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yeah it sounds like the statment above.i was in class today and my teacher told me i need those god damn things called glasses and i hate contacts prefer glasses over contacts. yes its weird becuase ppl say i look smart with glasses. i am a smart guy but have a hard time passing school. my IQ is 132....im a genius but i dont want to be einstein. what are the more modern designs for glasses? i wanted ones in style i was thinking rimless does any one object??? and also im new to this glasses thing. how do you measure your eye weekness. how are the glasses rated? i asked my friend and he told me but i forgot.... so how are the glasses strengths measured?

2006-12-07 13:21:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

9 answers

Ok so, you were in class today and your teacher told you that you need glasses? If this is new news to you, how do you know you hate contacts. I was petrified of putting contacts in my eyes when I first got them (at 16 years old- 6 years ago). Seriously though, contacts are such a better solution. You don't have to worry about them breaking (in a, they cost $100's to replace), you can wear them doing pretty much anything, oh and you don't have to worry about how they look on you! Plus you can do cool things like get a different eye-color. Contacts are the way to go! As a genius I would think you would be able to weigh the benefits between contacts and glasses a little better. Being afraid of contacts is irrational. You sound smart enough to follow the rules and clean them correctly so you needn't be scared about developing eye problems due to contacts.
Sorry if this isn't helpful, I am just a huge proponent for the benefits of contacts v. glasses. Also, when I had glasses, people always said they were cute, I looked cute/smart in them etc, but I always felt like a loser in them. That led to me only wearing glasses when I needed to in class. If I forgot my glasses I was screwed. Contacts ensure that I can see everyday.

2006-12-07 13:30:14 · answer #1 · answered by tulane2007 3 · 1 0

How could people say you look smart with glasses if you have never worn them? I don't get it. Perhaps you would like contacts. My guess is you have never tried them if you just know think you need glasses, so I'd try them out, because they're much less troublesome than glasses. Well, anyway, my glasses are Dolce and Gabana. I wouldn't suggest rimless frames if you have a strong prescription, because it will make them look really thick, which is no good. So, yeah I guess it's whatever makes you feel spunky or whatever. But I would definitely give contacts a try, too, because then you can have a diverse look by wearing contacts one day and glasses another. Options are the best.

2006-12-07 13:34:42 · answer #2 · answered by i_act_blonde15 3 · 1 0

go get an eye test. even walmart will do. and then, go to this website and check out the glasses. there are some pretty sweet ones there. and if you need to know the style, just look at people around you. you cant be the only guy at your school with glasses.


its not the end of the world! i have glasses too and they really arent that bad once you get used to them.

2006-12-07 13:25:27 · answer #3 · answered by karli r 3 · 0 0

The rimless ones are very attractive. I didn't want glasses either but, I am really happy that I have them. The optometrist will tell you all the information that you need to know.

2006-12-07 13:27:12 · answer #4 · answered by Urchin 6 · 0 0

Ok, First of all when you go to the store to get glasses they measure your eyeview for the perfect pair of glasses. In my oponion I would not get rimless. i like the rectangle ones a lot. They in my oponion are best looking.

2006-12-07 13:28:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

okay dude relax, your eye strength is measured by the eye doctor. He's also be able to tell which glasses are hot and which ones are not. Vogue, and DKNY are always in...hope that helps.

2006-12-07 13:26:45 · answer #6 · answered by mznylove 2 · 0 0

same problem here..im pretty popular @ skool and i have straight A's....go for sumthing like... a golden frame w it etched /rimless frm the bottom..its hott!! smart/classy/kool look..im serious!!!..and then when u go to the eye doctor...u can try on any glasses u like.,...so u can find wat finds u suited towards ur taste...=)

2006-12-07 13:29:36 · answer #7 · answered by br2931 2 · 0 1

well i am not in school, and my opinion is if you can see so what, u just pick what u think looks good on ur face. its totally ur decision. glasses aren't so bad! ask ur eye Dr.! good luck!

2006-12-07 13:33:26 · answer #8 · answered by jo 3 · 1 0

go to an optomestrist (eye doctor) and have them help you cuz first u need a prescription

2006-12-07 13:24:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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