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im 15 and im 6'0 and a size 3 or 5 in juniors..were can i buy pants and jeans that arent to expensive??

2006-12-07 12:24:44 · 4 answers · asked by funkymonkey591 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

4 answers

http://www.simplytall.com/html/jeans.html theres some pretty cute clothes here im assuming ura girl based on the sized u said u wear of ur a guy then banana republic makes tall sizes

2006-12-07 12:29:16 · answer #1 · answered by sandyscheeks 2 · 0 1

If your in the U.S. and you have an inseam of 37, than HOLY S***! I am 6'5" and i only need an inseem of 34. Unless you have A LOT of leg, you do not need an inseem of 37. As for getting an inseem of 37 in the juniors. Good luck, if you need an inseem of 37, then your no junior. Your a big boy at 15 so i suggest you go into the MEN's section. One more thing... i dont know if your a guy or a girl. So if your a girl. Ignore all of the insults. If you need to get something custom made, expect the price to go up. You want something cheap right?

2006-12-07 20:33:08 · answer #2 · answered by Regenerit 2 · 0 1

JC Penney web site. You can order custom made pants for hard to fit sizes. Also, sometimes they sell extra-long pants off the shelf. My son is 6'4" and all his pants come from JC Penney. It's the only place I can ever find a 32" waist/ 36" length.

I think Target offers a similar custom fit service as well.

2006-12-07 20:36:06 · answer #3 · answered by angry 6 · 1 1

www.alloy.com has a lot of longer inseams and they are cute and fairly inexpensive.....

2006-12-07 21:21:30 · answer #4 · answered by gesikalee 2 · 0 0

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