I'm having an incredibly hard time finding bras without padding in them. I wear a 36C, and all the bras in my size are padded!! All I want is a good underwire bra with no fancy lace or anything, not a sports bra, and no padding. Any suggestions of brands/websites? Even eBay is disappointing.
20 answers
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Beauty & Style
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To answer some of the questions: I have always bought mine at Wal-Mart, and I love the cheapo Fruit of the Loom satiny spandex type ones, but lately even Wal-Mart and Penney's seem to only have those padded ones, unless I want a sports bra. I've tried all the cheap stores.
11:10:05 ·
update #1
Wacoal bras - you can get them cheapish at Nordstram Rack and they have a bra that has no padding or frilliness but is still a good solid bra. I personally like the idea of the VS ipex though, with just a little padding right at the one place it can be useful. The VS bras don't last very long though, which is why I switched to Wacoal. Good luck, bra shopping is difficult.
2006-12-07 10:34:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know what you mean! I wear a 36D and most of them are padded too! I was able to find a couple at JC Penney's that didn't have padding, and there are a couple at Victoria's Secret that are lined, but not padded, and then at Wal-Mart there are some in boxes, and they are 100% padding free! but I do know what you're dealing with. and we don't need any extra help in the chest area!
Good Luck!!!
2006-12-07 10:46:39
answer #2
answered by atiana 6
first of all my first request is stay away from the expancive stores try walmart or like someone already suggested target I am a 38DD and I usually find my bras at walmart not all that expancive and they usually last a while they have all styles but if you go to the wall thatt has the 18 hour comfort sign you should be able to find something in your size thats underwired and not padded good luck
2006-12-07 10:31:39
answer #3
answered by Heather 3
I buy my wife bras and panties from VICTORIAS SECRET all the time. It is all she wears and she is 26. Shop online for the best selection. The stores can be rough at times to find what you need. Check out their "Very Sexy" "Angels" and "Pink" lines of bras for no padding. There are a ton of unpadded bras in your size.
Yes, I am a dude answering this. But dudes do love women's underwear :-)
Please do not buy cheap undergarmets at Walmart or Target. Get the good stuff. And get panties to match, better yet, get two or three pairs (throw a thong or tanga in there for those sexxxxy times). The VS site pairs their bras with matching panty combinations. MATCH IT PLEASE LADIES!!!
2006-12-07 13:52:47
answer #4
answered by mattfz 3
Hi, I know what you going through I am the same size bra as you and i couldn't fidn a bra that I liked that also fit right.I finally found a brand I love. Its called Sweet Nothigns and its sold at Walmart. There great. good luck.
2006-12-07 10:34:43
answer #5
answered by ~*~AmethystMoonBeams~*~ 5
You can try Victoria Secret or go to Macys, Dillard, Sears, JCPenny to find a bra that suites you. Perhaps you need to go to a specialty store, there you can find exactly what you are looking for but keep in mind that you will spend more money.
2006-12-07 10:29:26
answer #6
answered by Angie 3
What you want to look for is a T-shirt Bra. Smooth with nothing on or in them. Sometimes padding isn't bad I used to think it was. They just make the shape of your breasts better not necessarily bigger.
2006-12-07 10:35:53
answer #7
answered by Kier22_2 6
Wal-mart have them without pads. So does target.
2006-12-07 10:34:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Victoria's Secret. Most bras that size don't have padding though. Where are you shopping?
2006-12-07 10:29:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I get mine from Maidenform - and they don't have padding. I'm a little weirded out by the "pre-shaped padded" bras that are out there lately too.
2006-12-07 10:28:07
answer #10
answered by liddabet 6