No, he is a pretty weak president. He showed his inablity to resolve any issue with tactics and planning. he used the american military and economic power to resolve issue. That led into unwanted side effects as we r seeing now. Even a teenager could come up with this kind of solution. A better way would be like Regan who fought mighty USSR without losing one life and when soldiers were attack in Leabnon he simply chose to leave as this was not a battle to be fought by us. He was not presurred by his ego or lack of far sightedness.
2006-12-08 04:01:48
answer #1
answered by WISEMAN 3
other then being a complete floundering buffoon that cant find his *** with both hands much less Osama. That has been wrong on every decision and has no domestic or foreign policy much less a clue
Other than that he still sucks
Hes the overprivleged, over entitled, lazy son of an influential family who has no accomplishments no resume had to get his *** bailed out by DAD or his rich friends whenever he inevitably screwed something up.
Hes mean spirited with no vision and not one ounce of compassion The Dumbest person ever to walk through the doors of the white house and that includes any visitor for the past 200 years
But all in all, it's been a fabulous year for Laura and me." —George W. Bush, summing up his first year in office, Washington, D.C., Dec. 20, 2001
It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency." —George W. Bush, June 14, 2001, speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, unaware that a live television camera was still rolling.
I think -- tide turning -- see, as I remember -- I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of -- it's easy to see a tide turn -- did I say those words?" --George W. Bush, asked if the tide was turning in Iraq, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006
OK Big J show me
How has the Debt gone down if he started in 2001 with a surplus
Why is the economy good? becuse of Wallstreet? Cuz u teel me how middle America is better off then they were 10 years ago
How many times were we attacked in the 50 years b4 9/11
2006-12-08 04:12:26
answer #2
answered by gdeach 3
You have to define good and you also have to define what you consider the Presidents job to be. I think he has failed as a motivator .. most of the american people are not happy with the job he is doing. I think he has failed as public speaker ... he makes mistakes with almost every speach he makes. He has erased all of the progress that was made on the national debt that was made while Clinton was in office. He has also failed as a diplomat .. almost every country out there thinks that we are an empire trying to take over the world. With the republicans in power in both the house and the senate he should have been able to get allot accomplished and instead he took us to war with a country that we have no business in being in. Long story short is that no, I don't think he is a good President and I think that history will show that he was one of the worst. I can't think of anyone that did a worse job then he did.
2006-12-08 04:02:53
answer #3
answered by RayCATNG 4
Good on what .
Real economic indicators show working American wages falling ,bankruptcy at an all time high and massive national debt .
We have police ,beating ,shooting ,and killing black Americans every week and the 300 000 displaced New Orleans residents have not been addressed and rebuilding on any realistic level to return them ever to there homes in this century .
Environmental laws have been repealed in place of making it cheaper to spew toxic waste into the air .
Our military is engaged in a war that is going no place fast and Iraq has devolved into a society of rebels and rioters .
Funding to our national parks and many of those jobs have dried up in the last 6 years . The very scientists and biologists that protect the nations parks have been reduced to levels that endanger the park systems ability to function properly .
SO lets see I touched on the economy , war , environment , debt and health of Americas parks .
Now lets mention the people who do not have health care a social security program that in twenty years will be bankrupt unless we increase the rate at which we collect money to fund it or raise the retirement age to 70 .
I keep hearing the same story on the news how Americans are living longer and working longer every year .
Soon people will begin to believe they will live to collect and retire from the program they paid into .
Not going to happen for tens of millions of Americans who are over weight and in poor health due to the society we have created of do nothings who sit in offices taking from the poor working man .
Bush is a terrible president a half assed father who is never there for his kids and a man given to the delusion that a God he pray's to will help him make hard choices .
2006-12-08 04:14:14
answer #4
answered by -----JAFO---- 4
Are any presidents?? They can only do as much as they're allowed to. That's why they have a cabinet and the house. It all has to be discussed before acton takes place--unless there is an emergency that calles for immediate action. It goes both ways for me too--unfortunately--all presidents have their quirks and us as a society must live with it until we find someone who we think fits the bill--but then will the next president fit the bill and no one complains??? Not hardly--we have to have something to complain about--and no one is perfect.
2006-12-08 04:01:16
answer #5
answered by smeezleme 5
He's horrible.
He is his daddy's puppet. He couldn't find Bin laden, so he turned to Husein instead. and the only reason for that was because there was oil to be (hopefully) had.
He's wishy washy. He doesn't have a clue. How he got elected a second time, I will never understand.
His daddy's hand is up his *** playing puppetmaster to the country.
People were worried about Clinton lying about sex. At least with Clinton's lies, no one died.
2006-12-08 04:08:21
answer #6
answered by serogers1970 2
Yes. WE have not been attacked by terrorists, our economy is good, employment is up,senior citizens have been helped w/ prescription drugs,taxes have been lowered, the debt is going down,and the Taliban and Saddam have been removed from power.
GDEACH-- all that you have claimed is untrue.
Have you heard about punctuation?
GDEACH--- It's amusing to be called "sissy" by a Liberal Dem. who's got his skirts all knotted up from our country going to war.---Smile, and nobody will notice those pee stains on your panty hose.
I will only answer an honest adult. Sorry.
But you made a good move coming down from that tree,and I'm sure you will like our country as soon as you learn our language.So pay careful attention to your 2nd grade teacher.
2006-12-08 04:11:08
answer #7
answered by big j 5
He has no idea what he is doing, whether be it fighting terrorism, or anything else. People think he is fighting terrorism, when in fact he is just trying to pass some time until the end of his term. He doesn't care who dies out there, because none of the troops are his kids. I say bring back Clinton. At least the country wasn't falling apart under him, no matter what he did in his personal life.
2006-12-08 04:00:36
answer #8
answered by Aziz_Z 2
He's not perfect, but in my view, he is reacting about where any President would react when faced with a very possible future threat. I like that he is being proactive. I'm not 100% satisfied, but to mention my complaints now would be a waste of everyone's time.
2006-12-08 03:58:33
answer #9
answered by Rich B 5
2006-12-08 05:02:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous