The story says, if you want to take it literally, that God made Adam and Eve.But not everything in life follows that story and not everything can be as perfect as the Bible describes original man and original woman.Nature changes and perhaps that was and is God's will.
2006-12-07 22:40:54
answer #1
answered by BuckFush 5
The issue of Genesis aswers the question of where we came from. Since mankind is only reproduced by a male and a female, naturally the first to humans would be a male and a female. But that doesn't automatically create a blanket condemnation of homosexuality. There were many types of relationships in the Bible such as incest (Abraham and Sarah who were brother and sister), and David and Solomon who both had multiple wives with God's blessing, but that doesn't mean they are condemned simply because it wasn't identical to Adam and Eve's relationship. Immediately after Eve was created, Adam stated the sole qualifying factor of Eve's compatibility. He didn't say, "She has a vagina so she qualifies". What he said was, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." All descendants of Adam are bone and flesh of his bone and flesh and are therefore qualified to mate irregardless of what they have or don't have between their legs. To say that two people can't mate simply because of what's between their legs is as stupidly absurd as saying that two people can't mate simply because of their color or nationality. I believe God made "Eve" for some men and "Steve" for other men. No two people are the same, so why should we presume that everyone will be attracted to the same thing? That's just ignorance.
-Rev. Jim Cunningham
King James Bible Ministry
2006-12-08 07:50:56
answer #2
answered by hmghosthost 3
god created Adam eve was made from one of Adams ribs and Steve was created so that the rest of gods creations could also fall in love
2006-12-08 10:45:37
answer #3
answered by Ron N 5
God made everyone, Adam, Eve, Steve, Mark, Jenni, Kim, Albert.......
2006-12-08 13:00:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, perhaps you should consider Adam and Eve a metaphor.
If not, perhaps someone here would be willing to translate all the big words in the answers, so you'll understand them.
2006-12-08 09:24:36
answer #5
answered by Radagast97 6
In the language of Hebrew-Adam means: son of man, while Eve means: giver of life. The Bible has many great stories but have been mistranslated and adjusted to fit the needs of the people writing them and to what use, the church of the day, wanted to use to get people in line and fearful.
God made all people as He/She wished to.
2006-12-08 07:33:43
answer #6
answered by dragon 5
This question should be void
Adam and Eve never existed. No one ever created them. Its a myth in your minds. There is no God. There is no Heaven and Hell. Just like there is no Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy in which we all believed in at one point. The bible is just a story, a fiction.
That is all.
2006-12-08 09:38:48
answer #7
answered by Fantasy686 4
According to the fairy tale that people made up years ago it was Adam and Eve.
2006-12-08 23:05:22
answer #8
answered by DawnDavenport 7
God didn't do a thing, first there was Eve, who had several Adams as sexual partners, and their children, who inherited a fertile imagination from their ancestors, invented a multitude of Gods. although it sounds funny, everything I wrote is scientific facts.
2006-12-08 05:51:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Homophobic Gay-bashers like you make the rest of us straight people look bad. You'll be much happier if you spent your time and energy on living your own life instead of trying to tell someone else how to live theirs.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - Jedi Master Yoda
Thanks for the 2 points. =P
2006-12-09 23:11:21
answer #10
answered by Rukh 6