Lucky Brand. They have pockets that sit half way under your butt for a lifted affect and they are long as ever. Go to Nordstrom's and try on all the styles there's one cut for you.
2006-12-07 16:22:15
answer #1
answered by miss tique 3
Think Elle McPherson! If you're tall and lean through the hips you can wear skinny jeans tucked into riding boots, or boot-cut jeans with cool flats. If you've got bigger hips, skip the skinny jeans and stick to boot-cut styles. If you're concerned about your small butt, wear some longer sweaters (which are very cool right now) to cover your butt and add a bit of bulk.
2006-12-07 22:31:56
answer #2
answered by Jetgirly 6
Most designer denim jeans both have a larger inseam 33-34-35 and are designed to flatter any kind of body, especially your backside.
7 for all Mankind's specialize in flattering any kind of butts, so try those.
2006-12-08 20:40:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have a flat butt too! True Religion "joey" jeans works for me because of the wide pockets behind. Good luck! ;)
2006-12-07 22:34:43
answer #4
answered by saintb 1
i'm sorry, i saw an answer advising you to wear uggs. don't do it. i swear to God, don't wear them outside the compfort of your own home.
as for your jeans, i'd suggest low rise skinny/straight legged jeans. flare wouldn't look the greatest on you if you're skinny but, if you are, a straight/skinny leg would accentuate your height and your figure. also, butt pockets with those little flappy tops help. (you know, the ones with the top on them so you have to unbutton them if you want to put something int here...see A.E. boyfriend jeans as an example of the butt pocket, though i wouldn't advise those esact pants.)
2006-12-07 22:43:37
answer #5
answered by jubby 1
maybe you would be better not wearing jeans since jeans would emphasize your height and flat derriere. A long jeans skirt might be a good alternative that doesn't emphasize your butt.
2006-12-07 22:27:34
answer #6
answered by rivkadacat 3
most definitely not high-waisted jeans. Low rise and not bell-bottoms but flares. Bells will make your butt look flatter
2006-12-07 22:40:04
answer #7
answered by spider 2
wear tigh jeans with a loose sweater and some uggs.
2006-12-07 22:26:53
answer #8
answered by Little*Miss*Perfet 2
I have posted a web site that has links for you to try and find pants that will fit you and your "butt"less body. :)
Happy Hunting!!!
2006-12-07 22:30:29
answer #9
answered by Trouble with a capitol T 1
wear jeans that have small pockets.
2006-12-07 22:27:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous