I hope all is well with them and I hope this relationship takes a turn for the best. SO he don't break up with her like he did with Hoopz. I am also glad Delicious won! I was so happy for her IN YOUR FACE NEW YORK HAHAHAHAHHAAHA! -coughs the words: ahem ahem- lmao
2006-12-08 14:03:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
LMAO most of dem gurls are only dere 4 the media and the money. Hoopz was a nice gurl but look now, like 3 months afta dey broke up n now shes doin so well. Shes in all these magazines and in all these music videos. N i dunno mayb flav n delicious will stay 2gether but who knos. But ok that man is... UGLY!!! Im sure alot of dem gurls were only dere 4 the limelight.
2006-12-08 22:11:13
answer #2
answered by Steph 2
ive heard that flav is going to be a dad again.. but not with delicious
2006-12-08 21:43:21
answer #3
answered by daddys_lil_princesa 2
I think that Delicious is a nice girl and all But, they all were there for T.V. They all had crazy nude pictures on the Internet.
2006-12-08 21:50:22
answer #4
answered by toobossy07 1
Dont kno, but they seem pretty happy on all the awards shows!!!!! lol.....
2006-12-08 21:37:22
answer #5
answered by noonie1104 3
dunno..and really dont care lol
2006-12-08 21:38:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous