Kohl's has some cute manicure & pedicure sets that come in purses or makeup bags. They range from about 9.00-20.00. Very cute, very affordable. I was at my Kohl's about two days ago and they still had Christmas sales going on!
2006-12-07 11:04:05
answer #1
answered by throttle2fast4u 2
Any local nail salon or a 'sally's' will have little kits that you could get her. It comes with the file, the cream, the cuticle remover, etc. Basically everything you would need for a manicure. I have even found them for myself at walgreens. And i'm sure they've got them at wal-mart or target. Good luck and Merry Christmas!
2006-12-07 07:58:41
answer #2
answered by #1 Buckeye Fan!!!! 4
you can go to a nearby Bath and Body Works store.. they have all the indulges a girl can get including manicure sets (clippers and other materials).. along with it they sell nail files buffers and all the thinkgs you need for a perfect manicure.. if you need help you can ask a representative to help find what you are looking for.
2006-12-07 08:17:10
answer #3
answered by FashionRocks 4
One idea is to get your niece a ''coupon'' for a free manicure at a salon. Also try Sally's Beauty Supply online or any beauty supply store in your area.
2006-12-07 07:53:56
answer #4
answered by kryn 1
They have those kind of things at Targets or Walmarts. Sephora is also a good store to check. They have nail files..etc. There website is sephora.com. Also check beauty supply places in your town such as Sally's Beauty supply.
2006-12-07 07:55:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What 13 year old wants a manicure set we all want the electronics or clothes get her some apple bottom jeans or aeropostle, abercombie and fitch, or american eagle shirts that will make her reall happy
2006-12-07 08:13:15
answer #6
answered by Saidah B 2
Go to Sally's or any nail salon.Drug stores carry a few but not a big selection.. Good luck
2006-12-07 08:30:55
answer #7
answered by ~ mama goose~ 2
why not just go to a manicure store or try malls sometimes the will have little stands for stuff like that.
2006-12-07 07:59:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Unless the 18 year old is a big Alice in Wonderland fan, then definitely the younger one.
2016-05-23 04:21:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Try Bath and Body Works. They have some wonderful kits, and gifts baskets, that come with everything she'll need to take care of her hands.
2006-12-07 08:04:24
answer #10
answered by welches_grape_jelly 6