people are so stupid
2006-12-07 13:58:50
answer #1
answered by Bonita W 2
Well, first of all hundreds of years ago when slaves were captured form africa, they were forced to learn the english language and they were beatin when they refused to do so. The language was still passed down to the african children who already knew it but the english language was forced on them. Over time english became the dominant language in america among the african people. Because it is dominant, many african children who were born into slavery were not taught the african language. African Americans ancestors are from africa just like Asian Americans are from Asia. Yes there are white people from africa and they would be called african but they are not the original people. Society says that Africans and blacks are different maybe because the word "Black" is generalized. A person from the middle east can be called black. it depends on what you mean when you say "Black"....Which you should not say at all because the term, in my opinion, is disrespect.
...And to piggy-back from the other answers, there are many different african languages, not just one.
2006-12-07 14:51:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, the majority of Africans are black people and then you have a small population of South Africans who are caucasion (white). Of course the blacks born & raise in America do not know how to speak the languages of the African people, but that doesn't mean we can't learn those languages.
2006-12-07 14:03:41
answer #3
answered by sunny4life 4
So you do realize when people say "black" people they are talking about the color of their skin (which is incorrect, anyway), not their origin. Therefore, that alone is the reason they do not speak the same language. Also, they are different with the exception that Africans are ancestral of the blacks in America.
If you have paid attention in History class, you wouldn't be so confused today.
2006-12-07 14:25:12
answer #4
answered by terryoulboub 5
What is the African language?.
THERE IS NO SOMETHING CALLED, 'African language', IT DOES NOT EXIST. Africa consists of 52 countries, and each has its own language, culture, etc. Even the people from the same countries speak many different languages by tribal.
2006-12-07 21:42:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Most of the black people we meet in the United States are descendents from slaves. They had to learn English while they were in slavery. They came from many different tribes/countries in Africa; there is no one African language so they had a variety of different langluages just like people from Europe speak many languages.
2006-12-07 14:06:09
answer #6
answered by rivkadacat 3
to tell you the truth, i don't refer myself as a black girl. I usually say African-American since i'm have ancestors from Africa, but they became slaves. When they were slaves, they weren't able to speak in their language that much, and their names were changed. Not all blacks/African-Americans are strictly blacks. Most of them are mixed with Caucasians bcuz many Caucasian masters in the South rapped their slaves. Which is probably the reason why my great aunt is really light and has hazel eyes. Some African-Americans are mixed with other cultures, but look more skin(African or /black i guess??). I wish i had a second language, but i don't. I'm like mainly African-American with Native American(Blackfoot from Canada) a tiny bit of Dutch and Portuguese. I look more um....African-American. And mainly African natives speak their language. The descendants like myself, not really, sadly.
2006-12-07 14:39:00
answer #7
answered by pink 2
There is no true African language. The languge the Blacks in Africa speak is directly related to what tribe they were brought up in. Not all tribes speak the same language.
And trust me there isn't A single black person in America that"Even though wants us to respect their heritage" Would ever go back to Africa and live there. There is this thing going on there that has for years called Genicide. They are trying to wipe out entire races and tribes there. AFRICA IS A SH_T HOLE. Any African American will tell you the same.
All the civilized people in Africa speak english with an accent like James Bond.
2006-12-07 14:16:04
answer #8
answered by whtsthislif4 5
An African is different in the fact that he still lives in Africa (or has just moved), and has most likely not been mixed with white genetics. In south Africa, white people are also considerd African by nationality. They are not African American unless they have became a US citizen.
2006-12-07 14:18:04
answer #9
answered by Johnny L 3
Jamaicans aren't "African" but they would still be called "African-Americans." On the flip side, there's no way anybody would call a white guy from South Africa "African-America" either. The whole term is garbage. I'm not European-American, I'm just a white boy!
2006-12-07 14:05:35
answer #10
answered by Josh G 1
I think you're more than confused.
Firstly, all black people are not necessarily African, like all white people are not necessarily Swedish. Stop making such sweeping generalisations. Who cares? Everyone's red under the skin.
2006-12-07 14:02:39
answer #11
answered by Kble 4