Too many people only ask "What Can You Do For Me".They look upon charity to others as a chore to do."The Greatest Generation",the people who went through the "Great Depression" had a very rough time just existing. But they went forth after December 7,1941 and elevated the United States to the top as the worlds greatest nation. If we follow the examples that they have giving us,then we can adapt and prosper. But we need to be one nation.
2006-12-07 12:04:32
answer #1
answered by John34 4
Such a question suggests that the people you spend time with most give this impression to you, or that you might watch TV news too much. It is easy to come to this conclusion if you look for apathetic people. There is your answer. The people that don't have faith in humanity are apathetic. They don't think that they make a difference, but they are wrong. One person makes a huge difference. Look at any great human acheivement. It always took one person's vision to get it started. Everything starts small and builds.
People that lack faith in humanity doubt their own abilities to make a change in their own lives. They are content to complain about how bad everyone else is, but never want to confront their own weaknesses. This is a false belief. People have the power to change themselves, and in doing so, have the power to change others by leading by example.
2006-12-07 20:03:29
answer #2
answered by desertfencing 1
In core, the human beings have an iota of what you called a 'faith' in humanity but the same is deplete now basically due to selfishness, brought up, and non-secular indoctrinations imbibed from the fundamentalist approach. As long as the fundamentalism lasts, the protest in favour of humanism also surges.
2006-12-07 20:05:24
answer #3
answered by leonardo 2
Your question is a good one.
This world is full of hate. It is full of greed. It is selfish for power. It wants what it wants when it wants it. Television is a manual of sarcasm and ridicule. There is no tolerance. Everything is PC (politically correct; which is killing the USA). It is full of cowards and traitors. Communism is rampant on our college and university campuses. God is being forced out and Satan ushered in. The Golden Rule doesn't mean anything any more.
2006-12-07 23:38:43
answer #4
answered by D.A. S 5
The world was not that big {People wise and we did not destroy the earth then the way we do now,,,,Think about it,,,PONDER but a great question gets you to think about what if?We had respect for one another and now L:ife means very Little just like in vietnam,,, and our present war in iraq{location wise}
2006-12-07 19:56:07
answer #5
answered by Gypsy Gal 6
People have little faith in humanity because of how they were raised and people anymore have no respect for others or themselves. Most people today lack in morals & they have no manners. People have become selfish. They don't think of others anymore.
2006-12-07 19:51:44
answer #6
answered by Jaysangl 4
so, lets just give up on petroleum and cars all together, that in turn will take care of global warming, beats me why nobody else can see that
2006-12-07 20:48:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think you're absolutely wrong....I think people have a lot of faith in humanity that's why people stayed plugged in.
Even homeless people still have faith in their fellowman because someone always comes through with some change.
2006-12-07 21:29:47
answer #8
answered by daljack -a girl 7
Because Rosie O'Donnel is still on TV.
2006-12-07 20:25:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous