Bette Midler's "Wind Beneath My Wings" which I played at my mother's funeral.
2006-12-08 10:42:45
answer #1
answered by J Somethingorother 6
Yes, alot of songs make me cry. The last song I've cried to was "Calling all Angels" by Jane Siberry and K.D. Lang.
It was playing at the end of the movie "Pay It Forward" after the kid was stabbed and they were holding the vigil for him outside. I just think about that scene when I hear it and cry about how mean people can be. I listen to it when I'm depressed to, so I guess I'm asking to cry by listening to it.
2006-12-08 10:44:43
answer #2
answered by Roni 1
Quite a few do. I Don't Wanna Be Me by Amanda Clemens, The Unveiling by ICP, Skin by Alexz Johnson. I think everyone has had a point where a song just makes you breakdown. If you haven't, you're obviously not listening to the words.
2006-12-08 10:50:05
answer #3
answered by Spike 3
of course! song is meant to fireplace up emotions interior the listener, if not that is purely, properly, meaningless. It does not inevitably could be sorrow, yet being a soppy romantic, I cry at a brilliant number of songs. Like Chris Medina's What Are words, I shed tears observing and listening to the song video.
2016-10-18 00:09:53
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Bring The Boys Home by Freda Payne.
It's an anti-war song from the Vietnam era.
2006-12-08 10:39:19
answer #5
answered by foleycat 3
Holes in The Floor of Heaven, the first time I heard it was after my grandma passed away. To this day, I cant get through the whole song without crying.
2006-12-08 10:37:58
answer #6
answered by Danielle 2
Fly by Celine Dion
If I Saw You In Heaven by Eric Clapton
If You Came Back From Heaven by Lorrie Morgan
New Again by Brad Paisley & Sara Evans
Anything that has meaning, really.
"Yes, it was a country song about a little girl and her alcoholic parents and God. I don't remember the title though. " --- OOH! That's The Little Girl by John Michael Montgomery! That one too!
2006-12-08 10:41:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Many songs make me cry, I agree that it has to have some meaning to a person. The song bridge over troubled water by Simon & Garfunkel. Also old rugged cross (alot of ppl have sang that one.)
2006-12-08 10:45:30
answer #8
answered by kittycat lover 3
loads of songs make me cry for loads of different reason eg what mood iam in or what happend the time i heard the song the 1 i remeber is i dont like mondays by boomtown rats
2006-12-08 10:44:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Last Kiss by Pearl Jam made me cry the first time I heard it.
2006-12-08 10:37:48
answer #10
answered by *Cara* 7
These Three Words by Stevie Wonder
2006-12-08 13:57:13
answer #11
answered by Ki 2