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I mean look at them? THey look like 12 year boys!

Body ratio for a man:

1. Hips are same or almost same as waist
2. Shoulders tend to be much wider than hips
3. Jaw line tends to be more square
4. Usually taller than average female height

Body Ratio of Models

1. Hips are same or almost same as waist
2. Shoulders tend to be much wider than hips
3. Jaw line tends to be more square
4. Usually taller than average female height

Breasts in and of themselves do not a feminine body make.
I personally find them to be gross and mutant alien lookin.

Monica Bellucci, Beyonce, Laura Harring
Marylin Monroe...those are what women should
look like not like a really skinny man.

I think guys are turning gay or something

2006-12-07 09:27:48 · 6 answers · asked by Bijorn the Viking 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

Body Ratio for Women ( or used to be )

1. Hips much wider than waist
2. Shoulders same or close to the same as hips
3. Soft rounded, feminine jaw line
4. Average height much shorter than male
5. A good amount of fat on the body, ( not
read overweight! ) healthy

2006-12-07 09:30:54 · update #1

6 answers

I think you are completely right...im definitely not jealous of the supermodels in this world because they look horrible, ugly, and way too skinny!!!! I feel that if the modeling world accepted skinny girls (Healthy) many more women would feel better about themselves and they woudl feel accepted in society

2006-12-07 09:44:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

that's a really sweet thing to say, but in the society we live in today, there aren't very many men who will share your preferences in women. most men like that super tall, super skinny look. that's why us women spend so much time working out so we can try to be and stay super skinny.
it's really nice to know that you appreciate curves enough to write in about it. I respect you for that.
Take Care.

2006-12-07 10:37:15 · answer #2 · answered by atiana 6 · 2 0

Thanks, you absolutely made my day. Sometimes I think men would rather we look like a cross between a stick insect and a teenage boy. I'm glad at least one guy out there appreciates women who look soft and feminine. Take care : )

2006-12-07 12:29:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

yeah...not the kind of guys i find attractive. I think most girls like to feel protected by their guy instead of feeling like they're going to break him. The modeling world is such an illusion.

2006-12-07 10:13:28 · answer #4 · answered by 1texascutie 1 · 2 0

Yes, I personally don't like that.

2006-12-07 09:31:35 · answer #5 · answered by Webballs 6 · 1 1


2006-12-07 09:33:50 · answer #6 · answered by Gutta Chick 2 · 0 1

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