to tell you the truth, only 2 or 3.
2006-12-07 08:22:50
answer #1
answered by puh-lease 3
Frank Francis Federicho Fabio Ferris Fantasia Franz Fred Fran Faith Felicity Felix Fernando Filbert Florence Floyd Frasier
2006-12-07 17:13:36
answer #2
answered by 3
Three who have first names starting with F: Felicia, Frank and Fred and one other person whos last name does: Mrs. Foster.
2006-12-08 17:29:24
answer #3
answered by DandyNet 1
I directly knew a:
Freda: my paternal grandmother
Flora: my maternal grandfather's cousin
Fannie: my paternal grandmother's oldest sister
Fred: my former father in law
Faye: my own middle name
Ferdinand: A Spanish Teacher when I was in High School
Fiona: my first cousin's new baby
Fran: a former friend's former sister in law
Franko: a former friend's husband
Felicia: The gal that set next to me at lunch in College
2006-12-07 19:36:43
answer #4
answered by ToadysFroggy 3
Just one. Fred.
2006-12-08 12:45:12
answer #5
answered by jendunt 2
2006-12-07 16:18:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
maybe one
2006-12-07 16:17:54
answer #7
answered by captrick20 3
FABIANA Female Italian Bean Farmer
FABIANO Male Italian Bean Farmer
FABIENNE Female French Bean Grower
FABIO Male Latin Bean Farmer
FABIOLA Female Italian Bean Grower
FABRIZIO Male Latin One with Skillful Hands
FABUNNI Male African God has Given Me This
FADEY Male Slavic Courageous
FAI Male Chinese Brilliant Light
FAIRFAX Male English Fair Haired
FAIRLY Both English The Far Meadow
FAITH Female Latin To Trust
FALA Female Native American A Crow
FALALA Female African Born in Abundance
FALLON Female Celtic/Gaelic Of a Ruling Family
FANCHON Female Hebrew Free, Whimsical
FANCY Female English Decorated
FAOLAN Male Celtic/Gaelic Wolf
FAREEDA Female Arabic Unique
FARICA Female German Chief of Peace
FARIS Male Arabic Horseman/Knight
FARLEY Both Celtic/Gaelic From the Bull Pasture
FARRAH Female English Delightful
FARRELL Male Celtic/Gaelic Of Proven Courage
FARREN Both English Wanderer
FARSIRIS Female Persian Princess
FATHI Male Arabic Victory
FATHIA Female Arabic Victory
FATIMA Female Arabic Daughter of the Prophet
FAUNA Female Greek Goddess of Fertility
FAUNIA Female Latin Young Deer
FAUNUS Both Latin God of Forests
FAUSTA Female Italian Fortunate
FAUSTINE Female Italian Lucky
FAUSTO Male Spanish Lucky
FAUSTUS Male Greek Lucky
FAUVE Female French Wild and uninhibited
FAVIAN Male Latin Brave Man
FAWN Female French Young Deer
FAWZI Male Arabic Winner
FAWZIA Female Arabic Winner
FAXON Male Latin Thick-Haired
FAY Female French Fairy or Elf
FAYE Female French Fairy or Elf
FAYLINN Female English Fairy Kingdom
FAYOLA Female African Walks With Honor
FAYRE Female English Beautiful
FEARGHUS Male Celtic/Gaelic Strong Man
FEDELLA Female Latin From Fedelia or Fidel-faithful
FEDERICO Male Spanish Peaceful Ruler
FEDORA Female Greek Divine Gift
FEIVEL Male Hebrew God Assists
FELETI Male Italian Peace
FELICE Female Latin Fortunate, Happy
FELICIA Female Latin Happiness
FELICITY Female Latin Happiness
FELIX Male Latin Happy and Prosperous
FELL Male English A Field
FELTON Male English Town in a Field
FEMI Female Egyptian Love
FENELLA Female Celtic/Gaelic Fair
FENG Female Chinese Maple or Phoenix
FENNELLA Female Celtic/Gaelic White Shoulder
FEO Male Spanish Ugly
FEORAS Male Celtic/Gaelic Smooth Rock
FERDINAND Male German To be Courageous
FERGAL Male Celtic/Gaelic Man of Strength
FERGUS Male Celtic/Gaelic Manly
FERGUSON Male Celtic/Gaelic Son of FERGUS
FERN Female English A Fern Plant or See FERDINAND
FERNANDO Male Spanish Daring, Adventurous
FERRIS Male Celtic/Gaelic Iron Worker
FERROL Male English Iron Ring
FERYAL Female Arabic Beauty of light
FERYL Female All Nationalities
