All along the watchtower was originally done by Bob Dylan but made much better by Jimi Hendrix
2006-12-08 10:44:16
answer #1
answered by tchem75 5
Paint It Black is hard and heavy when covered by The Agony Scene
Losing My Religion is imo better by Graveworm then r.e.m.
i like Metallica's version of Astronomy by boc better then when they did it, along with seager's turn the page, and the misfits die die my darling.
Orgy does a better version of Blue Monday then New Order
Marilyn Manson's versions of sweet dreams, i put a spell on you, tainted love and personal jesus are all better then the originals.
Dimmu Borgir does a twisted Sister cover of Burn In Hell that sounds a million times more mean and heavy then the original..i'll stop there for now, becasue i'm sure you have no clue what i'm talking about anyway.
2006-12-08 10:48:25
answer #2
answered by chordface 2
Phil Collins' "True Colors" is way better than Cyndi Lauper's version.
John Mayer's live version of The Police's "Message in a Bottle" is pretty sweet. Usually, though, I prefer the original artist.
2006-12-08 10:45:22
answer #3
answered by justme 2
I like The way Jewel did Time after Time and so many more by so many artists...I think remake songs are usually better than the first. Also Alian Ant Farms "smooth Criminal" is a good one but Micheal still sings it best!
2006-12-08 10:48:13
answer #4
answered by honeyEMT 2
Sweet dreems) ( Marilyn Manson) (Sweet dreams)(Annie Lennox) Manson cover of song great! Metallica(One)(KORN covered the song one excellent cover! Bob seger done turn the page Metallice covered it seger himself said he couldnt do no better! Depeche mode originally done personal jesus recovered by Manson ! These are just a few of my favorites im a big heavy metal fan! all of these songs can be downloaded for free off of limewire!
2006-12-08 10:57:39
answer #5
answered by out dated prod! 2
Lee Harding did a cover of Survivor's Eye of tiger (rocky theme) I perfered than the original
2006-12-08 10:43:56
answer #6
answered by whay i lost my ?s 6
I enjoy Tim McGraws version of 'When the Stars Go Blue'
2006-12-08 10:51:48
answer #7
answered by missb_101 2
I think Bonnie Raitt's version of "Runaway" leaves the original way in the dust, and the original was pretty good for its time.
2006-12-08 10:43:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The only covers I can think of that I like, are the Rob Zombie remakes of disco songs.. like Boogeyman and Brick house.
2006-12-08 10:42:51
answer #9
answered by Paige 5
theres a few that i like A perfect circles cover for John lennons song "imagine" then Evanescences cover for A perfect circles song "orestes" and last but not least! Halifax's cover of Paula Abdul's song "straight up"
2006-12-08 10:45:34
answer #10
answered by Samantha G 2