Believe me you'll know. I was afraid with my first baby I wouldn't know either. I didn't have any BH contractions either with him. I woke up one morning and was all wet. I thought I peed myself because I had no idea what to expect. Well, my water broke and about 45 minutes later I started having contractions. They got worse and worse and closer together and then I knew..there was no second guessing it. I also got sick to my stomach, which didn't happen the entire pregnancy till that point so I knew it was something.
I know it's hard when people say "you'll know" but it's so true. Just hang in there. You'll be fine!
2006-12-08 12:02:23
answer #1
answered by ktpb 4
Congratulations! I had the same fear as well. And actually I work on a maternity floor so every little pain I was having I was like put me on the monitor because this is it! And sure enough it wasn't! I also had a ton of Braxton Hicks which got stronger toward the end too! All I can can tell you when the real contractions come along it was a much lower in my pelvis pain every 3-4 minutes and they did NOT go away and increases in pain as time went by. It kinda felt like a really bad period cramp that radiated to my back. God Bless you and your new addition!
2006-12-08 12:05:22
answer #2
answered by cliffhanger 3
Oh you will know when your in labor. No doubt about that one. Its not just like you get tiny cramps or anything. They may start out small, but get alot stronger and more painful. There will be a point to where you wont even be able to talk much. By that point you will already be in the hospital, or if you are getting an epidural, then you will probably have already gotten one. You may not realize your in labor at first because the contractions will start out lighter(Or not..could start strong), but you will know when you need to get to the hospital. With my first, I got full blown contraction immediately during the night and it woke me up. From there I was having contractions every 2 minutes for 9 hours straight. It wasnt fun. With my second I was induced..with my 3rd, I got light contractions. As soon as I started feeling cramping, I started timing from 5 in the afternoon until 9 and then decided to go to the hospital. My water broke at 10 and the strong contractions began. I had him 3 hours later. Braxton Hicks contractions , as least for me, dont feel at all like real contractions. There is no pain at all when I have BH contractions. Just a tightening feeling. So I dont think you can mistake those for real contractions. You probably get them, but just cant feel them. You may not notice them.
2006-12-08 12:04:09
answer #3
answered by Blondi 6
You will know if your going into labor cause it feels like really bad cramps it will hurt. I just had a boy 10 months ago. I started haven braxton hicks contractions when i was 8 months pregnant but it's different with everybody it might happen until you are 9 months. If you do start haven contractions time them if they're 5 minutes apart and you feel alot of water come out of you then you are going into labor.
2006-12-08 12:04:38
answer #4
answered by Bonnie N 1
I had that fear with both my kids. My oldest one my water sac kinda tore. It didn't really break but there was a good bit of fluid so I went to the hospital and they went ahead and finished tearing the sac (which by the way is ALOT of fluid so when it breaks you're gonna know!) Iwas alreadyhaving major contractions that were only a couple of minutes apart (I could tell fromthe monitor) but I didn't feel any pain for about 6 hrs so you can't just go by contraction pain or you might get there too late. Now with my second I had problems and was at the hospital 4 times before they finally induced me. With both of them though I got really sick for about 3 days before they were born. I couldn't eat and had diarrhea and vomitting. All of my friends had the same thing. Also you get a really heavy feeling above your pelvic bone fromthe baby dropping.
Don't worry about'll know because the feeling of going into labor is not like anything you've felt'll just know! Congrats on the baby and good luck!
2006-12-08 12:07:04
answer #5
answered by . 6
I never had braxton hicks so I can't tell you how it is different. However, I just wanted to say THAT was my biggest fear. That I would be in labour and not know it. I heard stories about that and it freaked me out.
Anyway I was planning a home birth so it wasn't a huge deal, I just stuck close to home. And I knew before I started labour that it would start soon, I just "knew".
I imagine if you feel braxton hicks, you will feel contractions. They may feel the same but if they are 10 min or less apart and consistant you are in labour. Generally I am lead to believe if they are less than 5 min it is time to go to to the hospital.
Best of luck!
2006-12-08 11:58:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I didn't have this fear with my first son because he was premature and it was an induced labor... utter hell that was.
I did experience the same feelings with my second though. I was terrified I'd miss something and end up having him at home. lol
When the time comes and the contractions start, you will surely know it! You also can't miss it when your water breaks. You'll wish you knew it was coming so you could have thrown on a depends!
Your body and your baby will give you fair warning when "it's time". All you have to do is be prepared to act.
You'll do just fine! Best of health and happiness to you both.
2006-12-08 12:37:10
answer #7
answered by scorpio1913 2
It kind of feels like menstrual cramps at first than gets worse. If you have a sudden gush of fluid and you know for sure you did not just pee your pants. . . your water just broke and you need to get to that birthing place of choice. The pains normally start coming in intervals. If you hurt for more than a few minute be snappy about it and get to that hospital asap. It is a wise thing to try to call your doctor when you first feel any sort of pain. He/she can ask you a number of questions to help determine the pains and timing.
When that baby is ready to come out you will definitely know. . . there is no mistaking it.
2006-12-08 12:08:01
answer #8
answered by Cricket 3
it will really hurt. trust me, you'll know. you're mucus plug is first, it can take a few weeks. then, if you're lucky, you're water will break naturally, its like a big warm gush of fluid. not like when you pee a lot, think bigger. then the contractions are like hell on earth and you think they'll NEVER end. then when the baby is born it's basically over. when the placenta comes out, that will hurt too, but not that bad, then you'll eventually forget about how bad the pain was. a good tip: nubane won't help, and epidurals hurt (especially if they can't get the catheter in the first time), being vocal, and bearing down eases the pain.
2006-12-08 12:11:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When you are in labor, you will know. If you can't tell due to the pain, then I wish I could have your pain tolerance. Good luck and everything will be fine. I have discovered that the more I sit around and think about things the worse I make it for myself. =)
2006-12-08 11:57:13
answer #10
answered by Mommy To Be in April 7