FEWS Both Celtic/Gaelic Woods
FIA Female Portuguese Weaver
FIACHRA Female Celtic/Gaelic Irish Saint
FICO Male Italian A Fig
FIDEL Male Latin Faithful
FIDELIA Female Spanish Faithful
FIDELINA Female Spanish Little faithful one
FIDELIO Male Italian Faithful
FIDELLA Female Latin Faithful
FIELD Male English A Field
FIFI Female French He Shall Add
FILBERT Male English Brilliant
FILIA Female Greek Friendship
FILIPINA Female Polish Lover of Horses
FINDLAY Male Celtic/Gaelic Blond-haired soldier
FINEEN Female Celtic/Gaelic Fair Offspring
FINLAY Male Celtic/Gaelic Blond-haired soldier
FINLEY Male Celtic/Gaelic Fair Haired One
FINN Male Celtic/Gaelic Fair
FINNA Female Celtic/Gaelic Fair
FINNEA Female Celtic/Gaelic Wood of the Ford
FINOLA Female Celtic/Gaelic White Haired
FIONA Female Celtic/Gaelic White, Fair
FIONAN Male Celtic/Gaelic Fair
FIONN Female Celtic/Gaelic From FIONA
FIONNUALA Female Celtic/Gaelic Fair shoulders
FIONNULA Female Celtic/Gaelic From the name FIONA
FIORELLA Female Italian Little flower
FIORELLO Male Italian Little floewr
FIORENZA Female Italian Flower
FISK Male English A Fish
FISSEHA Female African Happiness, Joy
FITZWILLIAM Male Celtic/Gaelic Son of William
FLAN Both Celtic/Gaelic From Flannery
FLANN Male Celtic/Gaelic Son of the red-haired man
FLANNERRY Male African
FLANNERY Both Celtic/Gaelic Flat Land
FLAVIAN Male Greek Yellow, Blonde
FLETA Female English Swift
FLETCHER Male English Arrow Maker
FLEUR Female French From the name FLORENCE
FLINT Male English Hard Quartz Rock
FLO Female Latin From the name RENCE
FLORA Female Latin Flowering
FLORAMARIA Female Spanish Flower of Mary
FLORENCE Female Latin Prosperous, Flowering
FLORIA Female Latin Flowering
FLORIANE Female Latin Flowering
FLORIDA Female Spanish Flowering
FLORRIE Female Latin From the name FLORENCE
FLOWER Female Latin From the name FLORENCE
FLOYD Male Welsh The Hollow
FLYNN Male Celtic/Gaelic Heir to the Redheaded
FOLA Female African Honor
FONDA Female Spanish The Earth, Grounded
FORBES Male Celtic/Gaelic Prosperous
FORD Male English River crossing
FORDON Male English To Destroy
FOREST Both English From the Woods
FOREVER Female American Never Ending
FORREST Male English Of the Woods, Forest
FORRESTER Male English Of the Forest
FORSTER Male English From the name FORRESTER
FORTUNE Male French Given to Luck
FOSTER Male English From the name FORREST
FOUNTAIN Both French A Spring
FOX Male English A Fox
FOY Male Celtic/Gaelic A Journey
FRALEY Male English Friar
FRAN Both Latin Free
FRANCES Female Latin Free
FRANCESCA Female Latin Free
FRANCINE Female French Form of FRANCES
FRANCIS Male Latin Free
FRANCISCO Male Spanish Free Land
FRANCOIS Male French Free
FRANK Male Latin Free
FRANKLIN Male English Free Man
FRANZ Male German Free
FRASIER Male English Stawberry
FRAYNE Male English Ash Tree
FRED Male German Peaceful Ruler
FREDDY Male German From the name FREDERICK
FREDERICA Female German From the name FREDRICA
FREDERICK Male German Peaceful Ruler
FREDRICA Female German Peace
FREDRICKA Female German Peaceful ruler
FREED Male English Form of FREDERICK
FREEMAN Male English Free Man
FREIRA Female Spanish Sister
FREJA Female Scandinavian Norse Goddess of Love
FREMONT Male English Freedom Mountain
FRENCH Both American From France
FREY Male Scandinavian God of Weather
FREYA Female Scandinavian Goddess of Love, Fertility and Beauty
FRIEDA Female German Peace, Joy
FRITZ Male German Contraction of FREDERICK
FRITZI Female German From the name FREIDA
FRUMA Female Hebrew One Who Is Religious
FRYE Male English Seed, Offspring
FULBRIGHT Male English Very Light
FULLER Male English Occupational Surname
FYNN Male Celtic/Gaelic Form of FINN
2006-12-07 16:30:54
answer #8
answered by Deonte 2