I think what you're talking about is wormwood. A comet made out of rotten wood. (Haha!) That strikes earth in a water mass, capsises 1/3 of the boats, kills 1/3 of the fist and somehow poisons 1/3 of the fresh water.
I read that out of the Left Behind series. I read most of them because I was curious, but couldn't finish because it was just so preachy and the characters were so lame, in my opinion.
It's an evangelical interpertation of the end of times prophecies and not nessicarily a truely literal translation.
And, no, there is no widely accepted time frame for end of world events among Christians. Sometimes smaller groups and sects try, but they're inevetably wrong. Established Christianity has been claiming it could happen any day now for 2000 years. Personaly, I'm starting to think they got stood up.
I'm glad I read that much, though.
Now I know that I should convert with the capital of the world is in Bagdad; there's an earthquate so terrible the world shakes to the point that everyone on the planet wishes for death; when the catholic church and all other religons combine into one super-religion; when a swarm of metal locusts come out of the grond that can't be killed and poison all non-belivers so they are paralyzed for a month but don't die.. and a host of other great ideas.
Issac Asmov is now wrong, the Bible is not the best case for Atheism. The evangelic interpertation of it is.
2006-12-07 14:40:15
answer #1
answered by socialdeevolution 4
Here are the verses:
8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter
Note it doesn't say anything about when it will strike. Nor is it a shooting star (a comet). It is a star. Which, of course, would be impossible. Moreover, a comet or asteroid or star would do more damage than just poisoning the water, especially if it landed in a river.
There are those who claim that Cherynobl translates as "wormwood," but that is just an urban legend.
Look up the correlation between the events described in the book of Revelation and the life of the Roman emperor Domitian. They are sufficiently close enough to show that the book is most likely a diatribe against him and Nero.
2006-12-07 14:31:05
answer #2
answered by abulafia24 3
A lot of great info, correct and not correct and as far as believing the Bible...I would rather believe and It be wrong than to not believe and It be right. Besides I do believe, He said it and thats it.
The Bible mentiosn as already quoted about the star "Wormwood", and a shooting star is a meteor not a comet. No the bible doesnt say exactly how the world will be destroyed except by fire. There is a difference of opinion as to when the trevails of earth in the last times take place. The Comet Kohoutek, which was a flop visually in the seventies, (i think) that name is a loose translation of Wormwood. So are we in the end times? Yes I think we are.
2006-12-08 02:49:03
answer #3
answered by orion_1812@yahoo.com 6
Your friend is very confused and ill-informed. Some of the previous answers contain the correct scriptural reference. The chapter and verse numbers are in the Apocalypse as Revealed to St. John the Divine, which some call the Revelation. It is the last book in the Bible.
Tim LaHaye, the "Left Behind" author, is very stupid and confused, and does not seem to have read the Bible.
"Wormwood" is the English form of the name of a poisonous plant that grows in the ancient Near East. The author of the Apocalypse gave that name to the "star" that was imagined as making the rivers poisonous.
2006-12-07 15:25:16
answer #4
answered by aviophage 7
There is no specific reference of what might cause the end of the world and there is no reference to any time frame. The early Christians believed it would be within one generation after the death of Christ so I don't know how your friend can say within the next 200 years. In fact if you're a purist with the bible, there's supposed to ne 1000 years of peace and tranquility before the end. I think that's in revelations. We haven't seen that period and probably never will.
2006-12-07 14:21:31
answer #5
answered by Gene 7
There's no such thing. Even Albert Einstein doesn't believe in the Bible and he's a genius.People believe what they want to believe in.Yes the earth is halfway through its lifespan and there's millions of years more to go. But this Earth will destruct own its own and a new Earth will form again after its lifespan. Its like a cycle.
2006-12-07 18:20:59
answer #6
answered by eTerNal_sAnDwIcH92 2
Rev. 8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter............this is in reference to a comet or asteroid. probably a comet since it is named. it will hit in an ocean and poison it ,probably with radiation, which will poison all the countries water supplies adjacent to it. in affect destorying a third of the worlds water.
2006-12-07 17:02:21
answer #7
answered by shasenplaugh 1
If you really want to know, perhaps you should read the Bible and learn what it has to say. Once you have done that, you will realize that the Bible has a lot of wonderful philosophical and theological teachings, but it was written by men at a time when the knowledge and understanding of science, nature, and space was completely zero.
I believe the Bible is a beautiful guide to living a good life and understanding our place in God's plan, but it is not a text book, and it is not a reliable predictor of space phenomenon or cosmic reality.
2006-12-07 14:28:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Who ever said that the bible was truthful ?
The bible is just a storybook for people who chose to follow it's fictional teachings.
I would not worry just don't react too anxiously when you read about earth destruction in a comic book.
2006-12-07 14:22:14
answer #9
answered by Brutal honesty is best 5
The bible is a freaking fairytale. In fact most fairytales are more believable than the bible.
2006-12-07 14:25:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous