i had a nose ring a few months ago and i loved it, but unfortunately i had to get rid of it because it got infected. anyway don't panic, girl! here's what you do get your nose pierced and use a very very little stud. sometimes they provide the ones with almost no ball on top to begin with so you can cover it up with a little make up. just be very careful, as it can get infected. then, once it is healed you can switch nose rings easily so buy a clear one (yeah the sell them! :-)) for when you are with your parents and buy a cute stud for when you go out. it'll be complicated but there's no easier way. oh, and you can't really remove it for long periods of time because it'll close up. hope i helped.
2006-12-07 10:06:17
answer #1
answered by luxxx ♥ 3
You won't be able to hide the piercing. Even with a retainer, they will see it. Parents are smarter than you think, just wait until you aren't living with them or until you get their consent.
You would not be able to get the piercing and leave it out. While the piercing is healing you are not to remove the jewelry unless there is a large problem and your piercer advises you to do so. Even after the healing period the jewelry can only be left out for small periods of time before the piercing starts to close.
2006-12-07 10:02:47
answer #2
answered by 4eyed zombie 6
Without what growing back??? Do you mean before the area heals?
You need to leave the nose ring in for weeks before taking it out or it can heal very quickly, your better off not having it done if your parents hate it, or speak to them first.
I have had mine done twice and they can get bad infections.
2006-12-07 10:02:56
answer #3
answered by pixilated 3
well first of all the piercer will most likely use a big stud to first pierce your nose then after 1 month u can put whatever stud u like. hiding it will be very difficult. it will close up right away if u take it out to soon.
2006-12-07 10:07:32
answer #4
answered by esmeralda v 1
unless you dont plan on showing your face to your parents again ...i think they will notice if you have a nose ring in ... they grow back really fast tho ..ive had mine done twice and within a day they start to close up ..thats after theyve been in for a long time too ..
2006-12-07 10:04:56
answer #5
answered by she wolf. 4
I believe the amount of time is 6-8 weeks, the best advice I can give you would be to get a tiny spacer, or a tiny skin color stud.
2006-12-07 10:02:17
answer #6
answered by Kat™ 3
sorry to say it but. you aren't going to be able to hide a nose ring. i mean you could get a tiny little stud and hope they don't notice. they could be obliviouse to it for a few days or weeks and maybe they would then let you keep it. but i don't think your chances of getting one and them not noticing are not very high. sorry and good luck.
2006-12-07 10:23:03
answer #7
answered by ~*~AmethystMoonBeams~*~ 5
If your parents look at you in the face at least once a week then, no, you won’t be able to hide it from them long enough to make it permanent (usually takes between 6-8 weeks).
2006-12-07 10:06:29
answer #8
answered by UnknownJaneDoe 2
The only thing I can think of is to go to a place that sells Clown Costumes, and buy one of those big old rubber noses. That oughta cover the nose ring LOL.
2006-12-07 10:01:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
wait 3 months for it to heal and then replace the ring to a sparkling stud. and interior the interim only positioned a bandaid over your piercing like somebody else stated and only tell them you've a large zit. only be careful that you dont have the style of mom which will opt for to look at it or pop it :p
2016-11-30 06:58:40
answer #10
answered by schebel 4