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2006-12-07 07:33:23 · 16 answers · asked by jetcityradio 1 in Dining Out Vietnam Other - Vietnam

16 answers

Dude where did you hear that from. Im a 16 vietnamese. i was born there and got adopted when i was 8 yrs old. Yes , some vietnamese eat dog only becuase they are starving. im sure any one would eat anything to survive. No they don't eat cat, not at all. Vietnamese do not just eat dog because it taste like chicken or they want to. they have to in order to survive if they have nothing to eat. Please be respectful to my people. Thanks.

2006-12-07 07:41:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 7

Yes, of course they eat dogs and cats, snakes, etc... Restaurants that feature these animals are not uncommon. There are a great many other animals who are eaten there, that others might consider not meant for human consumption. That is, if there is not famine and other foods available. The dogs and cats are raised for food, and are treated horribly in all stages of the process. They are skinned alive, and then gutted, and sometimes boiled alive. I don't care about these vegan holes comparing common meat animals to dogs and cats, as being no difference. There is! I am not proud of the way we raise and kill and eat animals, but there is no need to do it to our friends, dogs and cats. The technology exists now to create synthetic meat that tastes good, and is completely safe, with no cholesterol or other unhealthy compounds. Life, in general is not valued and revered in Vietnam, it is a very brutal place and the outlook is hard to understand. Stubborness might best describe it best, can be a good thing, but myopic vision maintains archaic ideas and customs like this. The Vietnam war was, in the end, a testing ground for our weapons against the commies, and we found that they did not care how many of them died, they just wanted us out of there. I say, to hell with SEA, anyone that wants it will encounter the same issues, all of those countries have repressive and cruel military regimes, and little tolerance for voices of choice and freedom. Research the extent of the brutalities in Nam and the rest of these countries, just in their recent histories and struggles, it is a horror, a horror, the horror, the horror....

2014-07-28 11:35:12 · answer #2 · answered by Renotsky 1 · 1 1

Well... My mom lived in Viet Nam, before the stupid Viet Cong took over, and well, yes, her cat was eaten by her neighbor. But you know what? It was during desperate times, and I believe that the Viet (Okay, I'm pure Vietnamese, so don't say I'm being racist. I have right to criticize my own race) still eat it, but apparently only where they're really poor and when guys get drunk at the bar and eat it. Frankly, I live in America, but it's pretty much America's fault we're in this mess. I mean... Agent Orange, Blue, and White? C'mon. Practically most of the wildlife were wiped out.

2013-09-04 12:02:53 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 1 1

Lots of different cultures eat dogs, guinea pigs and yes even cats in some cases. Seems strange to us...but some of the stuff we eat seems strange to other cultures, example: cows and pigs.

2016-03-13 04:26:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only reason that Vietnamese will ever/have ever eaten dog is because they didn't have enough money at the time that they ate it.

2006-12-07 10:34:59 · answer #5 · answered by nancy t 2 · 7 1

Um let`s see that`s in movies,ok,and only when people didn`t have money they would eat it in one time And that`s a big mean sentence because most of my heratage is there.

2006-12-09 12:33:17 · answer #6 · answered by Nikki 1 · 0 1

Not true. In Korea they resorted to eating dogs...as the result of a famine. The younger generations don`t do it anymore. Stop spreading lies, ignoramus.

2006-12-07 07:43:02 · answer #7 · answered by Gallifrey's Gone 4 · 1 2

that is a myth.It is true that VC soldiers did sometimes, but that was purely a survival tactic during the war...anybody would do the same to avoid starvation

2006-12-07 07:38:30 · answer #8 · answered by zskip62 5 · 0 1

wow.. horrible question, I have goose bump when I read these words.. it's terrible..wuwwuu...ooooouuuu! I feel sick now.. like horror films....

2006-12-09 20:25:25 · answer #9 · answered by Neighbour 5 · 0 0

that's not true! my girlfriend it from there and i went to that country what they eat it's the esencial to live... like.. corn weird rice and meat!

2006-12-07 07:36:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1