. I went into labor with my daughter at 6:30 pm the eve of my baby shower and she didn't come out until 6:50 pm the next day (which ironically enough was mothers day!) My second child, a boy, I had about sixteen hours of hard back labor. On the way down the hall to have a C-Section (after it was decided he wasn't coming out on his own) he popped out- in the hall, on the gurni. My third child, was like 45 minutes. he was the easiest.
2006-12-08 14:11:55
answer #4
answered by rleerose_3 2
Lucky you. With my first baby, I was in labor for 58 hours. My contractions would start getting stronger and stronger, and then die down for a while. It got to the point that I told the doctor that I was not leaving the hospital until I have the baby. For my third, I was in labor for about 30 hours and then had to have an emergency c-section because the baby was too big to fit through my pelvis (he was 11lbs7oz)
2006-12-08 15:36:26
answer #5
answered by Lynnea 2
My sister in law (I was her labor coach) was in labor for 26 hours before they started to use suction and then forceps and then a c section.
Luckily I had my 2 BEFORE they did that or I would have never had children.
My first son was born on his due date after 7 1/2 hours of labor (during business hours).
My second son was born 5 days late after 3 1/2 hours of labor (during business hours). They tried to send me home after about 2 hours of labor...I refused to go....voila the nurse caught the baby an hour and a half later.
2006-12-08 15:15:32
answer #6
answered by angel_s_garden 3
About 12 hours with the first and about 9 hours with the second!
2006-12-08 14:10:14
answer #7
answered by ♥Stranger In Maine™♥ (Thriller) 7
My sister in law was tech in labor for about 20 hours. She started having regular contractions (they were around 10 min apart). She didn't go to the hospital until they were 5 min apart, a couple of hours later. Her water broke much later and she then pushed for about 1 hour before the baby was born.
2006-12-08 14:10:28
answer #8
answered by Melissa J 4
My first was around 9 hours. My second I was induced and was only in labor for one hour. My third I was in labor for aroun 3 or 4 hours. Im pregnant with my 4th and hoping it will be quick too.
2006-12-08 14:16:01
answer #9
answered by Blondi 6
I was in labor with my first son for 19 hours. My second son I was in labor for almost 9.
2006-12-08 14:10:27
answer #10
answered by michaellandonsmommy 6