I dun think people who shop at those places are at all rich or snobbish. Those are the budget labels and clothes are cheap there.
2006-12-07 12:27:09
answer #1
answered by floozy_niki 6
for one thing why do you think that. Has any one ever told you that? I hardly doubt it. My kids shop there all the time at all those stores and they are very well liked and are not at all snobby. You have to have money to shop there. That is a fact. That may make some people jealous but i would not worry about it. We are from Canada and we have to drive 6 hrs for opening day of A/F opening at the west Edmonton Mall in Alberta for my son. It is the first to open in Canada. Some of the boys at his high school use to bug my son about his clothes. My daughter on the other hand could care less what she wears as she is so down to earth. Maybe you should go shop at like walmart and see id you feel like a snob in there clothes.
2006-12-07 12:31:27
answer #2
answered by crazynuns 3
I think some people are just jealous. My family used tp be fairly wealthy, but now we are in some financial troubles. So I've been in both positions. Most people who are wealthy are snobby, and show off what they get from their parents' wealth, and it's frustrating to others. Abercrombie and Fitch and other expensive stores are places that some people just can't shop at- and the snobby people often make fun of people who shop at places like Wal Mart and K mart, that we can afford. Good for you though, that you are not like that.
2006-12-07 12:28:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Rich ppl dont shop there they shop at Lacoste like the real preps from an actual prep school !!!!!! The rest are just wanna be Preps !
Oh and those store are pretty normal/average they dont make a prep or anything all they say is that U are a middle class American like most americans !
2006-12-07 13:20:00
answer #4
answered by vintage flowers 4
Abercrombie and Hollister merchandise are literally not that expensive. they're only aimed in the route of the more youthful crowd. even as someone tells me they save at Burberry or purchase their outfits at Nieman Marcus, i am going to assume they're wealthy. yet Abercrombie and Hollister? infrequently! I worked at both shops and nonetheless purchase their outfits, they're truly not expensive.
2016-11-30 07:12:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well, you may be a nice person, but just look at abercrombie's ads. They're rich good-looking white people. It's no wonder people get a complex about them. And not only that, about a year ago, there was something in the news about how Abercrombie always keeps dark-skinned people working in the back warehouse and only hire white people for their salespeople. I'm not saying this is all definite, just something to think about....
2006-12-07 12:28:02
answer #6
answered by princesspie 2
I shop there all the time, and I'm not rich or preppy.
Shopping there does empty out my wallet though, but I like the clothes.
People are so judgmental about clothing brands it's sad.
I have a wide variety of friends, and I don't care where my friends shop, they're my friends and that's all that matters.
2006-12-09 13:16:31
answer #7
answered by Jacques 5
okay. aeropostale isn't even expensive. and they have tacky clothes. and abercrombie and hollister really aren't that expensive compared to other designer brands. their jeans are like 80$ average, when seven, or true religion jeans are like $150+. people who say that are just jealous because they can't afford it. because i know people who like do not dress abercrombie at all, and they make fun of the brand. but when i got hired, and they found out about the discounts, they wanted to shop there. but all they kept asking about were the prices. its just proof that people only make fun of it because they either can't afford it or don't have the look.
2006-12-07 21:18:22
answer #8
answered by xaznmunchkin06x 1
well i have the same problem 2 .. some ppl are just stupied !! i agree with u its not right to jugge ppl by there clothes!! and u know some ppl are just jelouse thats why they say ppl that shop @ abercrombie and hollister are rich snobby preps!!
2006-12-07 12:33:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They're just jealous. My closet is full of Abercrombie, and yes I do have $$$. That's what happens to me at school. Theyre always teasin me because i wear different abercrombie things everyday. Theyre just jealous and they envy you. Everyone calls me a prep, specially when im wearing Lacoste....but thats another story lol.
2006-12-09 13:21:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
theres nothin wit wearing abercrombie n hollister some ppl think thier rich cuz they shop there but i shop at hollister when i feel like it and im not snobby i have money but im not snobby
2006-12-07 12:26:02
answer #11
answered by Lana M 3