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okay. this is the thing. theres this kid at school right? well i really like him. & hes also a grade older. i wanna wear something cute tomorrow for school but not sure what. i am very preppy so gimme ideas.

FYI: he likes girls with big boobs & bums ( which i have ) but i need to let him to see them, without seeing them.


2006-12-07 07:18:20 · 11 answers · asked by Rachee 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

11 answers

Pair of them nice short things,
A nice low cut but niot to slutty top, maybe gold cos thts in at the moment i think lmao!
Some ankle boots.
A nice necklace and earing set =D


Some nice jeans (hip ones preferbly)
A white vest , with a really nice necklacce...
And some nice dolly shoes..


2006-12-07 07:25:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just use a tampon. It doesn't hurt at all. How long does your period last? Alot of us answered your question earlier, I for one did. Just stop worrying and wait it out til wednesday. Worrying about it now isn't going to help you in any way shape or form. I know how bad you want to enjoy yourself with your friends on the trip that you already paid for. Wednesday will be day four on your period. If you are still on, Just use a junior absorbency tampon, they are really small and it won't hurt you at all even if you are only 14. They are made for young ladies like you. Then you can have fun. So just stop worrying about things you can't control. The issue is really simple to fix. Just wait til wednesday and do what you need to do depending if your period is still there or not.

2016-05-23 04:14:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, whatever you wear, keep it along with your style. Don't wear something Paris Hilton like to impress a guy! The best thing you can do is look like the best version of you-the person you want to be. Keep your own style and find an outfit that YOU like. If you are happy with the way you look and you are comfortable, it will show in your face and attitude. Nothing attracts others like a confident happy person!

2006-12-07 07:30:07 · answer #3 · answered by sarahq74 2 · 1 0

Wear your personality. Guys don't like when girls have to act fake to attract their attention, that just turns them off. As for clothes...Wear some nice jeans and a cute t-shirt and say Hi to him.

(Note: Guys that like girls for their body shape are shallow...sorry to tell you.)

2006-12-07 07:23:57 · answer #4 · answered by H.L.A. 7 · 0 0

This situation seems beyond help, but I would suggest you wear something that won't have the teachers send you home to change into something else because that's all really a stupid waste of time. Good luck on your attempt to favorably attract his attention.

2006-12-07 07:24:59 · answer #5 · answered by dumb 6 · 1 1

U need to wear tight jeans (do u have some Baby Phat jeans? they r sexy) with high heels to make your booty look juicy. And u need to wear sexy shirt- but not too sexy 'cause u don't wanna look like a slut. Wear something red or pink, 4 real, I know what I'm talking about.

2006-12-07 07:23:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You can wear a tighter fitting shirt with a cute short jacket over it and some cute jeans.

2006-12-07 07:20:55 · answer #7 · answered by Krissy 3 · 0 1

you probably wont like my suggestion but you shouldn't have to worry about what to wear to get his attention, and especially something to show off any of your body parts. then he could just use you for what you've got as you put it and then dump you to the curb. you should be able to just be yourself and dress like you normally do. if he doesn't like you for you being yourself then he is not worth the time or the stress you are putting on yourself. but for what it is worth good luck and GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-07 07:32:54 · answer #8 · answered by toots2000 4 · 1 0


2006-12-07 07:27:05 · answer #9 · answered by markayla h 1 · 0 0

wear a really tight shirt and show what u got

2006-12-07 07:25:49 · answer #10 · answered by amouya f 2 · 0 2

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