Its all up to genetics dude - blame your bloodlines - learn to use what you got and a few side tricks - dont worry about her or her opinion, in the big scheme of things it means almost zero. The right one will not care two hoots.
2006-12-07 10:08:55
answer #1
answered by zappafan 6
I don't find your height an issue, as I'm only 5'2". Your weight though, you are very skinny, you weigh less than I did when I was in really good shape(I averaged 130-135 lbs., large framed), skinny guys always felt frail to me, even if they were in good physical shape and/or strong. I don't like young looking guys, I feel dirty(and not in a good way) if I'm with a guy that can pass for a teen. And you don't have to be into the whole "body building culture" to "bulk up" and put on weight. If it's possible for your frame, just eat good, hearty, healthy meals and strength train.
2016-05-23 04:40:43
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Ask yourself, do tall females always have huge boobs? First of all, penis size DOESN'T matter because a female's vagina is only three inches deep in the first place. It can stretch to accommodate a larger male but after 6 or so inches it starts getting painful. All that said, by accident I saw my friend's penis, walking in on him while he was "showing off" to other people. He was 5'3 and his "equipment" was 10 inches. I've always dated tall males; penis size vary not by height but just person to person, same as breasts vary with females. Remember sex is 60% mental and 40% physical. If this girl said something like that she's probably immature as hell with no real knowledge of sex.
2006-12-07 10:15:56
answer #3
answered by ? 3
It depends on your genetics. I have been with 2 super skinny/lanky guys and one was tiny and the other just average. Just do your thing and try to pick better girls to be with. Ones that care about you, not the size it.
2006-12-07 10:14:06
answer #4
answered by Jen 3
I dated a guy who was 6'4" and like 130 pounds, and his was average. But seriously, if the only reason a girl is dating you is because she thinks your schlong is big, then maybe you should start looking for a different dating pool. Other than that, if you're genuinely concerned about size, study up on techniques to compensate for it - there's a TON of resource material out there...
2006-12-07 10:13:34
answer #5
answered by Julia L. 6
From my experience, and I love love love skinny lanky guys. They have average and sometimes surprisinglu thick. I don't think it matters your build size. Sometimes its the luck of the draw. lol! What a funny question.:)
2006-12-07 10:12:25
answer #6
answered by Maynard3 2
i do hear that tall guys have long shlongs, but hey it can't always be true. her loss. just get good at what you do and if the next girl looks a little dissapointed, just show her how you work it.
2006-12-07 10:06:53
answer #7
answered by cami 4