It depends on how dressed up you want to get. Or if it's the regular "business Christmas party." There's so many cute blouses/shirts/tops at The Loft Ann Taylor or New York and Co. It also depends on where you live and the type of pants you're going to be wearing. Good luck!
2006-12-07 08:33:07
answer #1
answered by laughalot221 1
Its really hard to find the right top for you. After all you have not mentioned what you plan to wear with the top, and finding the right top could also be sold out in your size on certain websites.
By the time you recieve, look at my answer and even think about browsing for the ideal top, delivery on any item may be too late. Saturday is only 2 days away.
I would suggest taking a look at your nearest town stores, look in clearence racks for any quick-fix bargains. If you can find a top, you can always choose a casual one and dress it up using accessories, like sequin belt, chain jewellery or a sparkly wrist bangle.
2006-12-07 16:06:17
answer #2
answered by lonely as a cloud 6
I'm going to a party on saturday too and have nothing to wear, I have the same problem, except I have tops, just need a pair of trousers/skirt that fits me, but I seem to be an awkward shape or something.. :(
Umm.. Try places like Matalan, most of their stuff is a bit chavvy, but you can get some really nice stuff there, and it's really cheap.
New Look has some nice clothes, but they don't really fit that well. or at least, not me.
2006-12-07 15:48:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It depends on what you are looking for and what you consider "the usual" as far as stores go, as well as how much you want to spend. Check H&M (if you have one in your area), Target, Old Navy or Forever 21 for inexpensive, trendy styles. If cost isn't a huge option, try Nordstrom, Banana Repupublic or BCBG. Good luck!
2006-12-07 15:46:16
answer #4
answered by Shelley L 6
why not do something different and go in a charity shop they have some nice stuff and some good designer stuff if you go to a posh area you get some really good stuff for next to nothing
2006-12-07 15:43:34
answer #5
answered by julie t 5
George at Asda must be something there great tops for less.
2006-12-07 15:42:41
answer #6
answered by Jim B. 2
Have you tried Primark? You're bound to find something in there!
2006-12-07 16:44:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Kew, New look,M&S, Hennies,PRIMARK is the best everything in it and so cheap you will find anything promise you!
2006-12-07 15:48:51
answer #8
answered by Holli J 1
stictches, marceys, jc penny, kohles, zellars, giant tiger, walmart, k-mart, n more
2006-12-07 16:19:21
answer #9
answered by ♥PrEcIoUs♥DaYdReAmEr♥ 3
go topless!!!
2006-12-07 15:52:31
answer #10
answered by ZAH08 1