That 14 is still the fastest production bike on the market,add muzzy exaust,power commander will help with that.But if you just want a little more in 1st gear go down 1 in the front,or just keep the rpm above 4000 and you'll have all you need.check my profile and yahoo360 for more on the 14. Good luck. ps The bike will run more that 190 !!! stock and if you want do the sproket work on the back ,it will help save the engine, larger in the back if you want more power and vise versa. the speedo is not controled by the front sproket thats really bad advise. You want more info send me an email or im. Be safe
2006-12-08 11:29:27
answer #1
answered by Twister 2
Do you mean the front sprocket, or the rear sprocket? If you mean the rear sprocket then you don't want to go with more teeth when the bike is already geared too low for your taste. That would just make the problem worse.
2006-12-08 12:12:12
answer #2
answered by CraigRC 2
Changing the gearing will make the speedometer readings inaccurate as its driven electronically from front sprocket
It isn't geared too low, (it does almost 190mph!!!) it just has a really wide spread of power, about a 10,000 rpm range where it pulls well.
If you want o lower rpm at cruising speeds? try 1 or 2 teeth more on front if there's clearance or 3 teeth or more OFF back sprocket.
2006-12-08 12:26:39
answer #3
answered by 1crazypj 5
Try one tooth up on the front (small) sprocket. It,s cheaper than going down a couple of teeth on the rear sprocket.
2006-12-08 12:16:13
answer #4
answered by frank750cc 2